Fellows Directory

Over 1,400 AAS fellowships have been awarded since the program's inception in 1972. Each fellow's institutional affiliation and position at the time of the fellowship is listed.

Displaying 1001 - 1200 of 1507

Name Date Fellowship Project
Mary Beth Norton
Professor, Cornell University
1984-85 Peterson Gender in Seventeenth-Century America
Lisa Norwood
Graduate Student, Stanford University
2001-02 Morgan Grounds for the New Nation: Constructing Sense of Place from 1780-1860
Kathryn Nuernberger
Poet, Minneapolis–St. Paul, MN
2010 Hearst A collection of poems that merges poetic and academic impulses through special attention to performance art from the 19th century as well as games, plays, and librettos
Elmer O'Brien
Director, United Theological Seminary
1990-91 RA American Christianity and the Media
Jean M. O'Brien
PhD Candidate, University of Chicago
1987-88 Peterson Community Dynamics in the Indian-English Town of Natick, Massachusetts, 1650-1790
Karen O'Brien
PhD Candidate, Northwestern University
2001-02 Peterson Making the Personal Political: Religion, Obligation and Identity in the American Revolution
Barry F. O'Connell
Professor, Amherst College
1995-96 AAS-NEH Surviving Identites: Native American Writers and Their People's Survival, 1780-1840
Keegan O'Connor
PhD Candidate in English and Drama, Queen Mary University of London
2022-23 Packer Volatile Presences: The American Experience of Seventeenth-Century English Writing
Patrick O'Connor
PhD Candidate, University of Montana
2017-18 Peterson The Health of the State: Tobacco and the Paradox of Public Power, 1862-1933
Stephen O'Connor
Non-Fiction Writer, New York, NY
1997 Wallace Orphan Trains: The Story of Charles Loring Brace and the Children He Saved and Failed
Andrew J. O'Shaughnessy
Lecturer, Lincoln College, Oxford University
1986-87 Peterson The Politics of the Leeward Islands
Mairin Odle
PhD Candidate, New York University
2012-13 Last Stories Written on the Body: Cross-Cultural Markings in the North American Atlantic, 1600-1830
Chinaza Amaeze Okoli
Assistant Professor of English, Eastern Kentucky University
2024-25 Last Freedom of the Scenes: Performance Cultures and Black Atlantic Literature, 1750-1830
Justine Oliva
PhD Candidate, University of New Hampshire
2016-17 Botein Anne C. L. Botta and the Business of Friendship
Christopher Oliver
PhD Candidate, University of Virginia
2010-11 Last Civic Visions: The Panorama and Popular Amusement in American Art and Society, 1845-1870
Jesse Olsavsky
Assistant Professor of History, Duke Kunshan University
2021-22 AAS-NEH Fire and Sword Will Affect More Good: Runaways, Vigilance Committees, and the Rise of Revolutionary Abolitionism, 1835-1861
Peter S. Onuf
Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation Professor, University of Virginia
2017-18 Mellon Distinguished Scholar The Worlds of Isaiah Thomas
Peter S. Onuf
Assistant Professor, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
1984-85 AAS-NEH The Northwest Ordinance
J. Opal
PhD Candidate, Brandeis University
2002-03 Legacy Ambition and Democracy: Worldly Pursuits and Aspirations in New England, 1780 - 1830
Christine Oravec
Assistant Professor, University of Utah
1983-84 RA The Rhetorical Criticism of American Discourse, 1810-1850
Ittai Orr
PhD Candidate in American Studies, Yale University
2019-20 Packer American Intelligences: Literature and the Science of the Mind, 1780-1870
Gillian Osborne
Postdoctoral, University of California, Berkeley
2015-16 Packer Henry David Thoreau and Antebellum Botany
Camille Owens
PhD Candidate in African American Studies, Yale University
2018-19 Schiller Blackness and the Human Child: Race, Prodigy, and the Logic of American Childhood
Jerrad Pacatte
PhD Candidate in History, Rutgers University
2020-21 Peterson Fit for Town and Country: African American Women, Labor, and the Pursuit of Freedom in New England, 1740-1850
Derek Pacheco
Assistant Professor, Purdue University
2013-14 Packer Transcendentalism and Children's Literature
Cynthia Packard
Lecturer and PhD Candidate, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
1996-97 AHPCS The Black Image in Photography, Art and the Popular Press, 1850-1876
Nell Irvin Painter
Professor, Princeton University
1991-92 Peterson A Critical Biography of Sojourner Truth
Marcia Pankake
PhD Candidate, University of Minnesota
1974-75 Daniels American Travel Accounts, 1610-1812
Andrea Pappas
Associate Professor of Art and Art History, Santa Clara University
2023-24 Last Art and Enslavement in Two Massachusetts Embroideries 1756-1758
Nikos Pappas
PhD Candidate, University of Kentucky
2007-08 Reese "Sacred Music Tune Index of Southern and Western Source Material (1760-1870)
Claire Parfait
Professor, Universite de Paris 13
2012-13 Reese African American Historians, 1830s-1930s: Book History and Historiography
Catherine Parisian
Independent Scholar,
2008-09 Reese A Publication History of the Works of Frances Burney
Aimee Parkison
Fiction Writer, Stillwater, OK
2013 Hearst Sister Seance: A historical literary novel set in Concord, MA in the 19th century, that explores the hidden sexual implications in parlor games and holiday courtship rituals of Victorian Americans
Susan Scott Parrish
Assistant Professor, University of Michigan
2003-04 Botein Colonial and Early National American Almanac
Rachael Pasierowska
PhD Candidate in History, Rice University
2018-19 Peterson Beasts, Birds, and Bondsmen: Animal and Slave Interactions in Atlantic World Slavery
Jeffrey L. Pasley
Associate Professor, University of Missouri, Columbia
2004-05 AAS-ASECS Jeffersonian Democracy Revisited: Popular Political Culture in Print, 1800-1828
Joanne Passet
PhD Candidate, University of Wisconsin, Madison
1997-98 Peterson The American Debate on Marriage: Religion, Gender, and Social Radicalism, 1850-1900
Christopher Pastore
PhD Candidate, University of New Hampshire
2010-11 Peterson From Sweetwater to Seawater; An Environmental and Atlantic History of Narragansett Bay, 1636-1836
Monique Patenaude
PhD Candidate, University of Rochester
2008-09 Peterson Comparative History of Black Communities in Buffalo, Rochester, and Syracuse, NY, 1840-1870
Cynthia Patterson
Assistant Professor, University of South Florida, Lakeland
2008-09 Last 'Exclusively from Original Designs': The Philadelphia Pictorials and the Graphic Arts
Erin Pauwels
Assistant Professor of Art History, Temple University
2019-20 Last Napoleon Sarony and the Art of Living Pictures
Emily Pawley
PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania
2009-10 AAS-NEH 'The Balance Sheet of Nature': Calculating the New York Farm, 1825-1860
Erika Pazian
PhD Candidate in History, CUNY Graduate Center
2018-19 AHPCS Visual Culture and National Identity during the U.S.-Mexican War
Edward Pearson
Assistant Professor, Franklin & Marshall College
1997-98 RA Plays, Playhouses, and Players in Early America, 1720-1825
Stacia Pelletier
Author, Dahlonega, GA
2025 Hearst Research about Jemima Wilkinson, also known as the Public Universal Friend, for a novel
Patricia Pender
Associate Professor, University of Newcastle
2013-14 Reese Anne Bradstreet's Publication History, 1650-1867
Sarah Perkins
PhD Candidate, Stanford University
2013-14 Last Dixie Bound: The Story of an American Literary Movement, 1860-1930
Seth Perry
Assistant Professor of Religion, Princeton University
2018-19 Reese Lorenzo Dow and the Origins of American Religious Celebrity
Carla G. Pestana
Assistant Professor, Ohio State University
1988-89 Peterson Sectarianism in Colonial Massachusetts
Catherine Peters
PhD Candidate in American Studies, Harvard University
2020-21 Tracy A Free Race of Cultivators: Empire, Race, and Nature in the Nineteenth-Century Caribbean
Dawn Peterson
PhD in American Studies, New York University
2012-13 Hench Unusual Sympathies: Settler Imperialism, Slavery, and the Politics of Adoption in the Early U.S. Republic
Mark A. Peterson
Assistant Professor, University of Iowa
1999-00 Botein The Mather Family and the Construction of an Atlantic Protestant International
Marianne Petit
Mixed Media Artist, New York, NY
2020 Last (Artist) Mouth & Toes: The World of 19th-Century (Performative) Silhouette Artists with Disabilities
Paula E. Petrik
Associate Professor, Montana State University
1988-89 RA Playthings for the Republic's Children: American Culture and the Business of Play
Elizabeth Petrino
Associate Professor, Fairfield University
2007-08 Reese "'Kitchen in Parnassus': Lydia Sigourney as Poet, Activist, and Historian"
Leila Philip
Writer, Woodstock, CT
2018 Baron Non-fiction book about the experiences of contemporary New England fur trappers, offering a compelling, if startling window through which to reconsider environmentalism
Christopher N. Phillips
Associate Professor of English, Lafayette College
2016-17 Burkhardt The Hymnal Before the Notes: A History of Reading and Practice
Christopher N. Phillips
Assistant Professor, Lafayette College
2012-13 Lapides The Hymn as a Vehicle for Children's Literacy, 1700-1850
Christopher W. Phillips
Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati
2004-05 Peterson South of North: The Civil War on the Middle Border
Jennifer Pierce
Assistant Professor, University of Iowa
2009-10 Last The Reign of Children: Games and Toys in American Public Libraries
Yvette Piggush
Assistant Professor, Florida International University
2009-10 Peterson We Have No Ruins: Antiquarianism, Archives, and National Identity in the United States, 1790-1840
Yvette Piggush
Assistant Professor, Florida International University
2011-12 AAS-NEH We Have No Ruins: Historical Fiction and American Artifacts in the Early United States, 1790-1850
Pauline Pilote
PhD Candidate in English and American Literature, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
2017-18 d'Héricourt Reading Walter Scott in Nineteenth-Century America
Laura Ping
Adjunct Assistant Professor of History, Pace University
2020-21 Jaffee Beyond Bloomers: Fashioning Change Nineteenth-Century Dress
Phillippa Pitts
PhD Candidate in History of Art & Architecture, Boston University
2022-23 Jaffee The Self-Made Man: Race, Gender, and Disability in Antebellum Pharmaceutical Imaginaries
Geoffrey Plank
Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati
1996-97 AAS-ASECS The Culture of Conquest, Acadia or Nova Scotia in the British Colonial Imagination, 1690-1759
Samantha Plasencia
Assistant Professor of English, Colby College
2023-24 Peterson Signifying Against Anti-Blackness: Black Rhetorical Communities in Early America 1760-1830
Tanya Pohrt
Project Curator, Lyman Allyn Art Museum
2018-19 Drawn to Art Mary Way and Elizabeth Way Champlain: Miniaturists of the Early Republic
Paul Polgar
Associate Professor of History, University of Mississippi
2022-23 Peterson An Abolition Peace: Black Rights, the Union Cause, and the Rise of Radical Reconstruction
Justin Pope
Visiting Assistant Professor of History, Beloit College
2016-17 Legacy Dangerous Spirit of Liberty: How Slave Rebellion Transformed the Atlantic World
Robert Pope
Associate Professor, State University of New York, Buffalo
1975-76 Daniels Persecution of the Quakers in Seventeenth-Century New England
Susan Porter
Associate Professor, Ohio State University, Lima
1987-88 RA Performance Practice in Early American Musical Theatre
Andrew Porwancher
Professor of Constitutional Studies & Judaic Studies, University of Oklahoma
2023-24 AAS-NEH The Great Jewish Lunacy Trial
Christy Pottroff
PhD Candidate, Fordham University
2016-17 Last The Mail Gaze: Early American Literature, Letters, and the Post Office
Alyson Pou
Performance Artist, New York, NY
2004 Hearst A Slight Headache (solo performance)
Lloyd P. Pratt
Assistant Professor, Michigan State University
2009-10 AAS-NEH The Freedoms of a Stranger: American and African American Literature, 1830-1860
Katherine Preston
PhD Candidate, CUNY
1986-87 Peterson Traveling Opera Troupes in the United States, 1830-65.
Katherine Preston
Associate Professor,
2003-04 Peterson Against the Grain: English-Language Opera Companies in Late Nineteenth-Century America
Katherine Preston
PhD Candidate, CUNY
1985-86 Peterson Traveling Opera Troupes in the United States, 1830-65
Hunter Price
Visiting Assistant Professor, Western Washington University
2015-16 Reese The Traveling Connexion: Religion, Capital, and the Origins of the South Middle Class, 1760-1830
Janet Pritchard
Professor of Art Emerita, University of Connecticut
2022 Last (Artist) Research for photographic project about the Connecticut River and its rich history from early European settlement to 19th-century industrialism to protected land
Janet Pritchard
Photographer, Mansfield Center, CT
2008 Last (Artist) More Than Scenery: Yellowstone, An American Love Story
Sally M. Promey
Professor, University of Maryland
2001-02 AHPCS Religion in Plain View: The Public Aesthetics of American Belief
Tatania Prorokova
Adjunct Instructor in American Studies, Philipps-Universität Marburg
2018-19 Ebeling Climate Change, the Environment, and the Industrial Revolution in the U.S.
Jonathan Prude
Assistant Professor of History, Emory University
1980-81 Daniels The Meaning of Food in Early American History
Elizabeth Pryor
Assistant Professor, Smith College
2010-11 Peterson The United States Itinerancy of Mrs. Zilpha Elaw, 1812-1840
Sarah Purcell
Associate Professor, Grinnell College
2007-08 Peterson The Politics of Mourning and the U.S. Civil War
Antonia Purk
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Erfurt
2022-23 Ebeling Cooking up Significations: Foodways and Racialization in American Literature of the Long 19th Century
Matthew Pursell
PhD Candidate, Brown University
2003-04 Peterson English Liberty, American Bondage: Servitude in the British Atlantic, 1630-1780
Thomas Purvis
Assistant Professor, Auburn University at Montgomery
1987-88 AAS-NEH A Decade of Conflict:Anglo-American Mobilization in the Era of the Seven Years' War, 1754-1764
Hélène Quanquin
Associate Professor, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris
2014-15 d'Héricourt From The Liberator to The Nation: The Periodical Legacies of William Lloyd Garrison and Wendell Phillips
Hélène Quanquin
Associate Professor, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris
2009-10 Peterson 'With feebler voices?' Men and the American Women's Rights Movement, 1830-1890
Mary Quinlivan
Associate Professor, University of Texas, Permian Basin
1978-79 Daniels The Social Significance of the Children's Literature of Jacob Abbot
Karen Racine
Professor of History, University of Guelph
2023-24 Legacy Samuel Larned in South America: The Monroe Doctrine's Dependable Diplomat
Jo Radner
Professor of Literature, American University
2001-02 Mellon Postdoctoral Performing the Paper: Rural Intellectual Life in Postbellum Northern New England
Daniel Radus
PhD Candidate in English, Cornell University
2014-15 Peterson The Eulogy on Tour: Kinship and the Transnational History of Native New England
Matthew Raffety
PhD Candidate, Columbia University
2001-02 Sigety The Republic Afloat: Labor and 'Liberty' in Mutinies on American Ships, 1789-1861
Joseph Rainer
Visiting Instructor, University of Mississippi
1995-96 Peterson Peddler Folklore in Southern Almanacs
Mary Ramsbottom
PhD Candidate, Yale University
1979-80 Daniels Religious Experience, 17th-Century New England
Melissa Range
Poet, Columbia, MO
2013 Baron Poetry project about the abolitionist movement
Yuri Rasovsky
Radio Documentary Producer, Glendale, CA
1995 Wallace Radio documentary on the history of Thanksgiving
Donald J. Ratcliffe
Senior Lecturer, Durham University
1998-99 RA Origins of Party Conflict in the US , 1790-1840
Donald J. Ratcliffe
PhD Candidate, Durham University
1983-84 Haven The 1812 Presidential Election in Ohio
Richard Rath
PhD Candidate, Brandeis University
1997-98 Peterson North American Soundways, 1600-1800
James R. Raven
Fellow, Pembroke College, Cambridge University
1986-87 Peterson The Economics of Bookselling in Britian 1700-1800; Print and Trade in Eighteenth-Century Britiain
James R. Raven
Director, Magdalene College, Cambridge University
1994-95 Peterson The Importation of Books to North America in the Eighteenth Century
David Rawson
PhD Candidate, College of William and Mary
1997-98 RA The Print Distribution and Consumer Nexus in Piedmont Virginia, 1760-1810.
David Rawson
PhD Candidate, College of William and Mary
1993-94 Botein The Print Distribution and Consumer Nexus in Piedmont Virginia, 1760-1810
Alpen Razi
PhD Candidate, University of Toronto
2012-13 Legacy Colored Citizens of the World
Wendy W. Reaves
Curator of Prints, National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institute
1976-77 Daniels 18th-Century American Portrait Engravings
Molly Reed
PhD Candidate in History, Cornell University
2017-18 Packer Ecology of Utopia
Peter Reed
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi
2010-11 AAS-NEMLA Dancing on the Volcano: The Haitian Revolution and American Performance Cultures, 1790-1865
Joy Reeves
Teacher, Chicago public schools, Chicago, IL
1996 K-12 Historical novel on indentured servants to be used as supplemental reading material to enhance the social studies unit on colonial settlement
Lindsay Regele
PhD Candidate in History, Brown University
2014-15 Peterson Manufacturing Advantage: The Federal Government, Diplomacy, and the Origins of American Industrialization, 1790-1840
Catherine Reid
Writer, Asheville, NC
2012 Baron Research for extended work of creative nonFiction tentatively titled "13 Travels with William Bartram" on the life and writings of William Bartram (1739-1823).
Elizabeth Reis
Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Oregon
1999-00 Legacy Heaven Help Us: Angles, Gender, and American Religions
Benjamin Reiss
Assistant Professor, Tulane University
2001-02 AAS-NEH Antebellum Literary Culture and the Rise of the Asylum
Jennifer W. Reiss
PhD Candidate in History, University of Pennsylvania
2024-25 Peterson Undone Bodies: Women and Disability in Early America
Rosalind Remer
PhD Candidate, University of California, Los Angeles
1988-89 Peterson Philadelphia Publishers in the New Republic
John Resch
Professor, University of New Hampshire, Manchester
1987-88 RA Politics, Public Policy, and American Culture, 1815-25: The 1818 Revolutionary War Pension Act
David S. Reynolds
Assistant Professor, Northwestern University
1982-83 AAS-NEH Beneath the American Renaissance
Joseph Rezek
Associate Professor of English, Boston University
2019-20 AAS-NEH The Racialization of Print
Joseph Rezek
Assistant Professor, Boston University
2015-16 Botein Transatlantic Currents, 1820-1860, for The Oxford History of Popular Print Culture
Grantland Rice
PhD Candidate, Brandeis University
1993-94 Botein The Transformation of Authorship in Early America
Stephen Rice
PhD Candidate, Yale University
1995-96 Peterson Incorporating the Machine: Labor, Fatigue, and the Problem of Self-Regulation in Nineteenth-Century Industrial America
Eliza Richards
Assistant Professor, Boston University
2002-03 AAS-NEH Hearing Voices: Lyric Representation in Nineteenth-Century America
Daniel K. Richter
PhD Candidate, Columbia University
1981-82 Daniels Societies on the Eighteenth Century New York Frontier
Judith Ridner
Associate Professor, Mississippi State University
2017-18 Last Clothing the Babel: The Material Culture of Ethnic Identity in Early America
Michaela Rife
PhD Candidate, University of Toronto
2017-18 AHPCS Wonderful Mining Country: Promoting Western Resource Extraction
Lucy Rinehart
PhD Candidate, Columbia University
1991-92 Hiatt The Drama of Democracy: The Staging of America from the Revolution to the Civil War
Liam Riordan
Assistant Professor, University of Maine
1999-00 Tracy Newspapers and the Local Meaning of the Nation in the Delaware Valley
Suzanne Rivecca
Fiction Writer, San Francisco, CA
2010 Baron Novel about Walt Whitman's sojourn by boat to New Orleans with his teenage brother, Jeff
Celeste Roberge
Sculptor, South Portland, ME
2008 Hearst Granite Sofa (sculpture)
Brian Roberts
Assistant Professor, California State University, Sacramento
1998-99 AAS-NEH Psalms, Reels and Glees: Popular Music and American Identity from the Colonial Era through the Civil War
Kyle B. Roberts
PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania
2005-06 Reese Writing the Evangelical Subject: Religious Periodicals and Biographies in New York City, 1830-1860
Kyle B. Roberts
2007-08 Hench Evangelical Gotham: Popular Religious Belief in New York City, 1783-1845
Wendy Roberts
PhD Candidate, Northwestern University
2009-10 Peterson Revival Poetry and the Formation of the Evangelical Ear in Eighteenth-Century America
Wendy Roberts
Assistant Professor, State University of New York, Albany
2015-16 AAS-NEH Redeeming Verse: The Poetics of Revivalism
Andrew W. Robertson
Associate Professor of History, CUNY Graduate Center
2022-23 Tracy Divergent Political Language North and South
Fiona Robertson
Lecturer, Durham University
1994-95 RA Representing America, 1776-1830
Stacey Robertson
Associate Professor, Bradley University
2007-08 Tracy 'Hearts Beating for Liberty': Women Abolitionists in the Old Northwest
Ethan Robey
Independent Scholar, State University of New York, Binghamton
2002-03 AHPCS The Art Galleries of Mechanics' Institute Fairs: Liaisons Between Art, Commerce, and Technology in Nineteenth-Century Thought
Whitney Barlow Robles
PhD Candidate, Harvard University
2017-18 Last Curious Species: How Animals Made Natural History, 1700-1820
Seth Rockman
Assistant Professor, Brown University
2006-07 AAS-NEH Self-Made and Slave-Made: Capitalism, Slavery, and the Rise of the Early American Economy
David Roderick
Poet, Berkeley, CA
2003 Baron Blue Colonial: A collection of poems on the cultural interaction between the colonists and the Wampanoag tribe in the early seventeenth-century
Erik Rodgers
Fiction Writer, Los Angeles, CA
2017 Baron Research for a novel entitled “The Broken World”
Anthony G. Roeber
Instructor, Princeton University
1978-79 AAS-NEH Law, Ideology and Religion among German Americans in Revolutionary America, 1729-1814
Martha Elena Rojas
PhD Candidate, Stanford University
2003-04 AAS-NEMLA Diplomatic Letters
Dianne Roman
Independent Researcher,
2017-18 Tracy The Boston Olive Branch and Its Woman: Compositors, Editors, and Authors
Daniel Rood
PhD in History, University of California, Irvine
2010-11 Hench Plantation Technocrats: A History of Science and Technology in the Slaveholding Atlantic World, 1830-1860
Rebecca Rosen
Visiting Assistant Professor of English, Hollins University
2019-20 Last Making the Body Speak: Anatomy, Autopsy, and Testimony in Early America, 1639-1790
Rebecca Rosen
Assistant Professor of English, Murray State University
2022-23 AAS-NEH Postmortem Life: Anatomy, Autopsy, and Testimony in Early America and the Atlantic World
Julia Rosenbaum
Associate Professor of Art History and Visual Culture, Bard College
2022-23 Last Unruly Bodies?: Portraying Science and Citizenry in Post-Civil War America
Caitlin Rosenthal
PhD Candidate, Harvard University
2010-11 Botein Accounting for Control: Book-keeping in early Nineteenth-Century America
Lawrence Rosenwald
PhD Candidate, Columbia University
1976-77 Daniels Analysis of Colonial New England Diaries
Kelly Ross
PhD Candidate, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
2009-10 Last Marks and Traces: The Prehistory of the Detective Story
Randolph Roth
Instructor, Grinnell College
1981-82 Daniels Religion and Reform in Antebellum Vermont
Sarah Roth
PhD Candidate, University of Virginia
2000-01 Drawn to Art The Slavery Controversy in Antebellum Popular Culture
Anne Roth-Reinhardt
PhD Candidate, University of Minnesota
2010-11 Last 'Retouching' American History: Narrative and Graphic Illustrations within Nineteenth-Century Historical Fiction
Joshua D. Rothman
Assistant Professor, University of Alabama
2005-06 AAS-NEH Slavery and Speculation in the Flush Times: The Heart of Jacksonian America
Brian Rouleau
Assistant Professor of History, Texas A&M University
2014-15 Schiller Empire's Children: Youth Culture and the Expansionist Impulse
Damien Rousseliere
Professor, Institut Agro
2024-25 Peterson Accounting, Remuneration and Labor Conflicts in 19th American Utopian Communities: A comparison between Northampton Association of Education and Industry and other Communes
Michaël Roy
PhD Candidate in English, Université Paris 13
2013-14 d'Héricourt 'My Narrative Is Just Published': The Production, Dissemination, and Reception of Antebellum Slave Narratives
Patricia Roylance
Assistant Professor, Syracuse University
2008-09 Last Eclipse of Empire
Margaret Rozga
Poet, Milwaukee, WI
2014 Baron Pestiferous Questions: A collection of poems inspired by the life of Jessie Benton Fremont
Nancy Rubin Stuart
Writer, New York, NY
2005 Hearst The Muse of the Revolution; The Secret Pen of Mercy Otis Warren and the Founding of a Nation
James Rixey Ruffin
PhD Candidate, University of Delaware
1998-99 Peterson William Bentley and the Politics of Rational Religion, 1783-1800
Taneil Ruffin
PhD Candidate in History, Princeton University
2023-24 Peterson Haitian Revolution Refugees and Legal Cultures of Slavery and Freedom in the Atlantic World, 1791-1860
Alan Ruffman
President, Geomarine Associates Ltd.
1997-98 Peterson Historic Meterology and the 1775 Hurricane
Edward Rugemer
Postdoctoral Fellow, Boston College
2006-07 Tracy The Problem of Emancipation: The United States and Britain's Abolition of Slavery
Linwood Rumney
Poet, Cincinnati, OH
2017 Baron Research for a collection of poems entitled “Discrepant Means”
Britt M. Rusert
Postdoctoral Fellow, Temple University
2011-12 Peterson Experiments in Freedom: Black Popular Science and the Struggle against Slavery
Britt M. Rusert
Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
2024-25 AAS-NEH The Afric-American Picture Gallery: Imagining Black Art, circa 1859
Alison Russell
PhD Candidate in History, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
2023-24 AHPCS "On That Shield!": American Identity and the Constitution in the Early Republic
Madeline Kearin Ryan
PhD Candidate in Anthropology, Brown University
2018-19 Peterson The Sensory Ecology of the Worcester State Hospital for the Insane
Susan Ryan
PhD Candidate, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
1997-98 Peterson Race and the Language Benevolence in Antebellum America
Roberto Saba
PhD in History, University of Pennsylvania
2017-18 Hench American Mirror: The United States and the Empire of Brazil in the Age of Emancipation
Aaron Sachs
Assistant Professor, Cornell University
2007-08 Peterson Death and Life in the American Environment: Radical Arcadias of the Nineteenth Century
Honor Sachs
PhD Candidate, University of Wisconsin, Madison
2002-03 Peterson The Best Poor Woman's Country: Women, Gender, and Politics in the Eighteenth-century Kentucky Backcountry
Neal Salisbury
Professor, Smith College
1995-96 AAS-NEH From Frontier to Society: Natives, Settlers and the Transformation of Southern New Engand
Neal Salisbury
Barbara Richmond 1940 Professor Emeritus in the Social Sciences, Smith College
2018-19 Mellon Distinguished Scholar Lives on the Line: Colonial Histories in Early New England
Sarah Salter
PhD Candidate, Pennsylvania State University
2013-14 Tracy Patterns of Recognition and Imagination in Italy and the United States, 1790-1910
Sarah Salter
Assistant Professor of English, Texas A&M University
2022-23 Botein Sex in Pages: A Theoretical History of Periodical Sexualities
Shirley R. Samuels
Associate Professor, Cornell University
1988-89 AAS-NEMLA Politics and the Family in the Early Republic
Karen Sánchez-Eppler
L. Stanton Williams 1941 Professor of American Studies and English, Amherst College
2019-20 Mellon Distinguished Scholar The Archives of Childhood: Playing with the Past
Scott A. Sandage
PhD Candidate, Rutgers University
1993-94 Peterson Deadbeats, Drunkards, and Dreamers: The Problem of Failure in Nineteenth Century America
Lily Santoro
PhD Candidate, University of Delaware
2007-08 Peterson The Science of God's Creation: Popular Science and Christianity in the Early Republic
Michael Sappol
PhD Candidate, Columbia University
1996-97 Peterson Singing the Body Electric
Catherine Sasanov
Poet, Jamaica Plain, MA
2016 Baron Markd Y (Archives and Invocations)
Jonathan Sassi
Assistant Professor, College of Staten Island
1999-00 AAS-ASECS Clerical Communities and the Religious Public Sphere
Lance E. Schachterle
Professor, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
1984-85 RA Research for an edition of Cooper's The Spy
Mark Schantz
PhD Candidate, Emory College
1987-88 Hiatt Piety in Providence: The class Dimensions of Religious Experience in Providence, Rhode Island, 1790-1860
Laura Schiavo
PhD Candidate, George Washington University
1999-00 Peterson A Collection of Endless Extent and Beauty: Stereographs, Perception, Taste, and the American Middle Class
Sabine Schindler
PhD Candidate, Martin Luther Univeristy
2008-09 Ebeling Talk of the Nation: Public speaking, Cultural Performance, and the Negotiation of National Identity in Nineteenth-Century America, 1840-1880
Jeanne Schinto
Independent Writer, Andover, MA
2015 Baron Research for 5-part series about the Walpole Society
Pamela Schirmeister
Assistant Professor, New York University
1994-95 Peterson A Cultural Biography of James Fenimore Cooper
Michael Schlitt
Storyteller, Los Angeles, CA
2020 Hearst The Pursuit of Happiness podcast: a multi-episode audio series about Americans' quest for an elusive, aspirational ideal of happiness
Klaus Schmidt
Assistant Professor, University of Mainz
1995-96 RA Between Periphery and Center: Studies in the Literatures and Cultures of British America, 1702-1776
Erika Schneider
Associate Professor, Framingham State University
2017-18 Last Lost in Translation, Found in Print: American Gift Books
Merav Schocken
PhD Candidate in English, University of California, Santa Barbara
2022-23 Last Material Faith: The Business of Death and the Afterlife in Nineteenth-Century America