Fellows Directory

Over 1,400 AAS fellowships have been awarded since the program's inception in 1972. Each fellow's institutional affiliation and position at the time of the fellowship is listed.

Displaying 601 - 800 of 1507

Name Date Fellowship Project
Eldrid Herrington
Assistant Professor, University College, Dublin
2003-04 AAS-NEH Civil War, Revision, and Self-Representation
Philip Herrington
PhD Candidate, University of Virginia
2010-11 Peterson The Plantation as Imagined in Antislavery Discourse, 1830-1860
Sebastian Herrmann
Lecturer in American Studies, University of Leipzig
2015-16 Ebeling Imagining (Big) Data
Bernd Herzogenrath
Researcher, University of Cologne
2003-04 Ebeling Cotton Mather’s Conception of the Body
Sophie Hess
PhD Candidate in American history, University of Maryland
2023-24 Korzenik 'Come by Water and Not by Land:' Iron, Rivers, and Challenges to Settler Colonialism in Maryland, 1608-1782
Nikki Hessell
Associate Professor of English, Victoria University of Wellington
2018-19 Peterson Sensitive Negotiations: Romantic Literature and Indigenous Diplomacy, 1820-1950
Christine L. Heyrman
Assistant Professor, University of California, Irvine
1979-80 AAS-NEH The Culture of Charity: Merchants, Ministers, and the Social Order of New England,1680-1740
Kristen Doyle Highland
PhD Candidate, New York University
2012-13 Botein At the Bookstore: Literary and Cultural Experience in Antebellum New York City
Katherine Hijar
PhD Candidate, Johns Hopkins University
2004-05 AHPCS Sex, Violence, and Sport in American Popular Print Culture, 1820-1880
Sean Hill
Poet, Bemidji, MN
2010 Hearst Dangerous Goods: A series of poems about two African American men who immigrated with their families from Milledgeville, GA to Liberia in the 1870s
Kathleen Hilliard
Associate Professor, Iowa State University
2017-18 Peterson Bonds Burst Asunder: The Revolutionary Politics of Getting By in Civil War and Emancipation, 1860-1867
Curtis Hinsley
Associate Professor, Colgate University
1986-87 Peterson Anthropology in Boston, 1860-20
Kristina Hinz-Bode
Assistant Professor, University of Kassel
2006-07 Ebeling America's Cultural Deficits: A Transatlantic Debate and Its Reflection in American Literature
Charles Hirshberg
Writer, New York, NY
2005 Baron Vistas of Destiny: Thomas Wentworth Higginson in Worcester
Hallie Hobson
Playwright, New York, NY
2001 Hearst Watchnight: A play on the eve of Emancipation
Barbara A. Hochman
2001-02 AAS-NEMLA Uncle Tom's Cabin and the Reading Revolution
Graham Hodges
Professor, Colgate University
1999-00 Peterson David Ruggles: Black Apostle of Freedom
Michael H. Hoeflich
Professor, University of Kansas School of Law
2001-02 Reese The Material Culture of the Nineteenth Century
Gerard Holmes
PhD Candidate in English, University of Maryland
2019-20 Peterson 'Discretion in the Interval': Emily Dickinson’s Musical Performances
Lucien Holness
PhD Candidate in History, University of Maryland, College Park
2018-19 Last Between North and South, East and West: The Anti-Slavery Movement in Southwestern Pennsylvania
Keri Holt
Assistant Professor, Utah State University
2010-11 Last Reading the Federal Republic: Considering the Place of the States in the Early U.S.
A. Woodrow Holton
Assistant Professor, Bloomsburg University
1999-00 AAS-NEH Reading the Federal Republic: Considering the Place of the States in the Early U.S.
Melissa J. Homestead
PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania
1996-97 Peterson Imperfect Title: Nineteenth-Century American Women Authors and Literary Property
Melissa J. Homestead
2000-01 Hench Imperfect Title, Nineteenth-Century American Women Authors and Literary Property
Melissa J. Homestead
Associate Professor, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
2010-11 Reese E.D.E.N. Southworth's Serial Fiction
Betsy Homsher
PhD Candidate, University of California, Santa Barbara
1998-99 Peterson The Diaries of Sally Ripley Stearns
Brece Honeycutt
Mixed Media Artist, Sheffield, MA
2019 Hearst A series of artworks that demonstrate at their core a respect for the natural world in ages past
Rachel Hooper
Professor of Art History, Savanah College of Art and Design
2023-24 Korzenik Black-Owned Art Collections in the United States, 1860-1870
James Hoopes
Professor, Babson College
1983-84 AAS-NEH Consciousness in New England
Elizabeth Hopwood
Instructor, Loyola University Chicago
2017-18 Last Eating the Atlantic: Nineteenth-Century U.S. and Caribbean Tables and Texts
Helen L. Horowitz
Professor, Smith College
1999-00 Mellon Postdoctoral Sexual Representation and Censorship in the United States, 1830-80
James O. Horton
Professor Emeritus, George Washington University
2010-11 Mellon Distinguished Scholar A Documentary History of African Americans from 1619 to the Civil War
Lois E. Horton
Professor Emerita, George Mason University
2010-11 Mellon Distinguished Scholar African Americans and the Concept of Freedom in the Revolutionary Era
Kay Seymour House
Professor, San Francisco State University
1977-78 Daniels Editing Cooper's 'The Pilot'
John Howe
Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota
2002-03 AAS-ASECS The Social Politics of Verbal Discourse in Revolutionary Boston
William Howell
Associate Professor of English, Boston University
2020-21 AAS-NEH Worldly Muses: American Occasional Poetry from the Revolution to Reconstruction
William Howell
Assistant Professor of English, Boston University
2013-14 AAS-NEMLA Broadview Edition of Frank J. Webb’s The Garies and Their Friends
Li-hsin Hsu
Professor, National Chengchi University
2024-25 Peterson Racial and Ecological Intimacies in the Mid-nineteenth-century Atlantic Silk Imagination
Vicki Hsueh
Assistant Professor, Western Washington University
2004-05 Peterson Hybrid Constitutionalism: Negotiating Constitutions and Cultures in the Proprietary Colonies, 1625-1690
Nian-Sheng Huang
Associate Professor, California State University, Channel Islands
2005-06 Peterson The Poor in Early Massachusetts, 1630-1830
Yiyun Huang
PhD Candidate in History, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
2020-21 Peterson The Chinese Origins of Medicinal Tea: Global Cultural Transfer and a Vast Early America
Angela Pulley Hudson
Associate Professor of History, Texas A&M University
2016-17 Peterson Indian Doctresses in the Nineteenth-Century United States
Angela Pulley Hudson
PhD Candidate, Yale University
2004-05 Peterson Indians, Slaves, and Surveyors on the Federal Road, 1790s-1840s
John Huffman
PhD Candidate, Harvard University
2009-10 Peterson Documents of Identity in the Early Republic
Amy Hughes
PhD Candidate, Brooklyn College
2009-10 Last 'Thoughts Bodied upon the State': Sensationalism and Reform in Nineteenth-Century America, 1842-1867
Amy Hughes
Associate Professor, Brooklyn College
2015-16 AAS-NEH An Actor's Tale: Theater, Culture, and Everyday Life in Nineteenth-Century America
Jennifer Hughes
PhD Candidate, Emory University
2007-08 Last "Telling Laughter: A Cultural History of American Humor, 1830-1900"
Helen Hunt
Professor of English, Tennessee Technological University
2017-18 Last Provoking Pleasure: Erotic Dominance & Submission in Early American Fiction
Shirley Hunt
Musician, Boston, MA
2022 Hearst Research for concert/lecture which focuses on early 19th-century lutherie in New England
Christopher Hunter
Assistant Professor, California Institute of Technology
2012-13 Reese A New and More Perfect Edition: Reading, Editing, and Publishing Autobiography in America, 1787-1850
Phyllis Hunter
PhD Candidate, College of William and Mary
1992-93 Peterson Ship of Wealth: New England Merchants, Colonial Capitalism, and the Rhetoric of Money
Jen A. Huntley
PhD Candidate, University of Nevada, Reno
1998-99 Botein The Genius of Civilization: The Publishing Industry and the Creation of Western Regional Identity,1848-1900
Natasha Hurley
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta
2008-09 AAS-ASECS The Child of Circulation in American Literature: The Case of Robinson Crusoe
Reeve Huston
Associate Professor of History, Duke University
2017-18 AAS-NEH Reforging American Democracy
Coleman Hutchison
PhD Candidate, Northwestern University
2005-06 Botein Occasioning Verse and Volume
Carrie Hyde
PhD Candidate, Rutgers University
2009-10 Peterson Alienable Rights: Negative Styles of U.S. Citizenship, 1798-1868
Jennifer Hynes
Visiting Instructor, West Virginia University
1997-98 Tracy Nineteenth-Century Women and the News: The Case of Elizabeth Stoddard
Gian Iachini
Teaching Assistant, University of Milan
2009-10 Drawn to Art 'Join, or Die': Pictures and Politics in the American Revolution
Helena Ifeka
PhD Candidate, Columbia University
1999-00 Peterson The Parkman Relations
Benjamin Irvin
PhD Candidate, Brandeis University
2000-01 Peterson Representative Men: A Cultural History of the Continental Congress
Nancy G. Isenberg
Associate Professor, University of Tulsa
2007-08 Peterson Dirty Politics in Early America
Nancy G. Isenberg
Associate Professor, University of Tulsa
2003-04 Peterson The Sexual Politics of Aaron Burr
Heike Jablonski
PhD Candidate, Heidelberg Center for American Studies, University of Heidelberg
2013-14 Ebeling John Foxe in America
Leon Jackson
Assistant Professor, University of South Carolina
2003-04 Peterson The Business of Letters: Authorial Economies in America, 1780s-1840s
Sandra Jackson-Opoku
Novelist, Chicago, IL
2008 Hearst God's Gift to the Natives: A novel that explores one musician's enigmatic life and tragic death, while also charting the history and movement of the African diaspora
Elaine Jackson-Retondo
PhD Candidate, University of California, Berkeley
1997-98 Peterson The Penitentiary as an Artifact of the Cultural Landscape: A Comparative Analysis, 1780-1860
David Jaffee
Teaching Fellow, Harvard University
1981-82 Hiatt The Formation of a Yankee Culture
David Jaffee
Assistant Professor, CUNY
1988-89 Peterson People of the Wachusett: Town Founders and Village Historians of New England, 1630-1860
Charline Jao
Graduate Candidate in Literatures in English, Cornell University
2023-24 Brown Family Collection Family and Bereavement in the Album
Peter Jaros
Associate Professor of English, Franklin & Marshall College
2018-19 Peterson Incorporate Things: A Literary Genealogy of Corporate Personhood in Antebellum America
Michael Jarvis
Assistant Professor, University of Rochester
2003-04 AAS-NEH 'In the eye of All Trade': Bermuda and the Atlantic World, 1612-1815
Honorée Fanonne Jeffers
Poet, Norman, OK
2009 Baron Research for book of poems whose centerpiece is a series about Phillis Wheatley, which imagines her interior life
Richard R. John
Associate Professor of History, University of Illinois, Chicago
1994-95 RA Visions of Enterprise: The Political Origins of the Modern Communications Infrastructure in the United States, 1837-17
Ann Johnson
Assistant Professor, Fordham University
2002-03 Botein Engineering Handbooks as Carriers of Knowledge into the Field
Brandon Johnson
PhD Candidate, University of Chicago
2002-03 Peterson Spirits on the Stage: Public Mediums, Spiritualist Theater, and American Culture, 1848-1893
Linck Johnson
Associate Professor, Colgate University
1984-85 AAS-NEH Walden in Its Time
Paul Johnson
Guest Lecturer, Princeton University
1985-86 AAS-NEH From Yeoman to Factory Hand: Studies in Early Industrial Society
Ronald Angelo Johnson
Associate Professor of History, Baylor University
2023-24 Peterson Mutual Entanglements: Transracial Ties between Haitians and Revolutionary Americans
Sherita L. Johnson
Assistant Professor of English, University of Southern Mississippi
2022-23 Korzenik Panoramic Travel with Frances Harper: Archival Recovery of the Reconstruction Years
Sue Johnson
Painter, St. Mary's City, MD
2000 Sigety (Artist) The Alternate Encyclopedia
Elizabeth Johnston
Teaching Assistant, Harvard College
2005-06 Peterson Choosing Freedom, Risking Slavery: African Americans, Antislavery Advocates, and the Courts in Massachusetts, 1830-1860
Patricia Johnston
Professor, Salem State College
2007-08 Last "Martyrs, Riots, Nuns, and Peasants"
Patricia Johnston
Professor of Visual Arts, College of the Holy Cross
2023-24 Last Global Aesthetics
Berta Joncus
Reader in the Department of Music, University of London
2022-23 Keller Abolitionist Song: Anglo-American Exchanges, 1780-1810
Jacqueline Jones
PhD Candidate, University of Wisconsin, Madison
1974-75 Daniels Northern Teachers in the Post-Civil War South
Paul Jones
Assistant Professor, Ohio University
2007-08 Peterson The Newgate Novel Comes to America: Antebellum Crime Fiction and the Anti-Gallows Movement
Sophie Heather Jones
PhD Candidate, University of Liverpool
2016-17 Peterson From Anglicization to Loyalism: New York, 1691-1783
T. Cole Jones
PhD in History, Johns Hopkins University
2014-15 Hench Deprived of their Liberty: Enemy Prisoners and the Culture of War in Revolutionary America
Adam Jortner
Assistant Professor of History, Auburn University
2014-15 AAS-ASECS Witchcraft and the Rise of American Religious Freedom, 1626-1789
Michael Joseph
Librarian, Rutgers University
1997-98 Peterson McLoughlin Bros, 1858-1878
Natalie Joy
Assistant Professor of History, Northern Illinois University
2016-17 Peterson Abolitionists and Indians in the Antebellum Era
Sandro Jung
Fellow, Herzog August Library
2018-19 Last A Transnational History of American Book Illustration
Carsten Junker
Assistant Professor, University of Bremen
2011-12 Ebeling Reading Affect in Eighteenth-Century Abolitionist Debates
James Kabala
PhD Candidate, Brown University
2007-08 Legacy A Christian Nation?: Religion and the State in the Early American Republic, 1787-1844
Laurie Kahn
Independent Filmmaker, Watertown, MA
1992-93 AAS-ASECS A Midwife's Tale: The Life of Martha Ballard (film adaptation)
Jeffrey Kaja
PhD Candidate, University of Michigan
2008-09 Peterson "From Rivers to Roads: Economic Development and the Evolution of Transportation Systems in Early Pennsylvania, 1675-1800."
Neil Kamil
Associate Professor, University of Texas, Austin
2012-13 AAS-NEH Artisans of 'Inventive Genius': Atlantic Refugees, Niche Economies, and Portable Devices in the Manufacture of Polite Matter, 1640-1789
Katja Kanzler
Associate Professor, Leipzig University
2006-07 Ebeling Genre and Separate Spheres in Antebellum Women's Writing
Carol F. Karlsen
Associate Professor, University of Michigan
1994-95 AAS-NEH Relations of Power, the Power of Relations: Iroquois Communities in Western New York, 1750-00
Maria Kaspirek
PhD Candidate in American Studies, Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nuremberg
2017-18 Ebeling (In)Sanitary Science: The Discourse of Mental Hygiene as Tacit Knowledge in Antebellum Literature
Wendy Katz
Associate Professor, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
2008-09 Last The Politics of Art Criticism in the Penny Press, 1833-1862
Pamela Keech
Visual Artist and Independent Curator, New York, NY
1997 Wallace Nurseries: An installation picturing the lives of children in post Civil War America
Lindsay Keiter
Assistant Professor of History, Pennsylvania State University, Altoona
2020-21 Peterson Uniting Interests: Love, Money, and the Law in American Marriage, 1750-1860
Mark Kelley
Assistant Professor of English, Florida International University
2019-20 AHPCS Sentimental Seamen: Feeling Bodies in an American Age of Sail
Mary C. Kelley
Ruth Bordin Collegiate Professor of History, American Culture, and Women’s Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
2013-14 Mellon Distinguished Scholar 'What Are You Reading, What Are You Saying?' American Reading and Writing Practices, 1760-1860
Mary C. Kelley
Professor, Dartmouth College
1990-91 Peterson Achieving Authority: Women in Public in Early America
Sean Kelley
Associate Professor, Hartwick College
2008-09 AAS-NEH Gone to Africa: A Rhode Island Slave Ship and the Making of a Diaspora
Wyn Kelley
Senior Lecturer of Literature, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2023-24 AAS-NEH Brazi in Early North American Black Print Culture
Catherine E. Kelly
Assistant Professor, University of Oklahoma
1999-00 Peterson Things Useful and Ornamental: Gender, Culture, and Gentility in the Bourgeois Republic
Catherine E. Kelly
PhD Candidate, University of Rochester
1987-88 Peterson Mothers and Daughters: Intergenerational Conflict and Continuity, 1820-39
John Kelly
Teaching Fellow, Harvard University
1973-74 Mellon Short-Term The Scientific Contents and Popular Use of American Almanacs
Laura Kennelly
Assistant Editor, Baldwin-Wallace College
1994-95 Peterson Samuel West: Private Life in Revolutionary Times, 1739-1808
Spencer Keralis
PhD Candidate, New York University
2009-10 Legacy Children of Wrath: Violence, Remembrance, and the Making of Youth in Antebellum America
Sarah Keyes
PhD Candidate, University of Southern California
2010-11 Peterson Circling Back: Migration to the Pacific and the Reconfiguration of America, 1820-1900
Melanie Kiechle
Assistant Professor of History, Virginia Tech University
2014-15 AAS-NEH Smell Detectives: An Olfactory History of Nineteenth-Century America
Akira Kikuchi
Professor, Otaru University of Commerce
1991-92 RA The Development of American Society from the Colonial Period to the Early Nineteenth Century
Daniel Kilbride
Associate Professor, John Carroll University
2007-08 Peterson The Grand Tour: European Travelers and American National Identities, 1750-1870
Wilson H. Kimnach
Affiliate Professor, Clark University
1993-94 AAS-NEH Literature of the Sermon in Eighteenth-Century America
John King
Assistant Professor, University of Michigan
1980-81 AAS-NEH Puritan Psychomachy: Themes of Piety and Mental Pathology in Early America
Marguerite Kirkpatrick
Teacher, Logan County High School
1997 K-12 Study of journals, diaries, amateur newspapers, and letters of young people to use in curriculum development for interdisciplinary unites in social studies, language arts, family living and media classes
Alison Klaum
PhD Candidate, University of Delaware
2010-11 Last Pressing Flowers: American Floral Prints and Preserving Culture in the Nineteenth Century
Lauren Klein
Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
2013-14 Drawn to Art A Cultural History of Data Visualization, 1786-2013
Shana Klein
Assistant Professor, Kent State University
2022-23 Korzenik Spoiled Milk: The Visual Culture of Breastfeeding and Motherhood in Victorian America
Shana Klein
PhD Candidate, University of New Mexico
2013-14 AHPCS The Fruits of Empire: Contextualizing Food in Still-Life Representation, 1850-1900
Betsy Klimasmith
Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Boston
2008-09 Botein Cities and Seductions: Sex and Early American Urban Fiction
Rachel Knecht
PhD Candidate, Brown University
2016-17 Lapides Inventing the Mathematical Economy in Nineteenth-Century America
Andrea Knutson
Associate Professor of English, Oakland University
2020-21 Last Barbados’s Plantation History at the Intersection of Slavery and Ecocide
Layla Marie Koch
PhD Candidate in American Studies, Heidelberg Center for American Studies, University of Heidelberg
2024-25 Ebeling The Literary Construct of Childhood in the American Foreign Mission Movement
Philippa Koch
PhD Candidate, University of Chicago Divinity School
2013-14 Peterson Persistent Providence: Religion and Epidemics in Eighteenth-Century America
Lisa Koenigsberg
PhD Candidate, Yale University
1984-85 Haven Professionalizing Domesticity
Sally G. Kohlstedt
Associate Professor, Syracuse University
1982-83 Haven Natural History Museums: The Nineteenth Century
Michael Komanecky
Independent Scholar,
2007-08 Last Carleton Watkins' Photographs of the California Missions
Kathryn S. Koo
Assistant Professor, Saint Mary's College of California
2005-06 Peterson In the House of God: Cotton Mather and the Making of Puritan Slavery
Paula Kopacz
Associate Professor, Eastern Kentucky University
1988-89 RA Women's Daily Life in Seventeenth-Century New England
Heather Kopelson
Assistant Professor of History, University of Alabama
2014-15 Last Idolatrous Processions: The Production of Peoples and Places in the Atlantic World
Gary Kornblith
Assistant Professor, Oberlin College
1984-85 Haven Master Mechanics in New England, 1780s-1850s
Albrecht Koschnik
, Library Company of Philadelphia
2009-10 AAS-ASECS American Conceptions of Civil Society, 1750-1850
Carolyn Kras
Writer, Screen (TV, Theater, Stage), Los Angeles, CA
2014 Hearst Research for a TV pilot script to take place in 1871 after the Great Chicago Fire
Karl Kroeger
Music Librarian, University of Colorado, Boulder
1987-88 Peterson The Complete Works of William Billings
Peter Kuczynski
Chairman, Martin Luther University, Halle, Germany
1987-88 RA The Contemporary Reception of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Karsten Kummer
Lecturer, University of Bremen
2002-03 Ebeling Eighteenth-Century German-American Texts: A Study of Intercultural Negotiations and Relations
Karen Ordahl Kupperman
Silver Professor, New York University
2003-04 Mellon Distinguished Scholar The Founding of Jamestown in Its Atlantic Context
Adam Laats
Professor, State University of New York, Binghamton
2018-19 Alstott Morgan Toe the Line: Joseph Lancaster and the Delusion of Early School Reform
Adam Laats
Professor, Binghamton University
2024-25 Lapides School Children: A New History of US Public Education, 1790-1860
Ronald Labuz
Professor, Mohawk Valley Community College
1991-92 Boni American Graphic Design, 1830-70
Barbara Lacey
Associate Professor, Saint Joseph College
1996-97 AAS-NEH Religious Imagery Transformed: The Eighteenth-Century American Illustrated Imprint
Ben Lafferty
PhD in History, Queen Mary University of London
2014-15 Fulbright A Marketplace of Ideas: Printed Culture and Communications in Federalist Era New England
Greta LaFleur
Assistant Professor, University of Hawai'I, Manoa
2013-14 Peterson American Insides: Popular Narrative and the Historiography of Sexuality, 1674-1815
Eric Lamore
Professor of English, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
2019-20 Reese Abagail Field Mott’s 1829 Abridged Edition of Olaudah Equiano’s ‘Interesting Narrative’: A Critical Edition
Eric Lamore
Professor of English, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
2023-24 AAS-NEH “Unstable as Water”: Early Black Atlantic Literature and Textual Fluidity
Sara E. Lampert
PhD Candidate, University of Michigan
2010-11 Peterson Women and the Making of the Nineteenth-Century Culture Industry
Sara E. Lampert
Associate Professor of History, University of South Dakota
2024-25 Last Leg Show: Ballet, Burlesque, and Female Spectacle in the Civil War Era and Gilded Age
Philip J. Lampi
Independent Researcher,
1974-75 Daniels Vote Tabulation in American Presidential, Congressional, Gubernatorial, and State Legislative Elections, 1788-1824
Eva Landsberg
PhD Candidate, Yale University
2022-23 Peterson The Politics of Sugar in the 18th-Century British Atlantic
Allison Lange
PhD Candidate,
2011-12 AHPCS Transformative Images of Woman Suffrage, 1776-1920 Brandeis University
Paul Langford
, Lincoln College, Oxford University
1974-75 Daniels British Attitudes towards the American Colonies during the American Revolution
Harold Langley
Associate Curator, Museum of History and Technology, Smithsonian
1973-74 Mellon Short-Term American Press Reaction to the Peace of Ghent
Amber LaPiana
PhD Candidate, Washington State University
2011-12 Last Mapping Literary Regionalism
Edward J. Larkin
Assistant Professor, University of Delaware
2006-07 AAS-NEH The Loyalist Origins of United States Culture
Ilana Larkin
PhD Candidate in English, Northwestern University
2019-20 Lapides Hostile Love: Discipline, Nation, and History-Making in American Children’s Literature
Ilana Larkin
Visiting Assistant Professor, Northwestern University
2024-25 AAS-NEH Hostile Love: Rage, Race, and Gender in American Children’s Literature, 1850-1900
Joseph Larnerd
PhD Candidate in Art and Art History, Stanford University
2018-19 Jaffee The Makings of Cut Glass in America, 1876-1916
Kate Larson
PhD Candidate, University of New Hampshire
2001-02 Legacy Asante, Daughter of Zion: The Life and Memory of Harriet Tubman
Emily Laurance
Musician, Harpist, Chapel Hill, NC
2001 Baron Sacred Music and Theatrical Songs in Early Nineteenth Century America
Bruce G. Laurie
Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
1993-94 AAS-NEH The Search for Security in Nineteenth-Century America
Darryl Lauster
Sculptor, Arlington, TX
2022 Hearst Research for a series of bronze sculptures that will visually identify with scrolls and parchment manuscripts
Carolyn J. Lawes
Associate Instructor, University of California, Davis
1990-91 Peterson The Second Great Awakening and the Development of Commercial Capitalism in Worcester, Massachusetts, 1820-48
Kathleen Lawrence
Lecturer, Boston University
2004-05 Drawn to Art "Margaret Fuller's Aesthetic Transcendentalism"
Robert Lawson-Peebles
Lecturer, Exeter College
1990-91 AAS-ASECS Transatlantic Cultural Relations, 1745-80
Brandon Layton
PhD Candidate, University of California, Davis
2017-18 Alstott Morgan Children of Two Fires: Childhood, Diplomacy, and Change among the Choctaws and Chickasaws
Emilia Le Seven
PhD Candidate in English-Speaking Cultures, Université Paris Diderot
2018-19 d'Héricourt Cooper’s Sea Romances and the American Grand National Narrative
Elise Leal Henreckson
Assistant Professor of History, Whitworth University
2022-23 Lapides "Nurseries of Piety": Sunday Schools and Children’s Religious Culture in the Unites States, 1790-1860
John Leary
Assistant Professor, Wayne State University
2011-12 Peterson A Cultural History of Underdevelopment: Latin America in the U.S. Imagination
Lewis Leary
William Rand Kenan, Jr. Professor, University of North Carolina
1980-81 Boni Lectures in the United States, 1783-1829
Peter Leavenworth
PhD Candidate, University of New Hampshire
2007-08 AAS-NEH Accounting for Taste: The American Music Business in the Early Republic and Confrontations in Music Aesthetics, 1770-1825
Peter Leavenworth
PhD Candidate, University of New Hampshire
2004-05 Peterson "Confrontations of Taste: American vs. European Standards of Music Aesthetics in the Early Republic"
Jocelyn Lee
Teacher, Sequoia Union High School, Redwood City, CA
1996 K-12 Seneca Falls to Suffrage: A Study of the Early Women's Movement, 1840-20
John Lee
Playwright, Los Angeles, CA
1996 Wallace Orphan Trains
Robert Lee
PhD Candidate, University of California, Berkeley
2013-14 Last Louisiana Purchases: The US-Indian Treaty System in the Missouri River Valley, 1840-1851
Jazzmen Lee-Johnson
Interdisciplinary Artist, Providence, RI
2019 Last (Artist) Contraband: Visual pieces that explore how the industry of slavery laid the blueprint for drug crimes, gang culture, and mass incarceration in Black communities
Danielle Legros Georges
Poet, Boston, MA
2023 Hearst Research for “Acts of Resistance to New England Slavery by Africans Themselves in New England,” a series of poems about Black self-determinism and articulations of freedom within and against the context of Northern slavery
Isabelle Lehuu
PhD Candidate, Cornell University
1988-89 Boni The New Readers in Antebellum America
Michelle LeMaster
Director, Lawrence Henry Gipson Institute for Eighteenth Century Studies, Lehigh Univeristy
2024-25 AAS-NEH "Butchered after the most barbarous manner”: Violence in the Tuscarora War
Elise Lemire
PhD Candidate, Rutgers University
1994-95 Peterson Discourses of Miscegenation in United States, 1800-1865
Jessica Lepler
Assistant Professor, University of New Hampshire
2008-09 Hench 1837: Anatomy of a Panic
Jill M. Lepore
PhD Candidate, Yale University
1993-94 Peterson Commemorating Cruelty: Writing and Remembering King Philip's War, 1675-76
Alex Leslie
PhD Candidate in Literature, Rutgers University
2019-20 Peterson Reading Regions: American Literature and Cultural Geography, 1865-1915
Nora Lessersohn
Visiting Researcher in History, Georgetown University
2024-25 Korzenik The Sultan of New York: Armenians and Turks in Nineteenth-Century America
Telesia Lett
PhD Candidate, Boston University
2016-17 AHPCS Making Money: Alfred Jones and the Business of Engraving
Edu Levati
High School Teacher of Historia Social, The American School of São Paulo
2022-23 Peterson Hemispheric Negotiations: The United States Recognition of Brazilian Independence
Barry Levy
Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
1998-99 AAS-NEH The Ordeal of Early American Equality: Orphans, Poor Children, and the Massachusetts Labor Regime, 1630-1820
Marshall Levy
Teacher, Winn Brook School, Belmont, MA
1995 K-12 The Evolution of the Chocolate Industry in the New England Area and its Impact on a Developing Society
Andrew Lewis
PhD Candidate, Yale University
2000-01 Peterson Antiques of State: Archaeology in Early Republican America
Charlene Lewis
Professor, Kalamazoo College
2017-18 Legacy The Traitor's Wife: Peggy Arnold and Revolutionary America
Daniel Lewis
Assistant Professor, Northern Virginia Community College
2010-11 Last The Popularity of 'Washington Crossing the Delaware' Prints in the Literary Marketplace, 1853-1861
Randi Lewis
PhD Candidate, University of Virginia
2012-13 Peterson To 'the most distant parts of the Globe': Trade, Politics, and the Maritime Frontier in the Early Republic, 1763-1819
W Lhamon
George M. Harper Professor, Florida State University
1998-99 Peterson Jump Jim Crow: Plays, Lyrics, and Street Prose of the First Atlantic Popular Culture
Yan Li
PhD Candidate, University of Connecticut
1986-87 Peterson The Transformation of the Massachusetts Constitution, 1780-1860
Jess Libow
PhD Candidate in English, Emory University
2020-21 Alstott Morgan Political Movement: Ability, Sex, and Reform in the Nineteenth-Century United States
Natasha Lightfoot
PhD Candidate, New York University
2006-07 Peterson Race, Class, and Resistance: The Aftermath of Emancipation in Antigua, 1831-1858