Eldrid Herrington Assistant Professor, University College, Dublin |
2003-04 |
Civil War, Revision, and Self-Representation |
Philip Herrington PhD Candidate, University of Virginia |
2010-11 |
Peterson |
The Plantation as Imagined in Antislavery Discourse, 1830-1860 |
Sebastian Herrmann Lecturer in American Studies, University of Leipzig |
2015-16 |
Ebeling |
Imagining (Big) Data |
Bernd Herzogenrath Researcher, University of Cologne |
2003-04 |
Ebeling |
Cotton Mather’s Conception of the Body |
Sophie Hess PhD Candidate in American history, University of Maryland |
2023-24 |
Korzenik |
'Come by Water and Not by Land:' Iron, Rivers, and Challenges to Settler Colonialism in Maryland, 1608-1782 |
Nikki Hessell Associate Professor of English, Victoria University of Wellington |
2018-19 |
Peterson |
Sensitive Negotiations: Romantic Literature and Indigenous Diplomacy, 1820-1950 |
Christine L. Heyrman Assistant Professor, University of California, Irvine |
1979-80 |
The Culture of Charity: Merchants, Ministers, and the Social Order of New England,1680-1740 |
Kristen Doyle Highland PhD Candidate, New York University |
2012-13 |
Botein |
At the Bookstore: Literary and Cultural Experience in Antebellum New York City |
Katherine Hijar PhD Candidate, Johns Hopkins University |
2004-05 |
Sex, Violence, and Sport in American Popular Print Culture, 1820-1880 |
Sean Hill Poet, Bemidji, MN |
2010 |
Hearst |
Dangerous Goods: A series of poems about two African American men who immigrated with their families from Milledgeville, GA to Liberia in the 1870s |
Kathleen Hilliard Associate Professor, Iowa State University |
2017-18 |
Peterson |
Bonds Burst Asunder: The Revolutionary Politics of Getting By in Civil War and Emancipation, 1860-1867 |
Curtis Hinsley Associate Professor, Colgate University |
1986-87 |
Peterson |
Anthropology in Boston, 1860-20 |
Kristina Hinz-Bode Assistant Professor, University of Kassel |
2006-07 |
Ebeling |
America's Cultural Deficits: A Transatlantic Debate and Its Reflection in American Literature |
Charles Hirshberg Writer, New York, NY |
2005 |
Baron |
Vistas of Destiny: Thomas Wentworth Higginson in Worcester |
Hallie Hobson Playwright, New York, NY |
2001 |
Hearst |
Watchnight: A play on the eve of Emancipation |
Barbara A. Hochman , |
2001-02 |
Uncle Tom's Cabin and the Reading Revolution |
Graham Hodges Professor, Colgate University |
1999-00 |
Peterson |
David Ruggles: Black Apostle of Freedom |
Michael H. Hoeflich Professor, University of Kansas School of Law |
2001-02 |
Reese |
The Material Culture of the Nineteenth Century |
Gerard Holmes PhD Candidate in English, University of Maryland |
2019-20 |
Peterson |
'Discretion in the Interval': Emily Dickinson’s Musical Performances |
Lucien Holness PhD Candidate in History, University of Maryland, College Park |
2018-19 |
Last |
Between North and South, East and West: The Anti-Slavery Movement in Southwestern Pennsylvania |
Keri Holt Assistant Professor, Utah State University |
2010-11 |
Last |
Reading the Federal Republic: Considering the Place of the States in the Early U.S. |
A. Woodrow Holton Assistant Professor, Bloomsburg University |
1999-00 |
Reading the Federal Republic: Considering the Place of the States in the Early U.S. |
Melissa J. Homestead PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania |
1996-97 |
Peterson |
Imperfect Title: Nineteenth-Century American Women Authors and Literary Property |
Melissa J. Homestead , |
2000-01 |
Hench |
Imperfect Title, Nineteenth-Century American Women Authors and Literary Property |
Melissa J. Homestead Associate Professor, University of Nebraska, Lincoln |
2010-11 |
Reese |
E.D.E.N. Southworth's Serial Fiction |
Betsy Homsher PhD Candidate, University of California, Santa Barbara |
1998-99 |
Peterson |
The Diaries of Sally Ripley Stearns |
Brece Honeycutt Mixed Media Artist, Sheffield, MA |
2019 |
Hearst |
A series of artworks that demonstrate at their core a respect for the natural world in ages past |
Rachel Hooper Professor of Art History, Savanah College of Art and Design |
2023-24 |
Korzenik |
Black-Owned Art Collections in the United States, 1860-1870 |
James Hoopes Professor, Babson College |
1983-84 |
Consciousness in New England |
Elizabeth Hopwood Instructor, Loyola University Chicago |
2017-18 |
Last |
Eating the Atlantic: Nineteenth-Century U.S. and Caribbean Tables and Texts |
Helen L. Horowitz Professor, Smith College |
1999-00 |
Mellon Postdoctoral |
Sexual Representation and Censorship in the United States, 1830-80 |
James O. Horton Professor Emeritus, George Washington University |
2010-11 |
Mellon Distinguished Scholar |
A Documentary History of African Americans from 1619 to the Civil War |
Lois E. Horton Professor Emerita, George Mason University |
2010-11 |
Mellon Distinguished Scholar |
African Americans and the Concept of Freedom in the Revolutionary Era |
Kay Seymour House Professor, San Francisco State University |
1977-78 |
Daniels |
Editing Cooper's 'The Pilot' |
John Howe Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota |
2002-03 |
The Social Politics of Verbal Discourse in Revolutionary Boston |
William Howell Associate Professor of English, Boston University |
2020-21 |
Worldly Muses: American Occasional Poetry from the Revolution to Reconstruction |
William Howell Assistant Professor of English, Boston University |
2013-14 |
Broadview Edition of Frank J. Webb’s The Garies and Their Friends |
Li-hsin Hsu Professor, National Chengchi University |
2024-25 |
Peterson |
Racial and Ecological Intimacies in the Mid-nineteenth-century Atlantic Silk Imagination |
Vicki Hsueh Assistant Professor, Western Washington University |
2004-05 |
Peterson |
Hybrid Constitutionalism: Negotiating Constitutions and Cultures in the Proprietary Colonies, 1625-1690 |
Nian-Sheng Huang Associate Professor, California State University, Channel Islands |
2005-06 |
Peterson |
The Poor in Early Massachusetts, 1630-1830 |
Yiyun Huang PhD Candidate in History, University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
2020-21 |
Peterson |
The Chinese Origins of Medicinal Tea: Global Cultural Transfer and a Vast Early America |
Angela Pulley Hudson Associate Professor of History, Texas A&M University |
2016-17 |
Peterson |
Indian Doctresses in the Nineteenth-Century United States |
Angela Pulley Hudson PhD Candidate, Yale University |
2004-05 |
Peterson |
Indians, Slaves, and Surveyors on the Federal Road, 1790s-1840s |
John Huffman PhD Candidate, Harvard University |
2009-10 |
Peterson |
Documents of Identity in the Early Republic |
Amy Hughes PhD Candidate, Brooklyn College |
2009-10 |
Last |
'Thoughts Bodied upon the State': Sensationalism and Reform in Nineteenth-Century America, 1842-1867 |
Amy Hughes Associate Professor, Brooklyn College |
2015-16 |
An Actor's Tale: Theater, Culture, and Everyday Life in Nineteenth-Century America |
Jennifer Hughes PhD Candidate, Emory University |
2007-08 |
Last |
"Telling Laughter: A Cultural History of American Humor, 1830-1900" |
Helen Hunt Professor of English, Tennessee Technological University |
2017-18 |
Last |
Provoking Pleasure: Erotic Dominance & Submission in Early American Fiction |
Shirley Hunt Musician, Boston, MA |
2022 |
Hearst |
Research for concert/lecture which focuses on early 19th-century lutherie in New England |
Christopher Hunter Assistant Professor, California Institute of Technology |
2012-13 |
Reese |
A New and More Perfect Edition: Reading, Editing, and Publishing Autobiography in America, 1787-1850 |
Phyllis Hunter PhD Candidate, College of William and Mary |
1992-93 |
Peterson |
Ship of Wealth: New England Merchants, Colonial Capitalism, and the Rhetoric of Money |
Jen A. Huntley PhD Candidate, University of Nevada, Reno |
1998-99 |
Botein |
The Genius of Civilization: The Publishing Industry and the Creation of Western Regional Identity,1848-1900 |
Natasha Hurley Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta |
2008-09 |
The Child of Circulation in American Literature: The Case of Robinson Crusoe |
Reeve Huston Associate Professor of History, Duke University |
2017-18 |
Reforging American Democracy |
Coleman Hutchison PhD Candidate, Northwestern University |
2005-06 |
Botein |
Occasioning Verse and Volume |
Carrie Hyde PhD Candidate, Rutgers University |
2009-10 |
Peterson |
Alienable Rights: Negative Styles of U.S. Citizenship, 1798-1868 |
Jennifer Hynes Visiting Instructor, West Virginia University |
1997-98 |
Tracy |
Nineteenth-Century Women and the News: The Case of Elizabeth Stoddard |
Gian Iachini Teaching Assistant, University of Milan |
2009-10 |
Drawn to Art |
'Join, or Die': Pictures and Politics in the American Revolution |
Helena Ifeka PhD Candidate, Columbia University |
1999-00 |
Peterson |
The Parkman Relations |
Benjamin Irvin PhD Candidate, Brandeis University |
2000-01 |
Peterson |
Representative Men: A Cultural History of the Continental Congress |
Nancy G. Isenberg Associate Professor, University of Tulsa |
2007-08 |
Peterson |
Dirty Politics in Early America |
Nancy G. Isenberg Associate Professor, University of Tulsa |
2003-04 |
Peterson |
The Sexual Politics of Aaron Burr |
Heike Jablonski PhD Candidate, Heidelberg Center for American Studies, University of Heidelberg |
2013-14 |
Ebeling |
John Foxe in America |
Leon Jackson Assistant Professor, University of South Carolina |
2003-04 |
Peterson |
The Business of Letters: Authorial Economies in America, 1780s-1840s |
Sandra Jackson-Opoku Novelist, Chicago, IL |
2008 |
Hearst |
God's Gift to the Natives: A novel that explores one musician's enigmatic life and tragic death, while also charting the history and movement of the African diaspora |
Elaine Jackson-Retondo PhD Candidate, University of California, Berkeley |
1997-98 |
Peterson |
The Penitentiary as an Artifact of the Cultural Landscape: A Comparative Analysis, 1780-1860 |
David Jaffee Teaching Fellow, Harvard University |
1981-82 |
Hiatt |
The Formation of a Yankee Culture |
David Jaffee Assistant Professor, CUNY |
1988-89 |
Peterson |
People of the Wachusett: Town Founders and Village Historians of New England, 1630-1860 |
Charline Jao Graduate Candidate in Literatures in English, Cornell University |
2023-24 |
Brown Family Collection |
Family and Bereavement in the Album |
Peter Jaros Associate Professor of English, Franklin & Marshall College |
2018-19 |
Peterson |
Incorporate Things: A Literary Genealogy of Corporate Personhood in Antebellum America |
Michael Jarvis Assistant Professor, University of Rochester |
2003-04 |
'In the eye of All Trade': Bermuda and the Atlantic World, 1612-1815 |
Honorée Fanonne Jeffers Poet, Norman, OK |
2009 |
Baron |
Research for book of poems whose centerpiece is a series about Phillis Wheatley, which imagines her interior life |
Richard R. John Associate Professor of History, University of Illinois, Chicago |
1994-95 |
RA |
Visions of Enterprise: The Political Origins of the Modern Communications Infrastructure in the United States, 1837-17 |
Ann Johnson Assistant Professor, Fordham University |
2002-03 |
Botein |
Engineering Handbooks as Carriers of Knowledge into the Field |
Brandon Johnson PhD Candidate, University of Chicago |
2002-03 |
Peterson |
Spirits on the Stage: Public Mediums, Spiritualist Theater, and American Culture, 1848-1893 |
Linck Johnson Associate Professor, Colgate University |
1984-85 |
Walden in Its Time |
Paul Johnson Guest Lecturer, Princeton University |
1985-86 |
From Yeoman to Factory Hand: Studies in Early Industrial Society |
Ronald Angelo Johnson Associate Professor of History, Baylor University |
2023-24 |
Peterson |
Mutual Entanglements: Transracial Ties between Haitians and Revolutionary Americans |
Sherita L. Johnson Assistant Professor of English, University of Southern Mississippi |
2022-23 |
Korzenik |
Panoramic Travel with Frances Harper: Archival Recovery of the Reconstruction Years |
Sue Johnson Painter, St. Mary's City, MD |
2000 |
Sigety (Artist) |
The Alternate Encyclopedia |
Elizabeth Johnston Teaching Assistant, Harvard College |
2005-06 |
Peterson |
Choosing Freedom, Risking Slavery: African Americans, Antislavery Advocates, and the Courts in Massachusetts, 1830-1860 |
Patricia Johnston Professor, Salem State College |
2007-08 |
Last |
"Martyrs, Riots, Nuns, and Peasants" |
Patricia Johnston Professor of Visual Arts, College of the Holy Cross |
2023-24 |
Last |
Global Aesthetics |
Berta Joncus Reader in the Department of Music, University of London |
2022-23 |
Keller |
Abolitionist Song: Anglo-American Exchanges, 1780-1810 |
Jacqueline Jones PhD Candidate, University of Wisconsin, Madison |
1974-75 |
Daniels |
Northern Teachers in the Post-Civil War South |
Paul Jones Assistant Professor, Ohio University |
2007-08 |
Peterson |
The Newgate Novel Comes to America: Antebellum Crime Fiction and the Anti-Gallows Movement |
Sophie Heather Jones PhD Candidate, University of Liverpool |
2016-17 |
Peterson |
From Anglicization to Loyalism: New York, 1691-1783 |
T. Cole Jones PhD in History, Johns Hopkins University |
2014-15 |
Hench |
Deprived of their Liberty: Enemy Prisoners and the Culture of War in Revolutionary America |
Adam Jortner Assistant Professor of History, Auburn University |
2014-15 |
Witchcraft and the Rise of American Religious Freedom, 1626-1789 |
Michael Joseph Librarian, Rutgers University |
1997-98 |
Peterson |
McLoughlin Bros, 1858-1878 |
Natalie Joy Assistant Professor of History, Northern Illinois University |
2016-17 |
Peterson |
Abolitionists and Indians in the Antebellum Era |
Sandro Jung Fellow, Herzog August Library |
2018-19 |
Last |
A Transnational History of American Book Illustration |
Carsten Junker Assistant Professor, University of Bremen |
2011-12 |
Ebeling |
Reading Affect in Eighteenth-Century Abolitionist Debates |
James Kabala PhD Candidate, Brown University |
2007-08 |
Legacy |
A Christian Nation?: Religion and the State in the Early American Republic, 1787-1844 |
Laurie Kahn Independent Filmmaker, Watertown, MA |
1992-93 |
A Midwife's Tale: The Life of Martha Ballard (film adaptation) |
Jeffrey Kaja PhD Candidate, University of Michigan |
2008-09 |
Peterson |
"From Rivers to Roads: Economic Development and the Evolution of Transportation Systems in Early Pennsylvania, 1675-1800." |
Neil Kamil Associate Professor, University of Texas, Austin |
2012-13 |
Artisans of 'Inventive Genius': Atlantic Refugees, Niche Economies, and Portable Devices in the Manufacture of Polite Matter, 1640-1789 |
Katja Kanzler Associate Professor, Leipzig University |
2006-07 |
Ebeling |
Genre and Separate Spheres in Antebellum Women's Writing |
Carol F. Karlsen Associate Professor, University of Michigan |
1994-95 |
Relations of Power, the Power of Relations: Iroquois Communities in Western New York, 1750-00 |
Maria Kaspirek PhD Candidate in American Studies, Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nuremberg |
2017-18 |
Ebeling |
(In)Sanitary Science: The Discourse of Mental Hygiene as Tacit Knowledge in Antebellum Literature |
Wendy Katz Associate Professor, University of Nebraska, Lincoln |
2008-09 |
Last |
The Politics of Art Criticism in the Penny Press, 1833-1862 |
Pamela Keech Visual Artist and Independent Curator, New York, NY |
1997 |
Wallace |
Nurseries: An installation picturing the lives of children in post Civil War America |
Lindsay Keiter Assistant Professor of History, Pennsylvania State University, Altoona |
2020-21 |
Peterson |
Uniting Interests: Love, Money, and the Law in American Marriage, 1750-1860 |
Mark Kelley Assistant Professor of English, Florida International University |
2019-20 |
Sentimental Seamen: Feeling Bodies in an American Age of Sail |
Mary C. Kelley Ruth Bordin Collegiate Professor of History, American Culture, and Women’s Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
2013-14 |
Mellon Distinguished Scholar |
'What Are You Reading, What Are You Saying?' American Reading and Writing Practices, 1760-1860 |
Mary C. Kelley Professor, Dartmouth College |
1990-91 |
Peterson |
Achieving Authority: Women in Public in Early America |
Sean Kelley Associate Professor, Hartwick College |
2008-09 |
Gone to Africa: A Rhode Island Slave Ship and the Making of a Diaspora |
Wyn Kelley Senior Lecturer of Literature, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
2023-24 |
Brazi in Early North American Black Print Culture |
Catherine E. Kelly Assistant Professor, University of Oklahoma |
1999-00 |
Peterson |
Things Useful and Ornamental: Gender, Culture, and Gentility in the Bourgeois Republic |
Catherine E. Kelly PhD Candidate, University of Rochester |
1987-88 |
Peterson |
Mothers and Daughters: Intergenerational Conflict and Continuity, 1820-39 |
John Kelly Teaching Fellow, Harvard University |
1973-74 |
Mellon Short-Term |
The Scientific Contents and Popular Use of American Almanacs |
Laura Kennelly Assistant Editor, Baldwin-Wallace College |
1994-95 |
Peterson |
Samuel West: Private Life in Revolutionary Times, 1739-1808 |
Spencer Keralis PhD Candidate, New York University |
2009-10 |
Legacy |
Children of Wrath: Violence, Remembrance, and the Making of Youth in Antebellum America |
Sarah Keyes PhD Candidate, University of Southern California |
2010-11 |
Peterson |
Circling Back: Migration to the Pacific and the Reconfiguration of America, 1820-1900 |
Melanie Kiechle Assistant Professor of History, Virginia Tech University |
2014-15 |
Smell Detectives: An Olfactory History of Nineteenth-Century America |
Akira Kikuchi Professor, Otaru University of Commerce |
1991-92 |
RA |
The Development of American Society from the Colonial Period to the Early Nineteenth Century |
Daniel Kilbride Associate Professor, John Carroll University |
2007-08 |
Peterson |
The Grand Tour: European Travelers and American National Identities, 1750-1870 |
Wilson H. Kimnach Affiliate Professor, Clark University |
1993-94 |
Literature of the Sermon in Eighteenth-Century America |
John King Assistant Professor, University of Michigan |
1980-81 |
Puritan Psychomachy: Themes of Piety and Mental Pathology in Early America |
Marguerite Kirkpatrick Teacher, Logan County High School |
1997 |
K-12 |
Study of journals, diaries, amateur newspapers, and letters of young people to use in curriculum development for interdisciplinary unites in social studies, language arts, family living and media classes |
Alison Klaum PhD Candidate, University of Delaware |
2010-11 |
Last |
Pressing Flowers: American Floral Prints and Preserving Culture in the Nineteenth Century |
Lauren Klein Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology |
2013-14 |
Drawn to Art |
A Cultural History of Data Visualization, 1786-2013 |
Shana Klein Assistant Professor, Kent State University |
2022-23 |
Korzenik |
Spoiled Milk: The Visual Culture of Breastfeeding and Motherhood in Victorian America |
Shana Klein PhD Candidate, University of New Mexico |
2013-14 |
The Fruits of Empire: Contextualizing Food in Still-Life Representation, 1850-1900 |
Betsy Klimasmith Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Boston |
2008-09 |
Botein |
Cities and Seductions: Sex and Early American Urban Fiction |
Rachel Knecht PhD Candidate, Brown University |
2016-17 |
Lapides |
Inventing the Mathematical Economy in Nineteenth-Century America |
Andrea Knutson Associate Professor of English, Oakland University |
2020-21 |
Last |
Barbados’s Plantation History at the Intersection of Slavery and Ecocide |
Layla Marie Koch PhD Candidate in American Studies, Heidelberg Center for American Studies, University of Heidelberg |
2024-25 |
Ebeling |
The Literary Construct of Childhood in the American Foreign Mission Movement |
Philippa Koch PhD Candidate, University of Chicago Divinity School |
2013-14 |
Peterson |
Persistent Providence: Religion and Epidemics in Eighteenth-Century America |
Lisa Koenigsberg PhD Candidate, Yale University |
1984-85 |
Haven |
Professionalizing Domesticity |
Sally G. Kohlstedt Associate Professor, Syracuse University |
1982-83 |
Haven |
Natural History Museums: The Nineteenth Century |
Michael Komanecky Independent Scholar, |
2007-08 |
Last |
Carleton Watkins' Photographs of the California Missions |
Kathryn S. Koo Assistant Professor, Saint Mary's College of California |
2005-06 |
Peterson |
In the House of God: Cotton Mather and the Making of Puritan Slavery |
Paula Kopacz Associate Professor, Eastern Kentucky University |
1988-89 |
RA |
Women's Daily Life in Seventeenth-Century New England |
Heather Kopelson Assistant Professor of History, University of Alabama |
2014-15 |
Last |
Idolatrous Processions: The Production of Peoples and Places in the Atlantic World |
Gary Kornblith Assistant Professor, Oberlin College |
1984-85 |
Haven |
Master Mechanics in New England, 1780s-1850s |
Albrecht Koschnik , Library Company of Philadelphia |
2009-10 |
American Conceptions of Civil Society, 1750-1850 |
Carolyn Kras Writer, Screen (TV, Theater, Stage), Los Angeles, CA |
2014 |
Hearst |
Research for a TV pilot script to take place in 1871 after the Great Chicago Fire |
Karl Kroeger Music Librarian, University of Colorado, Boulder |
1987-88 |
Peterson |
The Complete Works of William Billings |
Peter Kuczynski Chairman, Martin Luther University, Halle, Germany |
1987-88 |
RA |
The Contemporary Reception of Nathaniel Hawthorne |
Karsten Kummer Lecturer, University of Bremen |
2002-03 |
Ebeling |
Eighteenth-Century German-American Texts: A Study of Intercultural Negotiations and Relations |
Karen Ordahl Kupperman Silver Professor, New York University |
2003-04 |
Mellon Distinguished Scholar |
The Founding of Jamestown in Its Atlantic Context |
Adam Laats Professor, State University of New York, Binghamton |
2018-19 |
Alstott Morgan |
Toe the Line: Joseph Lancaster and the Delusion of Early School Reform |
Adam Laats Professor, Binghamton University |
2024-25 |
Lapides |
School Children: A New History of US Public Education, 1790-1860 |
Ronald Labuz Professor, Mohawk Valley Community College |
1991-92 |
Boni |
American Graphic Design, 1830-70 |
Barbara Lacey Associate Professor, Saint Joseph College |
1996-97 |
Religious Imagery Transformed: The Eighteenth-Century American Illustrated Imprint |
Ben Lafferty PhD in History, Queen Mary University of London |
2014-15 |
Fulbright |
A Marketplace of Ideas: Printed Culture and Communications in Federalist Era New England |
Greta LaFleur Assistant Professor, University of Hawai'I, Manoa |
2013-14 |
Peterson |
American Insides: Popular Narrative and the Historiography of Sexuality, 1674-1815 |
Eric Lamore Professor of English, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez |
2019-20 |
Reese |
Abagail Field Mott’s 1829 Abridged Edition of Olaudah Equiano’s ‘Interesting Narrative’: A Critical Edition |
Eric Lamore Professor of English, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez |
2023-24 |
“Unstable as Water”: Early Black Atlantic Literature and Textual Fluidity |
Sara E. Lampert PhD Candidate, University of Michigan |
2010-11 |
Peterson |
Women and the Making of the Nineteenth-Century Culture Industry |
Sara E. Lampert Associate Professor of History, University of South Dakota |
2024-25 |
Last |
Leg Show: Ballet, Burlesque, and Female Spectacle in the Civil War Era and Gilded Age |
Philip J. Lampi Independent Researcher, |
1974-75 |
Daniels |
Vote Tabulation in American Presidential, Congressional, Gubernatorial, and State Legislative Elections, 1788-1824 |
Eva Landsberg PhD Candidate, Yale University |
2022-23 |
Peterson |
The Politics of Sugar in the 18th-Century British Atlantic |
Allison Lange PhD Candidate, |
2011-12 |
Transformative Images of Woman Suffrage, 1776-1920 Brandeis University |
Paul Langford , Lincoln College, Oxford University |
1974-75 |
Daniels |
British Attitudes towards the American Colonies during the American Revolution |
Harold Langley Associate Curator, Museum of History and Technology, Smithsonian |
1973-74 |
Mellon Short-Term |
American Press Reaction to the Peace of Ghent |
Amber LaPiana PhD Candidate, Washington State University |
2011-12 |
Last |
Mapping Literary Regionalism |
Edward J. Larkin Assistant Professor, University of Delaware |
2006-07 |
The Loyalist Origins of United States Culture |
Ilana Larkin PhD Candidate in English, Northwestern University |
2019-20 |
Lapides |
Hostile Love: Discipline, Nation, and History-Making in American Children’s Literature |
Ilana Larkin Visiting Assistant Professor, Northwestern University |
2024-25 |
Hostile Love: Rage, Race, and Gender in American Children’s Literature, 1850-1900 |
Joseph Larnerd PhD Candidate in Art and Art History, Stanford University |
2018-19 |
Jaffee |
The Makings of Cut Glass in America, 1876-1916 |
Kate Larson PhD Candidate, University of New Hampshire |
2001-02 |
Legacy |
Asante, Daughter of Zion: The Life and Memory of Harriet Tubman |
Emily Laurance Musician, Harpist, Chapel Hill, NC |
2001 |
Baron |
Sacred Music and Theatrical Songs in Early Nineteenth Century America |
Bruce G. Laurie Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
1993-94 |
The Search for Security in Nineteenth-Century America |
Darryl Lauster Sculptor, Arlington, TX |
2022 |
Hearst |
Research for a series of bronze sculptures that will visually identify with scrolls and parchment manuscripts |
Carolyn J. Lawes Associate Instructor, University of California, Davis |
1990-91 |
Peterson |
The Second Great Awakening and the Development of Commercial Capitalism in Worcester, Massachusetts, 1820-48 |
Kathleen Lawrence Lecturer, Boston University |
2004-05 |
Drawn to Art |
"Margaret Fuller's Aesthetic Transcendentalism" |
Robert Lawson-Peebles Lecturer, Exeter College |
1990-91 |
Transatlantic Cultural Relations, 1745-80 |
Brandon Layton PhD Candidate, University of California, Davis |
2017-18 |
Alstott Morgan |
Children of Two Fires: Childhood, Diplomacy, and Change among the Choctaws and Chickasaws |
Emilia Le Seven PhD Candidate in English-Speaking Cultures, Université Paris Diderot |
2018-19 |
d'Héricourt |
Cooper’s Sea Romances and the American Grand National Narrative |
Elise Leal Henreckson Assistant Professor of History, Whitworth University |
2022-23 |
Lapides |
"Nurseries of Piety": Sunday Schools and Children’s Religious Culture in the Unites States, 1790-1860 |
John Leary Assistant Professor, Wayne State University |
2011-12 |
Peterson |
A Cultural History of Underdevelopment: Latin America in the U.S. Imagination |
Lewis Leary William Rand Kenan, Jr. Professor, University of North Carolina |
1980-81 |
Boni |
Lectures in the United States, 1783-1829 |
Peter Leavenworth PhD Candidate, University of New Hampshire |
2007-08 |
Accounting for Taste: The American Music Business in the Early Republic and Confrontations in Music Aesthetics, 1770-1825 |
Peter Leavenworth PhD Candidate, University of New Hampshire |
2004-05 |
Peterson |
"Confrontations of Taste: American vs. European Standards of Music Aesthetics in the Early Republic" |
Jocelyn Lee Teacher, Sequoia Union High School, Redwood City, CA |
1996 |
K-12 |
Seneca Falls to Suffrage: A Study of the Early Women's Movement, 1840-20 |
John Lee Playwright, Los Angeles, CA |
1996 |
Wallace |
Orphan Trains |
Robert Lee PhD Candidate, University of California, Berkeley |
2013-14 |
Last |
Louisiana Purchases: The US-Indian Treaty System in the Missouri River Valley, 1840-1851 |
Jazzmen Lee-Johnson Interdisciplinary Artist, Providence, RI |
2019 |
Last (Artist) |
Contraband: Visual pieces that explore how the industry of slavery laid the blueprint for drug crimes, gang culture, and mass incarceration in Black communities |
Danielle Legros Georges Poet, Boston, MA |
2023 |
Hearst |
Research for “Acts of Resistance to New England Slavery by Africans Themselves in New England,” a series of poems about Black self-determinism and articulations of freedom within and against the context of Northern slavery |
Isabelle Lehuu PhD Candidate, Cornell University |
1988-89 |
Boni |
The New Readers in Antebellum America |
Michelle LeMaster Director, Lawrence Henry Gipson Institute for Eighteenth Century Studies, Lehigh Univeristy |
2024-25 |
"Butchered after the most barbarous manner”: Violence in the Tuscarora War |
Elise Lemire PhD Candidate, Rutgers University |
1994-95 |
Peterson |
Discourses of Miscegenation in United States, 1800-1865 |
Jessica Lepler Assistant Professor, University of New Hampshire |
2008-09 |
Hench |
1837: Anatomy of a Panic |
Jill M. Lepore PhD Candidate, Yale University |
1993-94 |
Peterson |
Commemorating Cruelty: Writing and Remembering King Philip's War, 1675-76 |
Alex Leslie PhD Candidate in Literature, Rutgers University |
2019-20 |
Peterson |
Reading Regions: American Literature and Cultural Geography, 1865-1915 |
Nora Lessersohn Visiting Researcher in History, Georgetown University |
2024-25 |
Korzenik |
The Sultan of New York: Armenians and Turks in Nineteenth-Century America |
Telesia Lett PhD Candidate, Boston University |
2016-17 |
Making Money: Alfred Jones and the Business of Engraving |
Edu Levati High School Teacher of Historia Social, The American School of São Paulo |
2022-23 |
Peterson |
Hemispheric Negotiations: The United States Recognition of Brazilian Independence |
Barry Levy Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
1998-99 |
The Ordeal of Early American Equality: Orphans, Poor Children, and the Massachusetts Labor Regime, 1630-1820 |
Marshall Levy Teacher, Winn Brook School, Belmont, MA |
1995 |
K-12 |
The Evolution of the Chocolate Industry in the New England Area and its Impact on a Developing Society |
Andrew Lewis PhD Candidate, Yale University |
2000-01 |
Peterson |
Antiques of State: Archaeology in Early Republican America |
Charlene Lewis Professor, Kalamazoo College |
2017-18 |
Legacy |
The Traitor's Wife: Peggy Arnold and Revolutionary America |
Daniel Lewis Assistant Professor, Northern Virginia Community College |
2010-11 |
Last |
The Popularity of 'Washington Crossing the Delaware' Prints in the Literary Marketplace, 1853-1861 |
Randi Lewis PhD Candidate, University of Virginia |
2012-13 |
Peterson |
To 'the most distant parts of the Globe': Trade, Politics, and the Maritime Frontier in the Early Republic, 1763-1819 |
W Lhamon George M. Harper Professor, Florida State University |
1998-99 |
Peterson |
Jump Jim Crow: Plays, Lyrics, and Street Prose of the First Atlantic Popular Culture |
Yan Li PhD Candidate, University of Connecticut |
1986-87 |
Peterson |
The Transformation of the Massachusetts Constitution, 1780-1860 |
Jess Libow PhD Candidate in English, Emory University |
2020-21 |
Alstott Morgan |
Political Movement: Ability, Sex, and Reform in the Nineteenth-Century United States |
Natasha Lightfoot PhD Candidate, New York University |
2006-07 |
Peterson |
Race, Class, and Resistance: The Aftermath of Emancipation in Antigua, 1831-1858 |