Robert Lee PhD Candidate, University of California, Berkeley |
2013-14 |
Last |
Louisiana Purchases: The US-Indian Treaty System in the Missouri River Valley, 1840-1851 |
Jazzmen Lee-Johnson Interdisciplinary Artist, Providence, RI |
2019 |
Last (Artist) |
Contraband: Visual pieces that explore how the industry of slavery laid the blueprint for drug crimes, gang culture, and mass incarceration in Black communities |
Danielle Legros Georges Poet, Boston, MA |
2023 |
Hearst |
Research for “Acts of Resistance to New England Slavery by Africans Themselves in New England,” a series of poems about Black self-determinism and articulations of freedom within and against the context of Northern slavery |
Isabelle Lehuu PhD Candidate, Cornell University |
1988-89 |
Boni |
The New Readers in Antebellum America |
Michelle LeMaster Director, Lawrence Henry Gipson Institute for Eighteenth Century Studies, Lehigh Univeristy |
2024-25 |
"Butchered after the most barbarous manner”: Violence in the Tuscarora War |
Elise Lemire PhD Candidate, Rutgers University |
1994-95 |
Peterson |
Discourses of Miscegenation in United States, 1800-1865 |
Jessica Lepler Assistant Professor, University of New Hampshire |
2008-09 |
Hench |
1837: Anatomy of a Panic |
Jill M. Lepore PhD Candidate, Yale University |
1993-94 |
Peterson |
Commemorating Cruelty: Writing and Remembering King Philip's War, 1675-76 |
Alex Leslie PhD Candidate in Literature, Rutgers University |
2019-20 |
Peterson |
Reading Regions: American Literature and Cultural Geography, 1865-1915 |
Nora Lessersohn Visiting Researcher in History, Georgetown University |
2024-25 |
Korzenik |
The Sultan of New York: Armenians and Turks in Nineteenth-Century America |
Telesia Lett PhD Candidate, Boston University |
2016-17 |
Making Money: Alfred Jones and the Business of Engraving |
Edu Levati High School Teacher of Historia Social, The American School of São Paulo |
2022-23 |
Peterson |
Hemispheric Negotiations: The United States Recognition of Brazilian Independence |
Barry Levy Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
1998-99 |
The Ordeal of Early American Equality: Orphans, Poor Children, and the Massachusetts Labor Regime, 1630-1820 |
Marshall Levy Teacher, Winn Brook School, Belmont, MA |
1995 |
K-12 |
The Evolution of the Chocolate Industry in the New England Area and its Impact on a Developing Society |
Andrew Lewis PhD Candidate, Yale University |
2000-01 |
Peterson |
Antiques of State: Archaeology in Early Republican America |
Charlene Lewis Professor, Kalamazoo College |
2017-18 |
Legacy |
The Traitor's Wife: Peggy Arnold and Revolutionary America |
Daniel Lewis Assistant Professor, Northern Virginia Community College |
2010-11 |
Last |
The Popularity of 'Washington Crossing the Delaware' Prints in the Literary Marketplace, 1853-1861 |
Randi Lewis PhD Candidate, University of Virginia |
2012-13 |
Peterson |
To 'the most distant parts of the Globe': Trade, Politics, and the Maritime Frontier in the Early Republic, 1763-1819 |
W Lhamon George M. Harper Professor, Florida State University |
1998-99 |
Peterson |
Jump Jim Crow: Plays, Lyrics, and Street Prose of the First Atlantic Popular Culture |
Yan Li PhD Candidate, University of Connecticut |
1986-87 |
Peterson |
The Transformation of the Massachusetts Constitution, 1780-1860 |
Jess Libow PhD Candidate in English, Emory University |
2020-21 |
Alstott Morgan |
Political Movement: Ability, Sex, and Reform in the Nineteenth-Century United States |
Natasha Lightfoot PhD Candidate, New York University |
2006-07 |
Peterson |
Race, Class, and Resistance: The Aftermath of Emancipation in Antigua, 1831-1858 |
BJ Lillis PhD Candidate in History, Princeton University |
2024-25 |
Hench |
A Valley Between Worlds: Slavery, Dispossession, and the Creation of a Settler-Colonial Society in the Hudson Valley, 1674-1766 |
Jessica Linker PhD Candidate, University of Connecticut |
2012-13 |
Last |
'It is my best wish to behold Ladies among my hearers': Early American Women and Scientific Practice, 1720-1860 |
Kent P. Ljungquist Associate Professor, Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
1983-84 |
RA |
The Aesthetic Categories of the Sublime, the Picturesque, and the Beautiful, as They Are Represented in American Literary Periodicals, 1820-1860 |
Cindy R. Lobel PhD Candidate, CUNY Graduate Center |
1999-00 |
Peterson |
Consuming Classes: Food, Eating, and Images of Consumption in the United States, 1790-1860 |
Cindy R. Lobel PhD Candidate, CUNY Graduate Center |
2004-05 |
Hench |
Consuming Classes: Changing Food Consumption Patterns in New York City, 1780-1860 |
Gudrun Löhrer Visiting Professor, John F. Kennedy Institute, Free University of Berlin |
2010-11 |
Ebeling |
A Cultural History of U.S.-American Banknotes in the Early Nineteenth Century |
Gabriel Loiacono PhD Candidate, Brandeis University |
2006-07 |
Peterson |
The People and the Poor: Experiences and Ideas of Poverty in Rhode Island, 1780-1888 |
Drew Lopenzina Assistant Professor of English, Old Dominion University |
2014-15 |
Peterson |
Cultural Biography of William Apess |
Ruth Lopez Writer, Chicago, IL |
2003 |
Hearst |
Research in the McLoughlin Brothers archive toward a social history on the artists who helped create children's literature in America |
Ellen Jane Lorenz PhD Candidate, Union Graduate School |
1977-78 |
Daniels |
Campmeeting Spirituals |
Eireann Lorsung Writer, Farmington, ME |
2020 |
Baron |
Non-Fiction work that examines the history of gardens in Europe and the U.S. |
Margaretta M. Lovell Professor of the History of Art, University of California, Berkeley |
2007-08 |
Mellon Distinguished Scholar |
Painting the Inhabited Landscape: Fitz H. Lane and Winslow Homer |
Ann Lovett Photographer, New Paltz, NY |
2009 |
Hearst |
Artist book about the textile mills of Lowell and other Massachusetts mill towns and the "mill girls" who worked in them |
Mason I. Lowance Jr. Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
1976-77 |
Symbolism in American Writings from the Puritans to the Civil War |
Mason I. Lowance Jr. Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
1989-90 |
Peterson |
Uncle Tom's Cabin and the New England Sermon Tradition |
Mason I. Lowance Jr. Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
1972-73 |
U.S. Steel Foundation |
Symbolic Expression in Puritan Writings, 1620-1776 |
Nenette Luarca-Shoaf PhD Candidate, University of Delaware |
2009-10 |
Last |
The Place of the Mississippi River in Antebellum Visual Culture and Imagination |
Patrick Luck PhD Candidate, Johns Hopkins University |
2012-13 |
Peterson |
The Creation of a Deep South: Making the Sugar and Cotton Revolutions in the Lower Mississippi Valley, 1790-1825 |
Christopher Lukasik Associate Professor, Purdue University |
2013-14 |
Last |
The Image in the Text |
Christopher Lukasik Assistant Professor, Boston University |
2004-05 |
Discerning Characters: Social Distinction and the Face in American Culture, 1780-1850 |
Christopher Lukasik Assistant Professor, Boston University |
2003-04 |
Drawn to Art |
Discerning Characters: Social Distinction and the Face in American Literary and Visual Culture, 1780-1850 |
Christine Lum Teacher, Caroline High School, Glen Allen, VA |
1995 |
K-12 |
Develop a Curriculum Unit on the Life of Catherine Marie Sedgwick for a Secondary American Literature Course |
James Lundberg PhD Candidate, Yale University |
2006-07 |
Peterson |
Reading Horace Greeley's America, 1834-1872 |
Howard Lurie Teacher, Mt Anthony Union HS, Bennington, VT |
1994 |
K-12 |
Shay's Rebellion |
Cora Lushington Lecturer, University of Sussex |
1973-74 |
Mellon Short-Term |
The Democratic Press in England and America |
Brian P. Luskey Assistant Professor, West Virginia University |
2012-13 |
Tracy |
Magnificent Rogue: A Swindler, Seducer, and Slaver in the Nineteenth Century |
Brian P. Luskey PhD Candidate, Emory University |
2003-04 |
Peterson |
The Marginal Men: Clerks and the Meanings of Class in Nineteenth-Century America |
Mary Anne Lutz Associate Professor, Frostburg State University |
1996-97 |
RA |
The Politics of the American Picturesque: Perceptions of Land and Native Americans |
Richard Lyman Professor, Simmons College |
1983-84 |
RA |
The Economic and Social Context of the Lincoln Family, 1810-1840 |
Clare A. Lyons Associate Professor of History, Drake University |
1992-93 |
Peterson |
Sex Among the 'Rabble': Gender Transitions in the Age of the Revolution, Philadelphia 1750-1830 |
Erin Lyons Fiction Writer, Washington, DC |
2015 |
Hearst |
Historical novel about Anne Hutchinson and the Massachusetts Bay Colony, from 1630-1638, told from the point of view of a servant girl |
Maura Lyons Associate Professor of Art History, Drake University |
2014-15 |
Last |
Popular Depictions of the 'Natural' Body of the Union Soldier |
Franciszek Lyra Senior Lecturer, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University |
1989-90 |
Peterson |
Revising the Canon of the First Two Centuries of American Literature |
Alexandra Macdonald PhD Candidate in History, College of William and Mary |
2022-23 |
Last |
The Social Life of Time in the Anglo-Atlantic World, 1660-1830 |
Gesa Mackenthun Professor, University of Rostock |
2006-07 |
Peterson |
The Conquest of Antiquity: Geographical Discovery and Romantic Scholarship in the USA |
Jeanne Mackin Novelist, Ithaca, NY |
1999 |
Wallace |
The Sweet By and By: Maggie and Katie Fox |
Trent MacNamara Assistant Professor of History, Texas A&M University |
2018-19 |
Peterson |
Big Sky: Popular Ideas about the Heavens in America |
Tyesha Maddox PhD Candidate, New York University |
2015-16 |
Peterson |
From Invisible to Immigrants: Political Activism and the Construction of Caribbean American Identity, 1890-1940 |
Deborah Madsen Director, University of Leicester |
1995-96 |
RA |
Colonial Legacies: A History of the Pynchon and Hawthorne Families |
Gregory Maertz Associate Professor, St John's University |
1996-97 |
Peterson |
Goethe's Translators, Critics, and Readers in Nineteenth-Century New England |
Rachel Maeve Photographer, Providence, RI |
2025 |
Baron |
Tintypes as Artifacts of Intimacy and Memory: Exploring Radical Relationships Through Photography |
Nicole Mahoney PhD Candidate in History, University of Maryland, College Park |
2019-20 |
Botein |
Liberty, Gentility, and Dangerous Liaisons: French Culture and Polite Society in Early National America, 1770-1825 |
Gloria L. Main Independent Researcher, |
1978-79 |
The Massachusetts Farmer and his Family |
Jeffrey Malanson PhD Candidate, Boston College |
2009-10 |
Peterson |
Addressing America: Washington's Farewell and the Making of National Culture, Politics, and Diplomacy, 1796-1852 |
Allison Malcom PhD Candidate, University of Illinois, Chicago |
2008-09 |
Legacy |
"A Protestant Patriotism: Anti-Catholicism and the Rise of Nationhood in North America, 1830-1870." |
Adam Malka Associate Professor of History, University of Oklahoma |
2023-24 |
The Carceral Turn: Crime and Punishment during the Civil War Era |
Daniel R. Mandell Assistant Professor, Truman State University |
2002-03 |
Tracy |
Images of Indians in Southern New England, 1760 - 1880 |
Daniel R. Mandell Professor, Truman State University |
2012-13 |
The Lost Tradition of Equality in America, 1600-1870 |
Catherine Manegold Professor, Emory University |
2005-06 |
In an Office Built by Slaves |
Jen Manion PhD Candidate, Rutgers University |
2005-06 |
Peterson |
Women's Crime and Penal Reform in Early Pennsylvania, 1776-1835 |
Jen Manion Assistant Professor, Connecticut College |
2012-13 |
Crossing Gender: Female Masculinity in the 18th & 19th Centuries |
Leila Mansouri PhD Candidate in English, University of California, Berkeley |
2014-15 |
Last |
Constituent Characters |
Crystal Dawn Manuel PhD Candidate in History, University of Missouri, Kansas City |
2023-24 |
Keller |
Female Hymnodists of the Nineteenth Century |
Marco Marin Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Trieste |
2013-14 |
Peterson |
The Political Catechisms for Schools and Children in the United State, 1790-1850 |
Stephen A. Marini Professor, Wellesley College |
1988-89 |
Religion in the American Revolution |
Stephen A. Marini Professor, Wellesley College |
1988-89 |
Migrants and Itinerants, Schools and Psalmody: Neglected Networks of Religious Culture in Revolutionary America |
Helena Markson Senior Lecturer, Haifa, Israel |
1991-92 |
RA |
Early American Lithography and Allied Printing |
Timothy Marr PhD Candidate, Yale University |
1996-97 |
Peterson |
Islamic Orientalism in Nineteenth-Century America |
Timothy Marr PhD Candidate, Yale University |
1999-00 |
Hench |
Imagining Ishmael: Studies of Islamic Orientalism in America from the Puritans to Melville |
Aaron Marrs Historian, U.S. Department of State |
2010-11 |
Peterson |
Moving Forward: A Social History of the Transportation Revolution |
D. Lance Marsh Playwright, Oklahoma City, OK |
2023 |
Hearst |
Research for “Macbeth/Forrest/Macbeth” a radical reworking of the text of Shakespeare’s Macbeth as seen through the lens of the Astor Place Riots |
Donald Marti Associate Professor, University of Indiana, South Bend |
1974-75 |
Daniels |
Movements for Agricultural Improvements in 19th-Century New England and New York |
Alice Martin PhD Candidate in English, Rutgers University |
2023-24 |
Reese |
Playing with Scripted Intimacy: The Uptake of American Autograph Albums, 1820-1860 |
Peter Martin PhD Candidate, Emory College |
1995-96 |
Peterson |
Forgotten Immigrant Church: The French-Canadian Religious Identity in New England |
Russell L. Martin III PhD Candidate, University of Virginia |
1992-93 |
Peterson |
Almanacs of the Southern States, 1732-1860 |
Elspeth Martini Professor of History, Montclair State University |
2018-19 |
Humanitarian Authority and Indigenous Dispossession in the U.S. and British Empires |
Whitney Martinko PhD Candidate, University of Virginia |
2009-10 |
Last |
Progress through Preservation: History on the American Landscape in an Age of Improvement, 1790-1860 |
Whitney Martinko Assistant Professor of History, Villanova University |
2022-23 |
The Corporate Origins of Cultural Property |
Whitney Martinko Assistant Professor, Villanova University |
2015-16 |
Hench |
Progress through Preservation: History on the American Landscape in an Age of Improvement, 1785-1860 |
Kristina Martino Poet and Visual Artist, |
2023 |
Baron |
Research for “The Avian Kingdom,” a project that concerns reinventing the pastoral poem and fusing human consciousness with that of the landscape, as well as various environmental and health crises |
Isabelle Masse PhD Candidate in Art History, McGill University |
2019-20 |
Last |
Itinerant Portraitists in North America: Mobility, Practice, Transmission, 1776-1812 |
April Masten Visiting Assistant Professor, |
2001-02 |
Drawn to Art |
The Work of Art |
April Masten Associate Professor, State University of New York, Stony Brook |
2008-09 |
Peterson |
The Challenge Dance: Transatlantic Exchange in Early American Popular Culture |
Mark Mastromarino PhD Candidate, College of William and Mary |
1989-90 |
Hiatt |
Elkanah Watson and Massachusetts Agricultural Fairs |
Louis P. Masur PhD Candidate, Princeton University |
1982-83 |
Hiatt |
The Culture of Executions in America, 1776-1860 |
Louis P. Masur Professor, City College of New York |
1998-99 |
Peterson |
The American Republic in 1831 |
Mark Alan Mattes PhD Candidate, University of Iowa |
2009-10 |
Botein |
Letter Interception and Publication during the Era of Good Feelings |
Julien Mauduit PhD Candidate, Université du Québec à Montréal |
2011-12 |
Peterson |
'Locofocoism' and the Canadian Revolution (1837-1842): from a selection of pamphlets, newspapers, and other printed materials |
Henri Andre Van Huysen Mayer PhD Candidate, University of California, Berkeley |
1975-76 |
Daniels |
American Views of Science, 1775-1810 |
Joann Mazzio Writer, Pinos Altos, NM |
2000 |
Baron |
Fremont Expeditions in the 1840's |
Leslie McAbee PhD Candidate, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill |
2017-18 |
Last |
Exotic Animals and the American Conscience, 1840-1900 |
Dwight A. McBride Daniel Hale Williams Professor of African American Studies, English, and Performance Studies, Northwestern University |
2015-16 |
Mellon Distinguished Scholar |
Poetics, Politics, and Phillis Wheatley |
Katherine McCaffrey PhD Candidate, Boston University |
2004-05 |
Peterson |
"Reading Glasses: American Spectacles from Benjamin Franklin's Bifocals to Mithril" |
Laurie McCants Actor, Bloomsburg, PA |
2019 |
Baron |
Solo performance about Frances Slocum, who in 1778 was abducted by the Lenape at 5 years of age |
Mary Rhinelander McCarl PhD Candidate, Boston University |
1987-88 |
Peterson |
More Confessions of Thomas Shepard's Cambridge Parishioners, 1648-49 |
Molly McCarthy PhD Candidate, Brandeis University |
2003-04 |
Hench |
A Page, A Day: A History of the Diary in America |
Molly McCarthy PhD Candidate, Brandeis University |
2000-01 |
Morgan |
A Page, A Day: A History of the Daily Diary in America |
Ben Harris McClary Professor, Middle Georgia State College |
1982-83 |
Haven |
Samuel Lorenzo Knapp and His Milieu |
Eleanor McConnell PhD Candidate, Brandeis University |
2006-07 |
Peterson |
A Scarce Plenty: Economics, Citizenship, and Opportunity in Revolutionary New Jersey, 1760-1820 |
Sarah McCoubrey Painter, Fayetteville, NY |
2007 |
Last (Artist) |
Hannah Morse: A fictive archive of the mid 19th century landscape painter |
Colin McCoy PhD Candidate, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
1998-99 |
Peterson |
Partisans and Pamphleteers: The Literature of Persuasion in Jacksonian America, 1820-1845 |
John McCurdy Assistant Professor, Eastern Michigan University |
2006-07 |
The Politics of Bachelorhood in Early America |
John J. McCusker Associate Professor, University of Maryland |
1980-81 |
Daniels |
The Rum Trade |
Shawna McDermott PhD Candidate, University of Pittsburgh |
2016-17 |
Last |
Reading Race: Visual Literacy in Nineteenth-Century American Children's Periodicals |
Vivian McDermott Teacher, Northside School, Wolf Point, MT |
1994 |
K-12 |
Indian-White Relations |
Warren McDougall Honorary Fellow, University of Edinburgh |
1997-98 |
The Scots Book Trade to Boston and New York in the 18th Century |
James McElroy Assistant Professor, State University of New York, Plattsburgh |
1975-76 |
Daniels |
The Papers of John B. Hough |
Meredith L. McGill Associate Professor, Rutgers University |
2003-04 |
Mellon Postdoctoral |
Poetry in Motion: Lyric Circulation in the Antebellum United States |
Meredith L. McGill Assistant Professor, Harvard University |
1995-96 |
Peterson |
American Literature and the Culture of Reprinting Rewriting Romanticism Fashioning the Marketplace |
Hugh McIntosh PhD Candidate, Northwestern University |
2010-11 |
Last |
Civil War Advertising and the Popular Novel |
Kate McIntyre PhD Candidate in English, Columbia University |
2018-19 |
Peterson |
Fugitive Circulations: The Political Ecology of Poetry in Early African-American Newspapers |
Valerie McKito PhD Candidate, Texas Tech University |
2007-08 |
Peterson |
In the Shadow of Victory: Loyalists in the Aftermath of the Revolution |
Scott McLaren Associate Professor, University of York |
2012-13 |
Botein |
Nurseries of Faith: The New York Methodist Book Concern and the Growth of Methodist Sunday Schools in Upper Canada, 1815-1850 |
Don James McLaughlin Assistant Professor, University of Tulsa |
2018-19 |
Hench |
Infectious Affect: The Phobic Imagination in American Literature |
Don James McLaughlin PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania |
2015-16 |
Peterson |
Touching Phobia: Viral Affect and the Madicalization of Fear in Nineteenth-Century Anglo-American Literature |
Jeremy L. McLaughlin PhD Candidate in the School of Information, University of Wisconsin, Madison |
2024-25 |
Reese |
A Most Familiar Form(e): Textual and Visual Knowledge Transmission in the Cultural Astronomy of Colonial North America |
Stuart McLean PhD Candidate, University of Chicago |
1981-82 |
Daniels |
California Gold Fever |
Anne McLucas Associate Professor, Harvard University |
1985-86 |
Peterson |
The Connection Between American Folk Song and Theatre |
Martha J. McNamara Associate Professor, University of Maine |
2004-05 |
New England Visions: Landscape Representation in History and Art, 1790-1850 |
Rebecca McNulty PhD Candidate, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
2003-04 |
Peterson |
Education for Empire: Manual Labor, Civilization, and the Family in Nineteenth-Century American Missionary Education |
Kevin McPartland PhD Candidate in History, University of Cincinnati |
2023-24 |
Tracy |
The Birthing of a Nation: Confederate Nationalism in the Southern Press |
Georgianne McVay Assistant Professor, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy & Science |
1972-73 |
U.S. Steel Foundation |
Verbal Humor in the Caricatures of David Claypool Johnston |
Tanya Mears Assistant Professor, Norfolk State University |
2008-09 |
Peterson |
'To Lawless Rapine Bred': Early New England Execution Literature Featuring People of African Descent. |
Jessica Mehta Inter/Multi/Anti-disciplinary Poet, Artist, and Scholar, Hillsboro, OR |
2024 |
Baron |
Research for “Red-Acted” a collection of Indigenous erasure poetry |
Barbara Meldrum Professor, University of Iowa |
1990-91 |
Harriet Beecher Stowe and the Dynamics of Nineteenth-Century American Progress |
Jane Merritt Associate Professor, Old Dominion University |
2008-09 |
Peterson |
The Trouble with Tea: Consumption, Politics, and the Making of a Global Colonial Economy |
Peter Messer Assistant Professor, Mississippi State University |
2007-08 |
Revolution by Committee: Law, Language, and Ritual in Revolutionary America |
Sarah Messer Non-Fiction Writer, Poet, Madison, WI |
1999 |
Wallace |
Red House: A non-fiction memoir that explores America’s fascination with history, family, and Great Houses |
Christina Michelon PhD Candidate, University of Minnesota |
2016-17 |
Last |
Interior Impressions: Printed Material in the Nineteenth-Century American Home |
Christina Michelon Postdoctoral Fellow, |
2019-20 |
Printcraft: Making with Mass Images in Nineteenth-Century America |
Stephen Middleton Associate Professor, North Carolina State University |
1994-95 |
Peterson |
The Black Laws of Ohio |
Stephen A. Mihm PhD Candidate, New York University |
2001-02 |
Peterson |
The Alchemists: Counterfeiters and Counterfeiting in Antebellum America |
William Miles Bibliographer, Clarke Historical Library, Central Michigan |
1984-85 |
Haven |
History and Bibliography of American Presidential Election Campaign Newspapers |
Daegan Miller PhD Candidate, Cornell University |
2010-11 |
Last |
Witness Tree: Nature, Culture, and Progress in Nineteenth-Century America |
Denise Miller Creative Writer, Texas Township, MI |
2016 |
Hearst |
Travelogos: African Americans and the Struggle for Safe Passage |
Hilary Miller PhD Candidate in American Studies, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg |
2014-15 |
Last |
The National Road and the Expansion of American Culture, 1811-1850 |
Katherine Miller PhD Candidate in Art and Architectural History, University of Virginia |
2014-15 |
Drawn to Art |
The Office of the Supervising Architect's Experiments with Architectural Representation: Prints & Photographs |
Ken Miller Associate Professor, Washington College |
2017-18 |
The Strange Case of Bathsheba Spooner: A Tale of Sex and Murder in Revolutionary America |
Marla R. Miller PhD Candidate, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill |
1994-95 |
Peterson |
`My Daily Bread Depends Upon My Labor': Gender and Artisanry in Early America |
Rachel Miller Postdoctoral Associate, Center for Cultural Analysis, Rutgers University |
2019-20 |
Hench |
Capital Entertainment: Stage Work and the Origins of the Creative Economy, 1843-1912 |
Rachel Miller PhD Candidate, University of Michigan |
2017-18 |
Last |
Capital Entertainment: Creative Labor and the Modern State, 1860-1910 |
David Mills Poet, Long Island City, NY |
2019 |
Hearst |
After Mistic: A poetry manuscript that focuses on slavery in Massachusetts and New York |
Robert Mills PhD Candidate, Northwestern University |
2015-16 |
Peterson |
The Pirate and the Sovereign |
Shavonte Mills PhD Candidate in History, Pennsylvania State University |
2019-20 |
Schiller |
Visionaries: The Black Educational Network as Transnational Diasporic Politics, 1840-1880 |
Scott Miltenberger PhD Candidate, University of California, Davis |
2003-04 |
Peterson |
All Gotham's Creatures: Animals and the Middle Class in New York City, 1783-1898 |
David Minter Professor, Rice University |
1980-81 |
Daniels |
Texts and Contexts: The Great Migration and King Philip's War |
Katherine Mintie PhD Candidate, University of California, Berkeley |
2015-16 |
Last |
Legal Lenses: Intellectual Property Laws and American Photography, 1839-1890 |
Max Mishler PhD Candidate in History, New York University |
2014-15 |
Peterson |
Boundaries of Freedom: Abolition, Punishment, and the Atlantic Origins of Mass Incarceration |
Betty Mitchell Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth |
1985-86 |
Haven |
Antebellum and Civil War Biography |
Karah M. Mitchell PhD Candidate in English and Comparative Literature, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill |
2023-24 |
Lapides |
Animals and Becoming Human(e) in Nineteenth-Century American Children's Literature |
Brett Mizelle PhD Candidate, University of Minnesota |
1998-99 |
To the Curious: Exhibition Animals, Human Identity, and the Contested Boundary between Man and Beast in Early America |
Brett Mizelle Professor, California State University, Long Beach |
2013-14 |
Last |
Killing Animals in American History |
Lyra Monteiro PhD Candidate, Brown University |
2009-10 |
Last |
Racializing the Ancient World: Ancestry and Identity in the Early United States, 1760-1860 |
Joycelyn K. Moody Chair, Women's Studies, Hamilton College |
2002-03 |
Peterson |
Silent Language: Enslaved Women and the Production of Literature without Literacy |
Krystyn Moon PhD Candidate, Johns Hopkins University |
2000-01 |
Peterson |
From 'John Chinaman' to 'Japanese Sandman': China and Japan in American Music, 1850-1920 |
Sean Moore Associate Professor of History, University of New Hampshire |
2014-15 |
Slavery and the Making of the Early American Library: British Literature, Political Thought, and the Transatlantic Book Trade |
Karen Moran Teacher, Auburn Middle School, Auburn, MA |
1997 |
K-12 |
The First National Women's Right's Convention Held in Worcester in 1850 |
David A. Morgan Associate Professor, Valparaiso University |
1997-98 |
Millenial Progress |
Jo-Ann Morgan Assistant Professor, Coastal Carolina University |
2007-08 |
Last |
"Mammies, Mulattos, and Matriarchs: African American Women in Nineteenth-Century Visual Culture" |
Kenneth Morgan Instructor, Hyde Sixth Form, Cheshire, England |
1982-83 |
Haven |
Shipping and Trade Patterns in the North Atlantic in the Mid-Eighteenth-Century |
Patrick Morgan PhD Candidate in English, Duke University |
2019-20 |
Alstott Morgan |
Manifesting Vertical Destiny: Geology, Reform, and the Stratified Earth in American Literature, Long Nineteenth Century |
Philip D. Morgan Professor, Florida State University |
1996-97 |
The World of an Anglo-Jamaican Planter in the Eighteenth Century |
Jessie Morgan-Owens Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University |
2012-13 |
Letters of Light: Photographic Writing in the Literature of Abolition |
Kathryn Morse Associate Professor, Middlebury College |
2007-08 |
The View from Here: American Environmental History through Images |
Martha Morss Writer, Mount Vernon, OH |
2004 |
Hearst |
Mary Katherine Goddard, colonial printer |
Marina Moskowitz Assistant Professor, University of Glasgow |
2005-06 |
Peterson |
Seed Money: The Economies of Horticulture in 19th-Century America |
Marina Moskowitz Associate Professor, University of Glasgow |
2013-14 |
Seed Money: Improvement and Exchange in the Nineteenth-Century American Garden |
Katie Moulton Author, Baltimore, MD |
2025 |
Baron |
Research for Hannah: An Untelling of an American Myth |
Kenneth J. Moynihan Professor, Assumption College |
1992-93 |
A History of Worcester |
Christen Mucher Assistant Professor, Smith College |
2015-16 |
Before American History |
Kathryn Mudgett PhD Candidate, Northeastern University |
1999-00 |
Peterson |
Dana, Melville, Justice Story, and the Law and Literature of the Sea |
Lavonne Mueller Playwright, Chicago, IL |
2003 |
Hearst |
A collection of short one-story plays about six notable American women, Abigail Adams, Dolly Madison, Sacagawea, Lucy Stone, Harriet Tubman, and Martha Washington |
Delphin Muise , National Museum of Man, Ottawa, Ontario |
1975-76 |
Rockefeller |
History of the Family |
Clare Mullaney PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania |
2017-18 |
Botein |
American Imprints: Disability and the Material Text, 1858-1932 |
Lawrence Mullen PhD in English, State University of New York, Buffalo |
2023-24 |
Korzenik |
Intersection Wellness, Psychiatric, and Medical Institutional Care and the Patient Experience, 1820-1900 |
Lincoln Mullen PhD Candidate, Brandeis University |
2013-14 |
Peterson |
Varieties of Religious Conversion |
Hannah Muller Assistant Professor of History, Brandeis University |
2019-20 |
Alien Invasions and Revolutionary Contagion |
Kevin Muller Lecturer, University of California, Berkeley |
2008-09 |
Last |
"An Undergraduate Course on Visual Culture in American Life, 1600-1900" |
Brian Mullin Playwright, London, U.K. |
2018 |
Hearst |
Play inspired by the community of freed African-American slaves who lived freely in an abandoned British garrison in the West Florida territory following the end of the War of 1812 |
Kate Mulry Assistant Professor of History, California State University, Bakersfield |
2016-17 |
Unwholesome Tinctures: Inoculation and Questions of Heredity in the Early Eighteenth-Century Anglo Atlantic |
Justine Murison Associate Professor of English, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
2014-15 |
American Infidelity: Secularity, Slavery, and the Making of U.S. Fiction |
Dina Murokh PhD Candidate in Art History, University of Southern California |
2019-20 |
Last |
'A Sort of Picture Gallery': The Visual Culture of Antebellum America |
Sharon Murphy Professor of History and Classics, Providence College |
2018-19 |
Banking on Slavery in the Antebellum South |
Courtney Murray PhD Candidate in English and African American Studies, Pennsylvania State University |
2024-25 |
Last |
The Hold: Black Femme Formations of Space, Text, and Being in the Long Nineteenth Century |
Laura Murray Associate Professor, Queen's University |
2010-11 |
Tracy |
What is a Newspaper? Exchange and Citation Practices in Antebellum American Dailies |
Robinson Murray Associate Librarian, Essex Institute |
1979-80 |
Daniels |
Bibliography of New Hampshire Imprints |
Ben Mutschler PhD Candidate, Columbia University |
1996-97 |
Peterson |
Cultures of Sickness, Cultures of Health: Illness in New England, 1690-1820 |
Elissa Myers PhD Candidate in English, CUNY Graduate Center |
2020-21 |
Lapides |
Crafting Girlhoods |