Fellows Directory

Over 1,400 AAS fellowships have been awarded since the program's inception in 1972. Each fellow's institutional affiliation and position at the time of the fellowship is listed.

Displaying 801 - 1000 of 1543

Name Date Fellowship Project
Robert Lee
PhD Candidate, University of California, Berkeley
2013-14 Last Louisiana Purchases: The US-Indian Treaty System in the Missouri River Valley, 1840-1851
Jazzmen Lee-Johnson
Interdisciplinary Artist, Providence, RI
2019 Last (Artist) Contraband: Visual pieces that explore how the industry of slavery laid the blueprint for drug crimes, gang culture, and mass incarceration in Black communities
Danielle Legros Georges
Poet, Boston, MA
2023 Hearst Research for “Acts of Resistance to New England Slavery by Africans Themselves in New England,” a series of poems about Black self-determinism and articulations of freedom within and against the context of Northern slavery
Isabelle Lehuu
PhD Candidate, Cornell University
1988-89 Boni The New Readers in Antebellum America
Michelle LeMaster
Director, Lawrence Henry Gipson Institute for Eighteenth Century Studies, Lehigh Univeristy
2024-25 AAS-NEH "Butchered after the most barbarous manner”: Violence in the Tuscarora War
Elise Lemire
PhD Candidate, Rutgers University
1994-95 Peterson Discourses of Miscegenation in United States, 1800-1865
Jessica Lepler
Assistant Professor, University of New Hampshire
2008-09 Hench 1837: Anatomy of a Panic
Jill M. Lepore
PhD Candidate, Yale University
1993-94 Peterson Commemorating Cruelty: Writing and Remembering King Philip's War, 1675-76
Alex Leslie
PhD Candidate in Literature, Rutgers University
2019-20 Peterson Reading Regions: American Literature and Cultural Geography, 1865-1915
Nora Lessersohn
Visiting Researcher in History, Georgetown University
2024-25 Korzenik The Sultan of New York: Armenians and Turks in Nineteenth-Century America
Telesia Lett
PhD Candidate, Boston University
2016-17 AHPCS Making Money: Alfred Jones and the Business of Engraving
Edu Levati
High School Teacher of Historia Social, The American School of São Paulo
2022-23 Peterson Hemispheric Negotiations: The United States Recognition of Brazilian Independence
Barry Levy
Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
1998-99 AAS-NEH The Ordeal of Early American Equality: Orphans, Poor Children, and the Massachusetts Labor Regime, 1630-1820
Marshall Levy
Teacher, Winn Brook School, Belmont, MA
1995 K-12 The Evolution of the Chocolate Industry in the New England Area and its Impact on a Developing Society
Andrew Lewis
PhD Candidate, Yale University
2000-01 Peterson Antiques of State: Archaeology in Early Republican America
Charlene Lewis
Professor, Kalamazoo College
2017-18 Legacy The Traitor's Wife: Peggy Arnold and Revolutionary America
Daniel Lewis
Assistant Professor, Northern Virginia Community College
2010-11 Last The Popularity of 'Washington Crossing the Delaware' Prints in the Literary Marketplace, 1853-1861
Randi Lewis
PhD Candidate, University of Virginia
2012-13 Peterson To 'the most distant parts of the Globe': Trade, Politics, and the Maritime Frontier in the Early Republic, 1763-1819
W Lhamon
George M. Harper Professor, Florida State University
1998-99 Peterson Jump Jim Crow: Plays, Lyrics, and Street Prose of the First Atlantic Popular Culture
Yan Li
PhD Candidate, University of Connecticut
1986-87 Peterson The Transformation of the Massachusetts Constitution, 1780-1860
Jess Libow
PhD Candidate in English, Emory University
2020-21 Alstott Morgan Political Movement: Ability, Sex, and Reform in the Nineteenth-Century United States
Natasha Lightfoot
PhD Candidate, New York University
2006-07 Peterson Race, Class, and Resistance: The Aftermath of Emancipation in Antigua, 1831-1858
BJ Lillis
PhD Candidate in History, Princeton University
2024-25 Hench A Valley Between Worlds: Slavery, Dispossession, and the Creation of a Settler-Colonial Society in the Hudson Valley, 1674-1766
Jessica Linker
PhD Candidate, University of Connecticut
2012-13 Last 'It is my best wish to behold Ladies among my hearers': Early American Women and Scientific Practice, 1720-1860
Kent P. Ljungquist
Associate Professor, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
1983-84 RA The Aesthetic Categories of the Sublime, the Picturesque, and the Beautiful, as They Are Represented in American Literary Periodicals, 1820-1860
Cindy R. Lobel
PhD Candidate, CUNY Graduate Center
1999-00 Peterson Consuming Classes: Food, Eating, and Images of Consumption in the United States, 1790-1860
Cindy R. Lobel
PhD Candidate, CUNY Graduate Center
2004-05 Hench Consuming Classes: Changing Food Consumption Patterns in New York City, 1780-1860
Gudrun Löhrer
Visiting Professor, John F. Kennedy Institute, Free University of Berlin
2010-11 Ebeling A Cultural History of U.S.-American Banknotes in the Early Nineteenth Century
Gabriel Loiacono
PhD Candidate, Brandeis University
2006-07 Peterson The People and the Poor: Experiences and Ideas of Poverty in Rhode Island, 1780-1888
Drew Lopenzina
Assistant Professor of English, Old Dominion University
2014-15 Peterson Cultural Biography of William Apess
Ruth Lopez
Writer, Chicago, IL
2003 Hearst Research in the McLoughlin Brothers archive toward a social history on the artists who helped create children's literature in America
Ellen Jane Lorenz
PhD Candidate, Union Graduate School
1977-78 Daniels Campmeeting Spirituals
Eireann Lorsung
Writer, Farmington, ME
2020 Baron Non-Fiction work that examines the history of gardens in Europe and the U.S.
Margaretta M. Lovell
Professor of the History of Art, University of California, Berkeley
2007-08 Mellon Distinguished Scholar Painting the Inhabited Landscape: Fitz H. Lane and Winslow Homer
Ann Lovett
Photographer, New Paltz, NY
2009 Hearst Artist book about the textile mills of Lowell and other Massachusetts mill towns and the "mill girls" who worked in them
Mason I. Lowance Jr.
Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
1976-77 AAS-NEH Symbolism in American Writings from the Puritans to the Civil War
Mason I. Lowance Jr.
Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
1989-90 Peterson Uncle Tom's Cabin and the New England Sermon Tradition
Mason I. Lowance Jr.
Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
1972-73 U.S. Steel Foundation Symbolic Expression in Puritan Writings, 1620-1776
Nenette Luarca-Shoaf
PhD Candidate, University of Delaware
2009-10 Last The Place of the Mississippi River in Antebellum Visual Culture and Imagination
Patrick Luck
PhD Candidate, Johns Hopkins University
2012-13 Peterson The Creation of a Deep South: Making the Sugar and Cotton Revolutions in the Lower Mississippi Valley, 1790-1825
Christopher Lukasik
Associate Professor, Purdue University
2013-14 Last The Image in the Text
Christopher Lukasik
Assistant Professor, Boston University
2004-05 AAS-NEH Discerning Characters: Social Distinction and the Face in American Culture, 1780-1850
Christopher Lukasik
Assistant Professor, Boston University
2003-04 Drawn to Art Discerning Characters: Social Distinction and the Face in American Literary and Visual Culture, 1780-1850
Christine Lum
Teacher, Caroline High School, Glen Allen, VA
1995 K-12 Develop a Curriculum Unit on the Life of Catherine Marie Sedgwick for a Secondary American Literature Course
James Lundberg
PhD Candidate, Yale University
2006-07 Peterson Reading Horace Greeley's America, 1834-1872
Howard Lurie
Teacher, Mt Anthony Union HS, Bennington, VT
1994 K-12 Shay's Rebellion
Cora Lushington
Lecturer, University of Sussex
1973-74 Mellon Short-Term The Democratic Press in England and America
Brian P. Luskey
Assistant Professor, West Virginia University
2012-13 Tracy Magnificent Rogue: A Swindler, Seducer, and Slaver in the Nineteenth Century
Brian P. Luskey
PhD Candidate, Emory University
2003-04 Peterson The Marginal Men: Clerks and the Meanings of Class in Nineteenth-Century America
Mary Anne Lutz
Associate Professor, Frostburg State University
1996-97 RA The Politics of the American Picturesque: Perceptions of Land and Native Americans
Richard Lyman
Professor, Simmons College
1983-84 RA The Economic and Social Context of the Lincoln Family, 1810-1840
Clare A. Lyons
Associate Professor of History, Drake University
1992-93 Peterson Sex Among the 'Rabble': Gender Transitions in the Age of the Revolution, Philadelphia 1750-1830
Erin Lyons
Fiction Writer, Washington, DC
2015 Hearst Historical novel about Anne Hutchinson and the Massachusetts Bay Colony, from 1630-1638, told from the point of view of a servant girl
Maura Lyons
Associate Professor of Art History, Drake University
2014-15 Last Popular Depictions of the 'Natural' Body of the Union Soldier
Franciszek Lyra
Senior Lecturer, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University
1989-90 Peterson Revising the Canon of the First Two Centuries of American Literature
Alexandra Macdonald
PhD Candidate in History, College of William and Mary
2022-23 Last The Social Life of Time in the Anglo-Atlantic World, 1660-1830
Gesa Mackenthun
Professor, University of Rostock
2006-07 Peterson The Conquest of Antiquity: Geographical Discovery and Romantic Scholarship in the USA
Jeanne Mackin
Novelist, Ithaca, NY
1999 Wallace The Sweet By and By: Maggie and Katie Fox
Trent MacNamara
Assistant Professor of History, Texas A&M University
2018-19 Peterson Big Sky: Popular Ideas about the Heavens in America
Tyesha Maddox
PhD Candidate, New York University
2015-16 Peterson From Invisible to Immigrants: Political Activism and the Construction of Caribbean American Identity, 1890-1940
Deborah Madsen
Director, University of Leicester
1995-96 RA Colonial Legacies: A History of the Pynchon and Hawthorne Families
Gregory Maertz
Associate Professor, St John's University
1996-97 Peterson Goethe's Translators, Critics, and Readers in Nineteenth-Century New England
Rachel Maeve
Photographer, Providence, RI
2025 Baron Tintypes as Artifacts of Intimacy and Memory: Exploring Radical Relationships Through Photography
Nicole Mahoney
PhD Candidate in History, University of Maryland, College Park
2019-20 Botein Liberty, Gentility, and Dangerous Liaisons: French Culture and Polite Society in Early National America, 1770-1825
Gloria L. Main
Independent Researcher,
1978-79 AAS-NEH The Massachusetts Farmer and his Family
Jeffrey Malanson
PhD Candidate, Boston College
2009-10 Peterson Addressing America: Washington's Farewell and the Making of National Culture, Politics, and Diplomacy, 1796-1852
Allison Malcom
PhD Candidate, University of Illinois, Chicago
2008-09 Legacy "A Protestant Patriotism: Anti-Catholicism and the Rise of Nationhood in North America, 1830-1870."
Adam Malka
Associate Professor of History, University of Oklahoma
2023-24 AAS-NEH The Carceral Turn: Crime and Punishment during the Civil War Era
Daniel R. Mandell
Assistant Professor, Truman State University
2002-03 Tracy Images of Indians in Southern New England, 1760 - 1880
Daniel R. Mandell
Professor, Truman State University
2012-13 AAS-NEH The Lost Tradition of Equality in America, 1600-1870
Catherine Manegold
Professor, Emory University
2005-06 AAS-NEH In an Office Built by Slaves
Jen Manion
PhD Candidate, Rutgers University
2005-06 Peterson Women's Crime and Penal Reform in Early Pennsylvania, 1776-1835
Jen Manion
Assistant Professor, Connecticut College
2012-13 AAS-NEH Crossing Gender: Female Masculinity in the 18th & 19th Centuries
Leila Mansouri
PhD Candidate in English, University of California, Berkeley
2014-15 Last Constituent Characters
Crystal Dawn Manuel
PhD Candidate in History, University of Missouri, Kansas City
2023-24 Keller Female Hymnodists of the Nineteenth Century
Marco Marin
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Trieste
2013-14 Peterson The Political Catechisms for Schools and Children in the United State, 1790-1850
Stephen A. Marini
Professor, Wellesley College
1988-89 AAS-NEH Religion in the American Revolution
Stephen A. Marini
Professor, Wellesley College
1988-89 AAS-NEH Migrants and Itinerants, Schools and Psalmody: Neglected Networks of Religious Culture in Revolutionary America
Helena Markson
Senior Lecturer, Haifa, Israel
1991-92 RA Early American Lithography and Allied Printing
Timothy Marr
PhD Candidate, Yale University
1996-97 Peterson Islamic Orientalism in Nineteenth-Century America
Timothy Marr
PhD Candidate, Yale University
1999-00 Hench Imagining Ishmael: Studies of Islamic Orientalism in America from the Puritans to Melville
Aaron Marrs
Historian, U.S. Department of State
2010-11 Peterson Moving Forward: A Social History of the Transportation Revolution
D. Lance Marsh
Playwright, Oklahoma City, OK
2023 Hearst Research for “Macbeth/Forrest/Macbeth” a radical reworking of the text of Shakespeare’s Macbeth as seen through the lens of the Astor Place Riots
Donald Marti
Associate Professor, University of Indiana, South Bend
1974-75 Daniels Movements for Agricultural Improvements in 19th-Century New England and New York
Alice Martin
PhD Candidate in English, Rutgers University
2023-24 Reese Playing with Scripted Intimacy: The Uptake of American Autograph Albums, 1820-1860
Peter Martin
PhD Candidate, Emory College
1995-96 Peterson Forgotten Immigrant Church: The French-Canadian Religious Identity in New England
Russell L. Martin III
PhD Candidate, University of Virginia
1992-93 Peterson Almanacs of the Southern States, 1732-1860
Elspeth Martini
Professor of History, Montclair State University
2018-19 AAS-NEH Humanitarian Authority and Indigenous Dispossession in the U.S. and British Empires
Whitney Martinko
PhD Candidate, University of Virginia
2009-10 Last Progress through Preservation: History on the American Landscape in an Age of Improvement, 1790-1860
Whitney Martinko
Assistant Professor of History, Villanova University
2022-23 AAS-NEH The Corporate Origins of Cultural Property
Whitney Martinko
Assistant Professor, Villanova University
2015-16 Hench Progress through Preservation: History on the American Landscape in an Age of Improvement, 1785-1860
Kristina Martino
Poet and Visual Artist,
2023 Baron Research for “The Avian Kingdom,” a project that concerns reinventing the pastoral poem and fusing human consciousness with that of the landscape, as well as various environmental and health crises
Isabelle Masse
PhD Candidate in Art History, McGill University
2019-20 Last Itinerant Portraitists in North America: Mobility, Practice, Transmission, 1776-1812
April Masten
Visiting Assistant Professor,
2001-02 Drawn to Art The Work of Art
April Masten
Associate Professor, State University of New York, Stony Brook
2008-09 Peterson The Challenge Dance: Transatlantic Exchange in Early American Popular Culture
Mark Mastromarino
PhD Candidate, College of William and Mary
1989-90 Hiatt Elkanah Watson and Massachusetts Agricultural Fairs
Louis P. Masur
PhD Candidate, Princeton University
1982-83 Hiatt The Culture of Executions in America, 1776-1860
Louis P. Masur
Professor, City College of New York
1998-99 Peterson The American Republic in 1831
Mark Alan Mattes
PhD Candidate, University of Iowa
2009-10 Botein Letter Interception and Publication during the Era of Good Feelings
Julien Mauduit
PhD Candidate, Université du Québec à Montréal
2011-12 Peterson 'Locofocoism' and the Canadian Revolution (1837-1842): from a selection of pamphlets, newspapers, and other printed materials
Henri Andre Van Huysen Mayer
PhD Candidate, University of California, Berkeley
1975-76 Daniels American Views of Science, 1775-1810
Joann Mazzio
Writer, Pinos Altos, NM
2000 Baron Fremont Expeditions in the 1840's
Leslie McAbee
PhD Candidate, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
2017-18 Last Exotic Animals and the American Conscience, 1840-1900
Dwight A. McBride
Daniel Hale Williams Professor of African American Studies, English, and Performance Studies, Northwestern University
2015-16 Mellon Distinguished Scholar Poetics, Politics, and Phillis Wheatley
Katherine McCaffrey
PhD Candidate, Boston University
2004-05 Peterson "Reading Glasses: American Spectacles from Benjamin Franklin's Bifocals to Mithril"
Laurie McCants
Actor, Bloomsburg, PA
2019 Baron Solo performance about Frances Slocum, who in 1778 was abducted by the Lenape at 5 years of age
Mary Rhinelander McCarl
PhD Candidate, Boston University
1987-88 Peterson More Confessions of Thomas Shepard's Cambridge Parishioners, 1648-49
Molly McCarthy
PhD Candidate, Brandeis University
2003-04 Hench A Page, A Day: A History of the Diary in America
Molly McCarthy
PhD Candidate, Brandeis University
2000-01 Morgan A Page, A Day: A History of the Daily Diary in America
Ben Harris McClary
Professor, Middle Georgia State College
1982-83 Haven Samuel Lorenzo Knapp and His Milieu
Eleanor McConnell
PhD Candidate, Brandeis University
2006-07 Peterson A Scarce Plenty: Economics, Citizenship, and Opportunity in Revolutionary New Jersey, 1760-1820
Sarah McCoubrey
Painter, Fayetteville, NY
2007 Last (Artist) Hannah Morse: A fictive archive of the mid 19th century landscape painter
Colin McCoy
PhD Candidate, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
1998-99 Peterson Partisans and Pamphleteers: The Literature of Persuasion in Jacksonian America, 1820-1845
John McCurdy
Assistant Professor, Eastern Michigan University
2006-07 AAS-ASECS The Politics of Bachelorhood in Early America
John J. McCusker
Associate Professor, University of Maryland
1980-81 Daniels The Rum Trade
Shawna McDermott
PhD Candidate, University of Pittsburgh
2016-17 Last Reading Race: Visual Literacy in Nineteenth-Century American Children's Periodicals
Vivian McDermott
Teacher, Northside School, Wolf Point, MT
1994 K-12 Indian-White Relations
Warren McDougall
Honorary Fellow, University of Edinburgh
1997-98 AAS-ASECS The Scots Book Trade to Boston and New York in the 18th Century
James McElroy
Assistant Professor, State University of New York, Plattsburgh
1975-76 Daniels The Papers of John B. Hough
Meredith L. McGill
Associate Professor, Rutgers University
2003-04 Mellon Postdoctoral Poetry in Motion: Lyric Circulation in the Antebellum United States
Meredith L. McGill
Assistant Professor, Harvard University
1995-96 Peterson American Literature and the Culture of Reprinting Rewriting Romanticism Fashioning the Marketplace
Hugh McIntosh
PhD Candidate, Northwestern University
2010-11 Last Civil War Advertising and the Popular Novel
Kate McIntyre
PhD Candidate in English, Columbia University
2018-19 Peterson Fugitive Circulations: The Political Ecology of Poetry in Early African-American Newspapers
Valerie McKito
PhD Candidate, Texas Tech University
2007-08 Peterson In the Shadow of Victory: Loyalists in the Aftermath of the Revolution
Scott McLaren
Associate Professor, University of York
2012-13 Botein Nurseries of Faith: The New York Methodist Book Concern and the Growth of Methodist Sunday Schools in Upper Canada, 1815-1850
Don James McLaughlin
Assistant Professor, University of Tulsa
2018-19 Hench Infectious Affect: The Phobic Imagination in American Literature
Don James McLaughlin
PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania
2015-16 Peterson Touching Phobia: Viral Affect and the Madicalization of Fear in Nineteenth-Century Anglo-American Literature
Jeremy L. McLaughlin
PhD Candidate in the School of Information, University of Wisconsin, Madison
2024-25 Reese A Most Familiar Form(e): Textual and Visual Knowledge Transmission in the Cultural Astronomy of Colonial North America
Stuart McLean
PhD Candidate, University of Chicago
1981-82 Daniels California Gold Fever
Anne McLucas
Associate Professor, Harvard University
1985-86 Peterson The Connection Between American Folk Song and Theatre
Martha J. McNamara
Associate Professor, University of Maine
2004-05 AAS-NEH New England Visions: Landscape Representation in History and Art, 1790-1850
Rebecca McNulty
PhD Candidate, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
2003-04 Peterson Education for Empire: Manual Labor, Civilization, and the Family in Nineteenth-Century American Missionary Education
Kevin McPartland
PhD Candidate in History, University of Cincinnati
2023-24 Tracy The Birthing of a Nation: Confederate Nationalism in the Southern Press
Georgianne McVay
Assistant Professor, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy & Science
1972-73 U.S. Steel Foundation Verbal Humor in the Caricatures of David Claypool Johnston
Tanya Mears
Assistant Professor, Norfolk State University
2008-09 Peterson 'To Lawless Rapine Bred': Early New England Execution Literature Featuring People of African Descent.
Jessica Mehta
Inter/Multi/Anti-disciplinary Poet, Artist, and Scholar, Hillsboro, OR
2024 Baron Research for “Red-Acted” a collection of Indigenous erasure poetry
Barbara Meldrum
Professor, University of Iowa
1990-91 AAS-NEH Harriet Beecher Stowe and the Dynamics of Nineteenth-Century American Progress
Jane Merritt
Associate Professor, Old Dominion University
2008-09 Peterson The Trouble with Tea: Consumption, Politics, and the Making of a Global Colonial Economy
Peter Messer
Assistant Professor, Mississippi State University
2007-08 AAS-ASECS Revolution by Committee: Law, Language, and Ritual in Revolutionary America
Sarah Messer
Non-Fiction Writer, Poet, Madison, WI
1999 Wallace Red House: A non-fiction memoir that explores America’s fascination with history, family, and Great Houses
Christina Michelon
PhD Candidate, University of Minnesota
2016-17 Last Interior Impressions: Printed Material in the Nineteenth-Century American Home
Christina Michelon
Postdoctoral Fellow,
2019-20 AAS-NEH Printcraft: Making with Mass Images in Nineteenth-Century America
Stephen Middleton
Associate Professor, North Carolina State University
1994-95 Peterson The Black Laws of Ohio
Stephen A. Mihm
PhD Candidate, New York University
2001-02 Peterson The Alchemists: Counterfeiters and Counterfeiting in Antebellum America
William Miles
Bibliographer, Clarke Historical Library, Central Michigan
1984-85 Haven History and Bibliography of American Presidential Election Campaign Newspapers
Daegan Miller
PhD Candidate, Cornell University
2010-11 Last Witness Tree: Nature, Culture, and Progress in Nineteenth-Century America
Denise Miller
Creative Writer, Texas Township, MI
2016 Hearst Travelogos: African Americans and the Struggle for Safe Passage
Hilary Miller
PhD Candidate in American Studies, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg
2014-15 Last The National Road and the Expansion of American Culture, 1811-1850
Katherine Miller
PhD Candidate in Art and Architectural History, University of Virginia
2014-15 Drawn to Art The Office of the Supervising Architect's Experiments with Architectural Representation: Prints & Photographs
Ken Miller
Associate Professor, Washington College
2017-18 AAS-ASECS The Strange Case of Bathsheba Spooner: A Tale of Sex and Murder in Revolutionary America
Marla R. Miller
PhD Candidate, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
1994-95 Peterson `My Daily Bread Depends Upon My Labor': Gender and Artisanry in Early America
Rachel Miller
Postdoctoral Associate, Center for Cultural Analysis, Rutgers University
2019-20 Hench Capital Entertainment: Stage Work and the Origins of the Creative Economy, 1843-1912
Rachel Miller
PhD Candidate, University of Michigan
2017-18 Last Capital Entertainment: Creative Labor and the Modern State, 1860-1910
David Mills
Poet, Long Island City, NY
2019 Hearst After Mistic: A poetry manuscript that focuses on slavery in Massachusetts and New York
Robert Mills
PhD Candidate, Northwestern University
2015-16 Peterson The Pirate and the Sovereign
Shavonte Mills
PhD Candidate in History, Pennsylvania State University
2019-20 Schiller Visionaries: The Black Educational Network as Transnational Diasporic Politics, 1840-1880
Scott Miltenberger
PhD Candidate, University of California, Davis
2003-04 Peterson All Gotham's Creatures: Animals and the Middle Class in New York City, 1783-1898
David Minter
Professor, Rice University
1980-81 Daniels Texts and Contexts: The Great Migration and King Philip's War
Katherine Mintie
PhD Candidate, University of California, Berkeley
2015-16 Last Legal Lenses: Intellectual Property Laws and American Photography, 1839-1890
Max Mishler
PhD Candidate in History, New York University
2014-15 Peterson Boundaries of Freedom: Abolition, Punishment, and the Atlantic Origins of Mass Incarceration
Betty Mitchell
Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
1985-86 Haven Antebellum and Civil War Biography
Karah M. Mitchell
PhD Candidate in English and Comparative Literature, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
2023-24 Lapides Animals and Becoming Human(e) in Nineteenth-Century American Children's Literature
Brett Mizelle
PhD Candidate, University of Minnesota
1998-99 AHPCS To the Curious: Exhibition Animals, Human Identity, and the Contested Boundary between Man and Beast in Early America
Brett Mizelle
Professor, California State University, Long Beach
2013-14 Last Killing Animals in American History
Lyra Monteiro
PhD Candidate, Brown University
2009-10 Last Racializing the Ancient World: Ancestry and Identity in the Early United States, 1760-1860
Joycelyn K. Moody
Chair, Women's Studies, Hamilton College
2002-03 Peterson Silent Language: Enslaved Women and the Production of Literature without Literacy
Krystyn Moon
PhD Candidate, Johns Hopkins University
2000-01 Peterson From 'John Chinaman' to 'Japanese Sandman': China and Japan in American Music, 1850-1920
Sean Moore
Associate Professor of History, University of New Hampshire
2014-15 AAS-NEH Slavery and the Making of the Early American Library: British Literature, Political Thought, and the Transatlantic Book Trade
Karen Moran
Teacher, Auburn Middle School, Auburn, MA
1997 K-12 The First National Women's Right's Convention Held in Worcester in 1850
David A. Morgan
Associate Professor, Valparaiso University
1997-98 AHPCS Millenial Progress
Jo-Ann Morgan
Assistant Professor, Coastal Carolina University
2007-08 Last "Mammies, Mulattos, and Matriarchs: African American Women in Nineteenth-Century Visual Culture"
Kenneth Morgan
Instructor, Hyde Sixth Form, Cheshire, England
1982-83 Haven Shipping and Trade Patterns in the North Atlantic in the Mid-Eighteenth-Century
Patrick Morgan
PhD Candidate in English, Duke University
2019-20 Alstott Morgan Manifesting Vertical Destiny: Geology, Reform, and the Stratified Earth in American Literature, Long Nineteenth Century
Philip D. Morgan
Professor, Florida State University
1996-97 AAS-NEH The World of an Anglo-Jamaican Planter in the Eighteenth Century
Jessie Morgan-Owens
Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University
2012-13 AAS-NEH Letters of Light: Photographic Writing in the Literature of Abolition
Kathryn Morse
Associate Professor, Middlebury College
2007-08 AHPCS The View from Here: American Environmental History through Images
Martha Morss
Writer, Mount Vernon, OH
2004 Hearst Mary Katherine Goddard, colonial printer
Marina Moskowitz
Assistant Professor, University of Glasgow
2005-06 Peterson Seed Money: The Economies of Horticulture in 19th-Century America
Marina Moskowitz
Associate Professor, University of Glasgow
2013-14 AAS-NEH Seed Money: Improvement and Exchange in the Nineteenth-Century American Garden
Katie Moulton
Author, Baltimore, MD
2025 Baron Research for Hannah: An Untelling of an American Myth
Kenneth J. Moynihan
Professor, Assumption College
1992-93 AAS-NEH A History of Worcester
Christen Mucher
Assistant Professor, Smith College
2015-16 AAS-NEH Before American History
Kathryn Mudgett
PhD Candidate, Northeastern University
1999-00 Peterson Dana, Melville, Justice Story, and the Law and Literature of the Sea
Lavonne Mueller
Playwright, Chicago, IL
2003 Hearst A collection of short one-story plays about six notable American women, Abigail Adams, Dolly Madison, Sacagawea, Lucy Stone, Harriet Tubman, and Martha Washington
Delphin Muise
, National Museum of Man, Ottawa, Ontario
1975-76 Rockefeller History of the Family
Clare Mullaney
PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania
2017-18 Botein American Imprints: Disability and the Material Text, 1858-1932
Lawrence Mullen
PhD in English, State University of New York, Buffalo
2023-24 Korzenik Intersection Wellness, Psychiatric, and Medical Institutional Care and the Patient Experience, 1820-1900
Lincoln Mullen
PhD Candidate, Brandeis University
2013-14 Peterson Varieties of Religious Conversion
Hannah Muller
Assistant Professor of History, Brandeis University
2019-20 AAS-ASECS Alien Invasions and Revolutionary Contagion
Kevin Muller
Lecturer, University of California, Berkeley
2008-09 Last "An Undergraduate Course on Visual Culture in American Life, 1600-1900"
Brian Mullin
Playwright, London, U.K.
2018 Hearst Play inspired by the community of freed African-American slaves who lived freely in an abandoned British garrison in the West Florida territory following the end of the War of 1812
Kate Mulry
Assistant Professor of History, California State University, Bakersfield
2016-17 AAS-ASECS Unwholesome Tinctures: Inoculation and Questions of Heredity in the Early Eighteenth-Century Anglo Atlantic
Justine Murison
Associate Professor of English, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
2014-15 AAS-NEMLA American Infidelity: Secularity, Slavery, and the Making of U.S. Fiction
Dina Murokh
PhD Candidate in Art History, University of Southern California
2019-20 Last 'A Sort of Picture Gallery': The Visual Culture of Antebellum America
Sharon Murphy
Professor of History and Classics, Providence College
2018-19 AAS-NEH Banking on Slavery in the Antebellum South
Courtney Murray
PhD Candidate in English and African American Studies, Pennsylvania State University
2024-25 Last The Hold: Black Femme Formations of Space, Text, and Being in the Long Nineteenth Century
Laura Murray
Associate Professor, Queen's University
2010-11 Tracy What is a Newspaper? Exchange and Citation Practices in Antebellum American Dailies
Robinson Murray
Associate Librarian, Essex Institute
1979-80 Daniels Bibliography of New Hampshire Imprints
Ben Mutschler
PhD Candidate, Columbia University
1996-97 Peterson Cultures of Sickness, Cultures of Health: Illness in New England, 1690-1820
Elissa Myers
PhD Candidate in English, CUNY Graduate Center
2020-21 Lapides Crafting Girlhoods