Fellows Directory

Over 1,400 AAS fellowships have been awarded since the program's inception in 1972. Each fellow's institutional affiliation and position at the time of the fellowship is listed.

Displaying 401 - 600 of 1507

Name Date Fellowship Project
Charles Fanning
Associate Professor, Bridgewater State University
1981-82 Daniels The Irish Voice in America: Nineteenth-Century Fiction
Sara Fanning
PhD Candidate, University of Texas, Austin
2004-05 Tracy The Promised Land: African Americans and Haiti from the Haitian Revolution to 1830""
Sara Fanning
PhD Candidate, University of Texas, Austin
2004-05 Tracy The Promised Land: African Americans and Haiti from the Haitian Revolution to 1830
Hannah Farber
PhD Candidate, University of California, Berkeley
2011-12 Peterson The Insurance Industry in the Early Republic
Jessica Farrell
PhD Candidate, University of Minnesota
2016-17 Peterson (Re)Capturing Empire: A Reconsideration of Liberia’s Precarious Sovereignty and American Empire as Exception in the Nineteenth Century
Molly Farrell
Associate Professor of English, Ohio State University
2022-23 Peterson New World Calculation: The Making of Numbers in Colonial America
Molly Farrell
Assistant Professor, Ohio State University
2012-13 AAS-ASECS Counting Bodies: Imagining Population in English America
Carol Faulkner
Associate Professor of History, Syracuse University
2014-15 Peterson The End of Marriage: Adultery in Nineteenth-Century America
Paul Fess
PhD Candidate, CUNY Graduate Center
2016-17 Last Resonant Texts: The Politics and Practices of Nineteenth-Century African American Music and Print Culture
John Patrick M. Fetherston
PhD Candidate in History, University of Maryland, College Park
2022-23 Last Taverns, African Americans, and the American Public in the Age of Revolutions
Ann Fidler
Assistant Professor, Ohio State University
1998-99 Botein A Cultural History of the American Law Book, 1700-00
Corinne Field
Associate Professor of Women, Gender, and Sexuality, University of Virginia
2019-20 Drawn to Art Grand Old Women and Modern Girls: Age, Race, and Power in the U.S. Women’s Rights Movement, 1870-1920
Brigitte Fielder
PhD Candidate, Cornell University
2011-12 Last Animal Humanism: Abolitionists and Animals in the American Nineteenth Century
Alexandra Finley
Assistant Professor of History, University of Pittsburgh
2022-23 Peterson Forced to Work for Her Own Support: Financial Panic in the Household Economy
James Finley
PhD Candidate, University of New Hampshire
2012-13 Packer 'Violence done to nature': Free Soil and the Environment in Antebellum Antislavery Writing
Sara Babcox First
PhD Candidate, University of Michigan
2005-06 Legacy The Mechanics of Renown: Culture and Celebrity in Nineteenth-Century America
Kirsten Fischer
Associate Professor of History, University of Minnesota
2016-17 Peterson Vitalism in America: Elihu Palmer’s Radical Religion in the Early Republic
Linford Fisher
Assistant Professor of History, Brown University
2014-15 AAS-NEH The Land of the Unfree: Africans, Indians, and the Varieties of Slavery and Servitude in Colonial New England and the Atlantic World
Linford Fisher
PhD Candidate, Harvard University
2014-15 Peterson "The Politics of Conversion: Indian Agency, Religious Change, and Race in Southern New England, 1736-1775"
Lydia Fisher
Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania
2005-06 AAS-NEMLA Domesticating the Nation: American Literature, Exceptionalism, and the Science of Cultivation
Jay Fliegelman
Professor, Stanford University
1998-99 Mellon Distinguished Scholar Storied Associations: Books from Important American Libraries, 1650-1860, and the Tales they Tell
Christopher Florio
PhD Candidate in History, Princeton University
2014-15 Peterson The Poor Always with You: Poverty in an Age of Emancipation, 1833-1877
Carol Flueckiger
Mixed Media Artist, Lubbock, TX
2009 Last (Artist) Mixed media works about feminism and early American reform practices
John Fondersmith
Chief, Municipal Planning Office, Washington DC
1978-79 Daniels History of American Travel Guidebooks
Paul Foos
PhD Candidate, Yale University
1996-97 Peterson Mexican Wars, 1835-1853: Manifest Destiny and American Society
Erin Forbes
PhD Candidate, Princeton University
2008-09 Peterson "Popular Crime Writing and the Publications of David Walker and Edgar Allan Poe."
Bridget Ford
PhD Candidate, University of California, Davis
1998-99 Legacy People of Sorrow, Children of Grace: Race and Religion in the Antebellum West
Margaret Ford
Director, Argosy Bookstore, New York, NY
1984-85 Haven Ann Franklin, Colonial Newport Printer
P. Gabrielle Foreman
Paterno Family Professor of American Literature and Professor of African American Studies & History, Pennsylvania State University
2021-22 Mellon Distinguished Scholar Founding Families of the Convention Movement: The Long History of Black Organizing for Civil Rights
Ronald P. Formisano
Associate Professor, Clark University
1976-77 AAS-NEH Massachusetts Political Culture, 1790-1840
Ronald P. Formisano
Professor, University of Florida
1991-92 RA American Populisms
Robert F. Forrant
Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
2001-02 Peterson Manufacturer to Industrial America: Worcester-area Machine Tool Firms and Skill, 1830-1875
Timothy Fosbury
PhD Candidate in English, University of California, Los Angeles
2020-21 Peterson Persistent Futures of Bermudas Past
Travis Foster`
Associate Professor of English & Gender and Women's Studies, Villanova University
2022-23 Peterson Womanish: Variant Femininities Before Gay and Trans
Mary Eileen Fouratt
Creative Writer, Richmond, VA
2022 Baron Research for non-fiction picture book for school-aged children about the life and work of Ruth Henshaw Bascom, a 19th-century folk artist
Richard Wightman Fox
Professor, University of Southern California
2005-06 Mellon Distinguished Scholar Lincoln's Body, Lincoln's Blood: The Death and Life of the Savior President
Richard Wightman Fox
Professor, University of Southern California
2000-01 Mellon Postdoctoral American Jesus
Matthew Fox-Amato
PhD Candidate, University of Southern California
2011-12 Last Exposing Humanity: Photographic Dimensions of American Slavery, Antislavery, and Emancipation, 1840s to 1870s
Joanna Frang
PhD Candidate, Brandeis University
2007-08 Last Becoming American on the Grand Tour, 1750-1830
Caroline Frank
Visiting Scholar, Brown University
2013-14 Last Son of Morning: A Chinese Merchant Visits Early Republican America
Wayne S. Franklin
Davis Distinguished Professor, Northeastern University
1994-95 AAS-NEH Biography of James Fenimore Cooper
Jean Franzino
, Macalester College
2016-17 Last Freak Show Aesthetics
Jean Franzino
Visiting Assistant Professor of English, Boston College
2022-23 Peterson Dis-Union: Disability, Narrative, and the American Civil War
Gordon Fraser
PhD Candidate, University of Connecticut
2013-14 Last Transamerican Revolutions: Liberal Nationalism and the Nineteenth-Century Politics of Violence
Gordon Fraser
Lecturer in English, American Studies, and Creative Writing, University of Manchester
2023-24 Botein Engineering Peace
Gordon Fraser
Assistant Professor of English, North Dakota State University
2018-19 Reese The Hawaiian Creation Chant and the Firm of Lee & Shepard
Ernest Freeberg
Assistant Professor, Colby-Sawyer College
1995-96 AAS-ASECS The Meaning of Blindness in Early America
William W. Freehling
Professor, Johns Hopkins University
1989-90 AAS-NEH The Road to Disunion, Vol 2: Secessionists Triumphant, 1854-61
Lauren Freese
Assistant Professor of Fine Arts, University of South Dakota
2018-19 Last A Taste for Images: Depictions of Food and Eating in the American Popular Press
Kara French
PhD Candidate, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
2011-12 Peterson The Politics of Sexual Restraint: Debates over Chastity in America, 1780-1850
Robert Friedel
Associate Professor, University of Maryland
1989-90 Peterson Documenting Changes in Household Materials, 1800-87
Jean Friedman
Associate Professor, University of Georgia
1985-86 Peterson Families at War: Northern and Southern Communities in the Civil War
Craig Friend
Professor of History, North Carolina State University
2019-20 AAS-NEH Lullaby of Freedom: Lunsford Lane’s America
Linda Frost
Assistant Professor, Pennsylvania State University, Wilkes-Barre
1993-94 RA The Thrillers of Louisa May Alcott and the Popular Press
Mary B. Fuhrer
Independent Scholar,
2013-14 Last Tuberculosis and Popular Culture in New England: 1800-1840
Mary B. Fuhrer
Independent Scholar,
2014-15 Last Tuberculosis and Popular Culture in New England, 1820-1840
Allison Fulton
PhD Candidate in English, University of California, Davis
2022-23 Last Disciplining Craft: The Gendered Making of Nineteenth-Century American Science
Elena Furlanetto
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Erfurt
2020-21 Ebeling Converts, Creoles, Renegades: Dynamics of (Dis)ambiguation in Early North American Literature
Dexter Gabriel
Assistant Professor, University of Connecticut
2017-18 Peterson Performing Freedom in the Mighty Experiment
Scott E. Gac
PhD Candidate, New York University
2001-02 Peterson The Hutchinson Family Singers and the Culture of Antebellum Reform
Mark Gale
Teacher, Coupeville High School, Coupeville, WA
1997 K-12 The Rise of the Anti-Slavery Movement in New England and the Role of Free African-Americans
Mark Gallagher
PhD Candidate in English, University of California, Los Angeles
2018-19 Packer 'In the Optative Mood’: Unitarian Optimism and the Transcendental Affects of Peabody, Parker, Emerson, Fuller, and Thoreau
Catherine Gammon
Writer, Pittsburgh, PA
1996 Wallace Nightbirds in an Age of Light: A novel about the Salem witchcraft trials
Alexandra Ganser
Assistant Professor, Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nuremberg
2009-10 Ebeling (Post)Colonial Economies and Spectacles of Consumption in Transatlantic Narratives of Piracy from the Late 17th Century to 1900
Granville Ganter
Assistant Professor,
2001-02 Peterson Pregnant Words: The Matrix of Public Speech in the Northeast, 1840-1860
David F. Garcia
Professor, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
2024-25 Keller Border Crossings: Latin U.S. History We Weren’t Taught
John J. Garcia
Lecturer, McNeil Center for Early American Studies, University of Pennsylvania
2015-16 Ford The Age of Biography: Popular History, Printed Lives, and American Mass Culture, 1800-1865
John J. Garcia
Assistant Professor of English, Florida State University
2019-20 AAS-NEH Without Order: Booksellers and the Failures of the Early American Book Trade, 1679-1840
Jared Gardner
Assistant Professor, Ohio State University
2000-01 AAS-ASECS The Literary Museum: Periodicals and the Unsettling of American Literature
Matthew Garrett
Assistant Professor, Wesleyan University
2011-12 AAS-NEMLA Episodic Poetics in the Early American Republic
J. Ritchie Garrison
Professor in the Winterthur Program in American Material Culture, University of Delaware
2014-15 Last Freight and the Commercial Landscapes of the Atlantic World, 1650-1860
Ellen Gruber Garvey
Associate Professor, New Jersey City University
2008-09 Peterson Book, Paper, Scissors: Scrapbooks Remake American Print Culture.
Kristina Garvin
Visiting Assistant Professor, Saint Joseph's University
2017-18 Reese Past and Future States: Institutional Time and the Early American Serial, 1780-1820
Erika Gasser
PhD Candidate, University of Michigan
2003-04 Peterson The Afflicted Grew Presently Well: Witchcraft and Possession in Old and New England, 1600-1700
Amina Gautier
Fiction Writer, Chicago, IL
2013 Hearst Band of Gideon
David Gellman
Assistant Professor, DePauw University
2004-05 Peterson "Liberty's Legacy: The Jay Family and the Problems of American Freedom"
Angela George
PhD Candidate, University of Maryland
2007-08 Last "The Old World: Unearthing Mesoamerican Antiquity in the Art and Culture of the United States, 1839-1893"
Sarah Gerk
Visiting Teacher, Oberlin College
2013-14 Last Irishness in Nineteenth-Century American Music
Todd Gernes
PhD Candidate, Brown University
1990-91 Hiatt Schoolgirls: Young Women's Literary Culture, Political Expression, and the Aesthetics of Affiliation in Nineteenth-Century America
Claire Gherini
PhD Candidate, Johns Hopkins University
2011-12 Peterson 'That Great Experiment': Plantation America and the Remaking of Medicine in the Anglophone Atlantic, 1730-1800
Alan Gibson
PhD Candidate, University of Notre Dame
1989-90 Hiatt The Development of the Concept of Public Opinion in the American Enlightenment, 1760-1800
Ellen Gilbert
Independent Scholar, Rutgers University
2003-04 Peterson St. Wulstan Society Papers
Richard Gildrie
Professor, Austin Peay State
1983-84 Peterson New England Clerics and Popular Civility, 1679-1740
Caroline Gillaspie
PhD Candidate in Art History, CUNY Graduate Center
2018-19 Last Fueling America: Visual Representations of Nineteenth-Century U.S. Coffee Consumption
Sarah Gillespie
PhD Candidate in Art History, CUNY Graduate Center
2018-19 Last 'One Thing New Under the Sun': The Cross-Currents of Science and Art in the American Daguerreotype, 1839-1850
Brendan Gillis
Visiting Assistant Professor, Miami University of Ohio
2016-17 Hench Conduits of Justice: Magistrates and the British Imperial State, 1732-1834
William J. Gilmore-Lehne
Associate Professor, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
1990-91 AAS-NEH The State of Knowledge on the Eve of the Industrial Revolution
William J. Gilmore-Lehne
Associate Professor, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
1998-99 RA A Republic of Knowledge: Communications and the Rise of an Age of Reading in America, 1639-1861
W. Clark Gilpin
Associate Professor, Phillips Theological Seminary
1982-83 Haven Eighteenth-Century Protestant Concepts of the Church
Elaine Ginsberg
Associate Professor, West Virginia University
1976-77 Daniels Nineteenth-Century Novels of Female Adolescence
Lesley Ginsberg
Recent PhD, Stanford University
1997-98 AAS-NEH The Romance of Dependency: Childhood and the Ideology of Love in American Literature, 1825-1870
Lisa L. Gitelman
Associate Professor, Catholic University
2007-08 Last Early Photographs of Words Backwards
Lisa Gladman
Associate Professor, Catholic University
2007-08 Last Early Photographs of Words Backwards
Kimberly Gladman Jackson
PhD Candidate, New York University
2000-01 Peterson Mysteries and Miseries: City Mysteries Novels and Class in Antebellum America
Diane Glancy
Poet, Shawnee Mission, KS
2020 Baron Quadrille: A poetry manuscript that explores the effect of Christianity on the Native American
Danielle Glassmeyer
Associate Professor of English, Bradley University
2023-24 Alstott Morgan Other People's Children
Reed Gochberg
PhD Candidate, Boston University
2016-17 Packer Novel Objects: Museums and Scientific Knowledge in Nineteenth-Century American Literature
Jacqueline Goldsby
Assistant Professor, Cornell University
2000-01 Peterson A Spectacular Secret: The cultural Logic of Lynching in American Literature and Life
Aston A. Gonzalez
PhD Candidate, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
2011-12 Last Kneeling and Fighting: African American Artists' Depiction of Black Humanity
Abby Goode
Assistant Professor, Plymouth State University
2017-18 Peterson Democratic Demographics: a Literary Genealogy of American Sustainability
Glenda Goodman
PhD Candidate, Harvard University
2010-11 Peterson Songs Crossing the Atlantic: The Making of Musical Hybrids
Adam Gordon
PhD in English, University of California, Los Angeles
2011-12 Hench Cultures of Criticism in Antebellum America
Amy Gore
Assistant Professor of English, North Dakota State University
2024-25 Reese Bodies of Believers
Philip B. Gould
Assistant Professor, Brown University
1999-00 AAS-NEMLA A Barbaric Trade: Commerce, Antislavery, and Cultures of Manners in Anglo-America, 1770-1830
Sarah Gould
PhD Candidate, University of Michigan
2008-09 Last Seeing American: The Visual Representation of Race in Early American Children's Literature and Games
Emily Gowen
PhD Candidate in English, Boston University
2022-23 Hench On the Margins: Steady-Sellers and the Problem of Inequality in Nineteenth-Century America
Emily Gowen
PhD Candidate in English and American Literature, Boston University
2019-20 Reese Defoe’s American Readers
Harvey J. Graff
Professor, University of Texas, San Antonio
1988-89 AAS-NEH Conflicting Paths: The Transformations of Growing Up, 1750-20
Maryemma Graham
Associate Professor, Northeastern University
1990-91 AAS-NEMLA Afro-American Authorship, 1746-06
Susan Graham
PhD Candidate, University of Minnesota
2005-06 Peterson Female Dorrites and Antebellum Partisanship
Brett Grainger
PhD Candidate, Harvard University
2012-13 Last The Vital Landscape: Evangelicals and Nature in America, 1740-1870
Katherine Alysia Grandjean
Assistant Professor of History, Wellesley College
2017-18 AAS-NEH The Harpe Murders and the Legacies of the American Revolution
Katherine Grant
PhD Candidate, Yale University
1994-95 Peterson The Lyceum Movement in America, 1826-1890
Christopher Grasso
Associate Professor, College of William and Mary
1999-00 Peterson Skepticism and American Faith: The Early Nineteenth Century
Myron Gray
PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania
2012-13 Peterson French Music in Federal Philadelphia
Harvey Green
Professor, Northeastern University
1997-98 Peterson Myth and History in American Literary and Material Culture, 1850-10
James N. Green
Associate Librarian, Library Company of Philadelphia
1989-90 Botein The Transformation of the American Book Trade, 1785-1825
James N. Green
Associate Librarian, Library Company of Philadelphia
1986-87 Boni The Book Distribution Network of Mathew Carey, 1785-1820
Nathaniel Green
Associate Professor of History, Northern Virginia Community College
2019-20 Last The Man of the People: Political Dissent and the Making of the American Presidency
Bruce Greenfield
Assistant Professor, Dalhousie University
1989-90 AAS-NEMLA Plotting the Mississippi: A Comparative Study of Eighteenth-Century Discovery Rhetoric
Jennifer Ann Greenhill
PhD Candidate, Yale University
2005-06 AHPCS The Plague of Jocularity: Art, Humor, and the American Social Body, 1863-1906
Wendy Greenhouse
PhD Candidate, Yale University
1987-88 Peterson Tudors and Stuarts in Antebellum America
Ezra Greenspan
Edmund J. and Louise W. Kahn Chair in Humanities and Professor of English, Southern Methodist University
2016-17 AAS-NEH The Lives and Times of Frederick Douglass and His Family: A Composite Biography
Phillip Grider
Research Associate, Georg August University of Göttingen
2023-24 Ebeling Nonhuman Agency in Early North American Media
Sean Griffin
PhD Candidate in History, Lehman College
2019-20 Peterson Labor, Land, and Freedom: Antebellum Labor Reform and the Rise of Antislavery Politics
Sally Griffith
Associate Professor, Villanova University
1992-93 Peterson Boosterism in Nineteenth-Century American Newspapers
Brenton Grom
PhD Candidate, Case Western Reserve University
2013-14 Peterson The Death and Transfiguration of American Psalmody ca. 1805-1840
Kelle Groom
Poet, New Smyrna Beach, FL
2011 Hearst Memoir about Thomas Greenough, the last surviving Wampanoag Indian on the Bass River reservation in South Yarmouth, MA
Jonathan Gross
Professor, DePaul University
2007-08 Peterson Thomas Jefferson's Scrapbooks: Prose Clippings
Robert A. Gross
Associate Professor, Amherst College
1984-85 Peterson The Ideology of Print: The Book and Social Change in America
Jeffrey D. Groves
Professor, Harvey Mudd College
2011-12 Last A Practical Study of the Isaiah Thomas Press at the American Antiquarian Society
Jeffrey D. Groves
Associate Professor, Harvey Mudd College
1995-96 Peterson Ticknor and Fields: Literary Promotion and American Canon Formation, 1840-1865
Lindsey Grubbs
PhD Candidate in English, Emory University
2019-20 Peterson Moral Disorders: The Diagnostic Logic of Nineteenth-Century Literature and Medicine
Julia Grummitt
PhD Candidate in History, Princeton University
2018-19 Last The Great National Work: Visualizing Territory and Race in Nineteenth-Century North America
Marissa Grunes
PhD Candidate in English, Harvard University
2019-20 Last This Corner in the Wild: Architectural Metaphor in Nineteenth-Century American Literature
Holly Gruntner
PhD Candidate in History, College of William and Mary
2020-21 Peterson 'some people of skil and curiosity': Knowledge and Labor in Early American Gardens, 1650-1820
Douglas Guerra
Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing, State University of New York, Oswego
2014-15 Last On the Move: Gaming Models for Literary Theory
Nalleli Guillen
PhD Candidate, University of Delaware
2016-17 Tracy 'Round the World Every Evening': Panoramic Spectacles, Entertainment Culture, and a Growing Imperial Consciousness in Nineteenth-Century America
Robert Gunn
Assistant Professor, University of Texas, El Paso
2008-09 Peterson Ethnology and Empire: John Russell Bartlett and the U.S./Mexico Borderlands
Philip F. Gura
William S. Newman Distinguished Professor, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
2006-07 Mellon Distinguished Scholar The Club of the Like-Minded: A History of New England Transcendentalism
Philip F. Gura
William S. Newman Distinguished Professor, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
2002-03 Peterson Guitars for all America: C.F. Martin (1796-1873) and the 19th Century Music Trade
Philip F. Gura
William S. Newman Distinguished Professor, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
1989-90 Peterson The Reverend Nathan Fiske and the Cultural Transformation of Central Massachusetts
Philip F. Gura
William S. Newman Distinguished Professor, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
1998-99 Peterson America's Instrument: The 19th Century Banjo
Nicholas Guyatt
Assistant Professor,
2013-14 Peterson The Scale of Beings and the Prehistory of 'separate but equal'
Debra Gwartney
Non-Fiction Writer, Oregon
2008 Baron I am a Stranger Here Myself: A memoir and history of Narcissa Prentiss Whitman and womanhood in the patriarchal American West
Polly Ha
PhD Candidate, Cambridge University
2006-07 Peterson The Decalogue and Formation of Denomination
Robb Haberman
PhD Candidate, University of Connecticut
2004-05 Legacy "Magazine Production and the Economics of the Print Trade in Post-Revolutionary America"
Michael Hackenberg
Assistant Professor, University of Chicago
1986-87 Boni The Subscription Publishing Phenomenon
Sally Hadden
Associate Professor, University of Toledo
1994-95 Peterson Slave Patrols of the Old South and Newspapers as Disseminators of Legal Information
Nancy Hagedorn
PhD Candidate, College of William and Mary
1987-88 Peterson Mediating the Exchange of Cultures: Interpreters among the Iroquois, 1664-1775
Nancy Hagedorn
Assistant Professor, St John's University
1998-99 Peterson Interpreters Among the Iroquois, 1664-1775
Gary L. Hagenbuch
Teacher, West Tatnuck School, Worcester, MA
1995 K-12 To Develop a Curriculum Unit Based upon Worcester, 1825-1850
Matthew Hale
PhD Candidate, Brandeis University
2000-01 Legacy Neither Britons nor Frenchmen: The Creation of American Nationality, 1789-1815
Megan Haley-Newman
PhD Candidate, College of William and Mary
1996-97 Peterson Pest Control Strategies and Their Social Implications in the Chesapeake Area, 1600-1800
David D. Hall
Bartlett Professor of New England Church History, Harvard University
2004-05 Mellon Distinguished Scholar A New History of Puritan America
David D. Hall
Professor, Boston University
1981-82 AAS-NEH History of Popular Culture in Colonial New England
Michael G. Hall
Professor, University of Texas
1975-76 Daniels The Diaries of Increase Mather
Kenneth Haltman
Postdoctoral Fellow, Bryn Mawr College
1993-94 Peterson The Invention of Ethnographic Portraiture
Karen Halttunen
Associate Professor, Northwestern University
1987-88 Peterson Murder and the Gothic Imagination in American Culture
Karen Halttunen
Professor, University of California, Davis
1995-96 Peterson Jacob's Pillows: Natural History and Memory in the Making of New England
Karen Halttunen
Professor, University of California, Davis
1999-00 Mellon Distinguished Scholar American Pilgrimage: A Cultural History of Plymouth Rock
Cynthia Hamilton
Senior Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University
1979-80 Peterson Representations of the Freedmen 1861-76
William Hamilton
PhD Candidate, Yale University
1979-80 Daniels Preachers and Professionalism
David Hancock
Associate Professor, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
2003-04 AAS-ASECS Oceans of Wine, Empires of Commerce: Madeira Wine and the Self-Organization of the Atlantic Market Economy, 1640-1815
Russell Handsman
Independent Scholar, Litchfield, CT
1993-94 Peterson Challenging the Silences in New England History: John Milton Earle and the Indian People of Massachusetts
Karen Hansen
PhD Candidate, University of California, Berkeley
1988-89 Peterson The Social Dimension of Laborers' Lives, 1810-60
Charles Hanson
PhD Candidate, University of California, Berkeley
1991-92 Peterson From the Quebec Act to the French Alliance: Anti-Catholicism in Revolutionary New England
Molly O’Hagan Hardy
Postdoctoral Fellow, Southwestern University
2012-13 AAS-NEMLA Imperial Authorship and Eighteenth-Century Transatlantic Literary Production
Anne Harley
Musician, Soprano, Claremont, CA
2012 Hearst True Witness: A multi-choral civil rights cantata inspired by the texts of Charlotte Forten
John Brian Harley
, Exeter College
1976-77 Daniels Maps in Eighteenth-Century North American Libraries
Katherine Harnish
PhD Candidate, Washington University in St. Louis
2017-18 Drawn to Art Painting Ephemera in the Age of Mass Production
Mazie Harris
PhD Candidate, Brown University
2012-13 Last Selling Photography on Broadway, 1839-1884
Michael Harris
Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky
1972-73 U.S. Steel Foundation Book Traders and Books in the Ohio Valley, 1800-1850
Candice Harrison
PhD Candidate, Emory University
2006-07 Peterson The Politics of Exchange in Philadelphia's Public Markets, 1770-1859
Steven Harthorn
PhD Candidate, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
2002-03 Botein James Fenimore Cooper and the American Literary Market, 1838-1851
Samantha Harvey
Professor of English, Boise State University
2017-18 AAS-NEH Reading the Book of Nature: Imagination, Observation, and Conservation in Transatlantic Romanticism
Sean Harvey
Visiting Assistant Professor, Northern Illinois University
2010-11 AAS-NEH American Languages: Indians, Ethnology, and the Empire for Liberty
Nathan O. Hatch
Assistant Professor, University of Notre Dame
1977-78 Daniels From Revolution to Reaction
Jeffrey P. Hatcher
Playwright, Minneapolis, MN
1995 Wallace Sockdology: A play about the actors in the play Our American Cousin
Kate Haulman
PhD Candidate, Cornell University
1999-00 Peterson The Empire's New Clothes: The Politics of Dress in America, 1765-1820
E. Haven Hawley
University Librarian Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida
2023-24 AAS-NEH A Perfect Machine: The Adams Power Press
E. Haven Hawley
PhD Candidate, Georgia Institute of Technology
2002-03 Reese American Publishers of Indecent Books, 1840 - 1890
Lisa Hayes
Playwright, Bowie, MD
2011 Baron Research on colonial America just before the Revolutionary War to be used in writing two museum theater plays for the Accokeek Foundation's Natonal Colonial Farm
Monique Celeste Hayes
Historical Novelist, Fort Washington, MD
2023 Baron Research for “Sally Forth,” on African-American experience during the American Revolution from the years 1771-1785
April Haynes
PhD in History, University of California, Santa Barbara
2009-10 Hench Riotous Flesh: Confronting Gender and Sexuality through Grahamite Health Reform, 1830-1860
Sonia Hazard
PhD Candidate, Duke University
2017-18 Last The Touch of the Word: Evangelical Cultures of Print in Antebellum America
Sonia Hazard
PhD Candidate, Duke University
2013-14 Last In and Of the Machine: Religion and Visual Technologies in Antebellum America
Janet Headley
Associate Professor, Loyola College
2002-03 Drawn to Art Structuring Urban Space: Public Monuments in Boston, 1825-1897
Udo J. Hebel
Chair, University of Regensburg
2000-01 Peterson Forefathers' Day Orations and Celebrations between the American Revolution and the Civil War
Holly Heinzer
PhD Candidate, Yale University
2000-01 Peterson On the Move: The Means and Meanings of Travel in Northeastern America, 1750-1850
Beverly Held
PhD Candidate, University of Michigan
1980-81 Hiatt American Festivals--The Early Republican
Lee E. Heller
Assistant Professor, Mercer College
1989-90 AAS-NEH The Novel as Popular Literature: American Fiction in the 18th and 19th Centuries
Lee E. Heller
Assistant Professor, Mercer College
1994-95 RA The Uses of Fiction: Novel Reading and American Culture, 1720-1860
Timothy Helwig
PhD Candidate, University of Maryland
2005-06 Peterson Race, Nativism, and the Making of Class in Antebellum City-Mysteries
H. Henderson
Professor, Oklahoma State University
1976-77 Daniels Political Culture in Virginia and Massachusetts, 1775-1800
Glenn Hendler
Associate Professor, University of Notre Dame
2002-03 AAS-NEMLA Riot Acts: Gender, Race, and Public Violence in Nineteenth-Century American Literature
James A. Henretta
Professor, Boston University
1984-85 AAS-NEH Law and the Creation of the Liberal State in America, 1770-1870
Amanda Herbert
PhD Candidate, Johns Hopkins University
2007-08 Peterson Transatlantic female alliances, 1640-1714
Melanie Hernandez
Assistant Professor of English, California State University, Fresno
2019-20 Last Drawing the Border: Mexicans and Mexicanness in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Visual Culture
Melanie Hernandez
PhD Candidate, University of Washington, Seattle
2012-13 Drawn to Art Currier & Ives's 'Darktown' Series: Recovering White Capital through Violent Satire