Fellows Directory

Over 1,400 AAS fellowships have been awarded since the program's inception in 1972. Each fellow's institutional affiliation and position at the time of the fellowship is listed.

Displaying 1201 - 1400 of 1507

Name Date Fellowship Project
Michael Schoeppner
Associate Professor of History, University of Maine, Farmington
2022-23 Peterson The First Illegal Immigrants
Leslie Schomp
Visual Artist and Senior Lecturer, College of the Holy Cross
2024 Baron Investigation into the history of American lacemaking in past centuries
Martha Schoolman
Assistant Professor, Miami University
2006-07 Peterson American Abolitionist Geographies
Robert Schoone-Jongen
Teacher, SW Minnesota Christian High School
1995 K-12 Survey of how Popular Hymns and Other Religious Songs Reflected Views on Political/Social Issues, 1775-1800
Arthur Francis Schrader
Performer and Singing History Scholar,
1979-80 AAS-NEH The Isaiah Thomas Ballad Collection
Kayla Schreiber
Graduate Student of English, University of Southern Mississippi
2023-24 Last Black Fugitivity, Disability, and Sexual Deviancy in Nineteenth Century Slave Narratives
Jonathan Schroeder
Assistant Professor of English and Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick
2020-21 AAS-NEH The United States Governed by Six Hundred Thousand Despots
Sarah Schuetze
Assistant Professor of English, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay
2016-17 Last Calamity Howl
Sarah Schuetze
Assistant Professor of English, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay
2017-18 AAS-NEH Calamity Howl: Fear of Illness in Early American Writing
Susan Schulten
Distinguished University Professor of History, University of Denver
2024-25 Mellon Distinguished Scholar Maps and Visual Culture in American History
Heidi Schultz
PhD Candidate, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
1995-96 Peterson Women Writing in the American South: Writing at Female Acadmies and Writing Without Teachers, 1800-1860
Jaclyn Schultz
PhD Candidate, University of California, Santa Cruz
2017-18 Schiller Learning the Value of a Dollar
Lydia Schurman
Professor, Northern Virginia Community College
1988-89 Peterson Publishers, Publications, and Purveyors: The Dime Novel Publishing World, 1860-15
Richard Schwarzlose
Associate Professor, Northwestern University
1984-85 Peterson The Origins of the Newspaper Press
Beth Barton Schweiger
Associate Professor, University of Arkansas
2008-09 AAS-NEH Reading before Literacy: The Uses of English Grammar in the Early Nineteenth Century
Beth Barton Schweiger
Assistant Professor, University of Arkansas
2003-04 Peterson Reading Slavery: Southerners and Their Books
Donald M. Scott
Associate Professor, North Carolina State University
1979-80 Daniels The Public Lecture in Mid-19th Century America
Donald M. Scott
Associate Professor, North Carolina State University
1981-82 AAS-NEH Public Lectures and the Formation of American Culture, 1830-1870
James Andrew Secord
Professor, Cambridge University
2004-05 Botein "Nature as News: Reporting Science in the Antebellum American Illustrated Press"
Augustine Sedgewick
Independent Writer,
2024-25 Jaffee Thoreau’s Pencil: A New History of Slavery, Abolition, Complicity, and Justice
Samantha Seeley
Associate Professor of History, University of Richmond
2022-23 AAS-NEH Bound by Treaty: Emancipation and Diplomacy in the Age of Revolutions
John Seelye
Professor, University of Florida
1994-95 RA Place of Plymouth Rock
John Seelye
1985-86 AAS-NEH The River in the Early American Republic
Erik R. Seeman
PhD Candidate, University of Michigan
1992-93 Hiatt Laity, Clergy, and the Shaping of Popular Religious Culture in New England, 1720-1770
Jonathan Senchyne
PhD Candidate, Cornell University
2009-10 Last 'Bottles of Ink, and Reams of Paper': Racial Mixture and Legibility in Antebellum Illustration
Renée Sentilles
Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University
2003-04 Peterson Tomboys and Other Nineteenth-Century Girls
Renée Sentilles
1998-99 Hench Performing Menken: Adah Isaacs Menken's American Odyssey
Renée Sentilles
Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University
2003-04 Peterson Tomboys and Other Nineteenth-Century Girls
Renée Sentilles
Visiting Assistant Professor, Franklin & Marshall College
1998-99 Hench Performing Menken: Adah Isaacs Menken's American Odyssey
Asiel Sepulveda
PhD Candidate in Art History, Southern Methodist University
2018-19 Last City Impressions: Lithography and Urban Modernity in Nineteenth-Century Havana
Jason Shaffer
Professor of English, United States Naval Academy
2024-25 Drawn to Art Johnston's The Heavenly Nine and Jacksonian Performance Culture
Robert E. Shalhope
George Lynn Cross Professor, Oklahoma State University
1995-96 AAS-ASECS A Yeoman's Life: Hiram Harwood, 1806-1837
Adam Shapiro
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Wisconsin, Madison
2011-12 Reese William Paley and the Natural Theology Tradition in America
Hesam Sharifian
PhD Candidate, Tufts University
2017-18 Last Americanizing Shakespeare in Print
Kandice Sharren
Instructor of English, Simon Fraser University
2020-21 Botein Politics, Paratexts, and Transatlantic Fiction, 1790-1840
Tanya Sheehan
Assistant Professor, Rutgers University
2009-10 AAS-NEH Blacks and Whites: Race and Early Photographic Humor
Kevin Sheets
PhD Candidate, University of Virginia
1997-98 Peterson Latin America, the Dead Language, Schools, and the Culture of the Educated Man
Harlow Sheidley
PhD Candidate, University of Connecticut
1983-84 Hiatt Sectional Nationalism: Massachusetts Conservatives and the Epic of New England, 1815-1836
Marc Shell
Associate Professor, State University of New York, Buffalo
1981-82 AAS-NEH Money and Symbolism in America: Case Studies
Blevin Shelnutt
PhD Candidate, New York University
2015-16 AHPCS New York City's Broadway and Nineteenth-Century Literary Culture
Carol Sheriff
PhD Candidate, Yale University
1991-92 Peterson The Social and Cultural Impact of the Erie Canal, 1790-1860
David S. Shields
Assistant Professor, The Citadel
1985-86 Haven Literary Neoclassicism during the 1740's and 1750's in Massachusetts
Nancy Shoemaker
Professor, University of Connecticut
2006-07 AAS-NEH The Whaling History of New England Indians
Laurence Shore
PhD Candidate, Johns Hopkins University
1981-82 Daniels The Degradation and Dignity of Labor: Political Economy and the Southern Ruling Elite, 1850-76
John Shufelt
Visiting Associate Professor, Brown University
2017-18 Peterson Newspaper Accounts of the Coolie Slave Trade
Robert Shuster
Writer, Westchester County, NY
2006 Baron The Indestructible Soldier: A non-Fiction book on America's culture of war and the military in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
James Sidbury
Associate Professor, University of Texas, Austin
2002-03 Mellon Postdoctoral Conceptions of Africa in Early African-American Culture, 1760-1830
Johanna Siebert
PhD Candidate, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz
2016-17 Ebeling Networks of Taste: The Early African Caribbean Press in the Nineteenth-Century Atlantic World
Nancy J. Siegel
Assistant Professor, Juniata College
2008-09 Last Bodily Functions as Body Politic: Scenes of Protest in Eighteenth-Century Prints.
Nancy J. Siegel
Professor, Towson University
2017-18 Peterson Political Appetites: Revolution, Taste, and Culinary Activism in the Early Republic
Mary Beth Sievens
Associate Professor, State University of New York, Fredonia
2009-10 AAS-NEH The Fruit of My Industry: Household Economy, the Market, and Consumer Society in New England, 1790-1865
Mary Beth Sievens
PhD Candidate, Boston University
1995-96 Peterson Stray Wives: Marital Expectations and Conflict in Vermont 1790-1830
R. Sikoryak
Cartoonist, New York, NY
2006 Baron Comic strip adaptation of Moby Dick
Kate Silbert
PhD Candidate, University of Michigan
2015-16 Last 'Committed to Memory': Gender, Literary Engagement, and Commemorative Practice, 1780-1830
Jean Silver-Isenstadt
PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania
1995-96 Peterson Pure Pleasure: The Shared Life and Work of Mary S. Gove Nichols and Thomas Low Nichols in American Health Reform
David J. Silverman
PhD Candidate, Princeton University
2001-02 Hench Faith and Boundaries: Colonists, Christianity, and Community Among the Wampanoag Indians of Martha's Vineyard, 1600-1871
David J. Silverman
Assistant Professor, George Washington University
2005-06 AAS-ASECS Brothertown: American Indians and the Problem of Race
David J. Silverman
Associate Professor, George Washington University
2010-11 AAS-ASECS Thundersticks: Firearms and the Transformation of Native America
Richard Simmons
Senior Lecturer, University of Birmingham
1982-83 Boni British Imprints Relating to North America, 1621-1760
Janice Simon
Assistant Professor, University of Georgia
1993-94 Peterson The Forest Interior in American Painting, 1840-00
Janice Simon
Assistant Professor, University of Georgia
1995-96 RA The Forest Interior in American Painting, 1840-1900
Michael Simoncelli
PhD Candidate, College of William and Mary
1999-00 Morgan Becoming Northern: The Clash of Regional Cultures and the Creation of a Northern Identity in Ohio, 1770-1877
Stephen Simons
Teacher, Peter Rouget, Brooklyn, NY
1997 K-12 Middle School American History Curriculum on Cookbooks of the Early Republic
Carol Singley
Associate Professor, Rutgers University
1997-98 Peterson Adoption in American Literature and Culture
Manisha Sinha
James L. and Shirley A. Draper Chair in American History, University of Connecticut
2020-21 Mellon Distinguished Scholar Reconstruction of American Democracy after the Civil War
Manisha Sinha
Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
2004-05 AAS-NEH Redefining Democracy: African Americans and the Movement to Abolish Slavery, 1775-1865
Kelly Sisson
PhD Candidate, University of Michigan
2008-09 Peterson "King Corn in American Culture, 1862-1936."
Matthew Wynn Sivils
Assistant Professor, Iowa State University
2012-13 Schiller The Rise of American Environmental Literature, 1782-184
Michelle Sizemore
Associate Professor of English, University of Kentucky
2019-20 Legacy Figures: Literature and Mathematics in the Atlantic World, 1750-1860
Britta Sjogren
Filmmaker, San Francisco, CA
2003 Baron A Chain of Windows
Jeffrey Sklansky
Associate Professor, Oregon State University
2006-07 Burkhardt The Rise and Fall of the 'Money Question' in the Nineteenth-Century United States
Kathryn Kish Sklar
Associate Professor, University of California, Los Angeles
1976-77 Daniels Female Education in New England, 1780-1820
Cambra Sklarz
PhD Candidate in Art History, University of California, Riverside
2022-23 Drawn to Art The Artist and the Ecosystem: Strategies for the Use and Reuse of Materials in Early America
Will T. Slauter
Lecturer in English and American Studies, University of Paris 8, Saint Denis
2014-15 AAS-NEH Who Owns the News? Journalism and Intellectual Property in Historical Perspective
Nora Slonimsky
PhD Candidate, CUNY Graduate Center
2016-17 Last 'The Engine of Free Expression'[?]: The Political Development of Copyright in the Colonial British Atlantic and Early National United States
Billy G. Smith
Professor, Montana State University
1991-92 AAS-NEH Fugitives from Slavery in the Eighteenth Century Mid Atlantic Region
Cassandra Fay Smith
Historian, Miniaturist, and Writer, Detriot, MI
1999 Wallace Slaves, free blacks, runaways: dolls of the antebellum United States
Cynthia Smith
Independent Scholar,
2020-21 Legacy Sentimental Sailors: Rescue and Conversion in Antebellum U.S. Literature
Dorin Smith
PhD Candidate in English, Brown University
2018-19 Peterson Brain Fever
Dwight Smith
Professor, Miami University of Ohio
1982-83 Haven The War of 1812: A Bibliography
Gail Smith
Assistant Professor, Marquette University
1995-96 RA Reading the Word: Harriet Beecher Stow and Nineteenth Century American Hermeneutics
Hampton Smith
PhD Candidate in History, Theory, and Criticism of Art and Architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2023-24 Last Making under Slavery in the Black Atlantic World, 1750-1865
Laura Smith
Lecturer, University of New Hampshire
2008-09 Drawn to Art "Material Domesticity: Textiles in Elizabeth Stoddard's 'The Morgesons'."
Mikki Smith
PhD Candidate, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
2012-13 Peterson Even a Boy's Press Has a 'Power': Amateur Journalism and Youth Information Culture, 1867-1890
Robin Smith
PhD Candidate, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
2015-16 Legacy The 'Iron Harp': Encountering the Industrial Soundscape in the 1840s and 1850s
Sara Smith
Choreographer , Greenfield, MA
2015 Baron Florence Rice Hitchcock and the Theory of The Soft Earth: A multimedia dance project
Steven Smith
PhD Candidate, University of Missouri
2011-12 Reese A World the Printers Made: Print Culture in New York, 1730-1830
Sueanna Smith
PhD Candidate, University of South Carolina
2015-16 Peterson The Cultural Work of the Early American Fraternal Sphere
Carroll Smith-Rosenberg
Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania
1976-77 AAS-NEH Prescribed and Actual Gender Roles in the American Family, 1760-1895
Katherine Smoak
PhD Candidate in History, Johns Hopkins University
2014-15 Last Circulating Counterfeits: Making Money and Its Meanings in the Eighteenth-Century British Atlantic
Reiner Smolinski
Associate Professor, Georgia State University
2002-03 Peterson Authority & Interpretation: Cotton Mather's 'Biblia Americana'
Mitchell Snay
Associate Professor, Denison University
2000-01 Tracy A Nation of Our Own: Ethnic Nationalism in the Era of Reconstruction
James Snead
Associate Professor, George Mason University
2009-10 Peterson The 'Kentucky Mummy': Encounters with Antiquity in the Early Nineteenth-Century America
Christina Snyder
Assistant Professor, Indiana University, Bloomington
2012-13 Peterson The Indian Gentlemen of Choctaw Academy: Status and Sovereignty in Antebellum America
Alexandra Socarides
Assistant Professor, University of Missouri
2012-13 Last The Lyric Pose: Nineteenth-Century American Women's Poetry and the Problem of Recovery
Alexandra Socarides
PhD Candidate, Rutgers University
2004-05 Botein Lyric Contexts: Emily Dickinson and the 19th Century Extended Poetic Project
Stephanie Solomon
Performer, Hermosa Beach, CA
2010 Last (Artist) Research in order to collect visuals for film titled "American Voices: Spirit of Revolution"
Samantha Sommers
PhD Candidate, University of California, Los Angeles
2017-18 Reese Reading in Books: Theories of Reading from Nineteenth-Century American Fiction
Amy Sopcak-Joseph
PhD Candidate, University of Connecticut
2015-16 Last The Lives and Times of Godey's Lady's Book, 1830-1877
Melanie Sovine
Clinical Anthropologist, MacNeil Hospital
1983-84 AAS-NEH The Primitive Baptists and the Anti-Mason Party
Tina Spangler
Documentary Filmmaker, Narrowsburg, NY
2024 Hearst Research for her historical film about the life, work, and massive influence of artist Frances Flora “Fanny” Palmer (1812-1876)
Juliet Sperling
PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania
2016-17 Last Animating Flatness: Seeing Moving Images in American Painting and Mass Visual Culture, 1800-1895
Derrick R. Spires
PhD Candidate, Vanderbilt University
2008-09 Peterson Reimagining a 'Beautiful but Baneful Object': Black Writers' Theories of Citizenship and Nation in the Antebellum U.S.
Robert B. St. George
PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania
1981-82 Boni Popular Literature and Reading in Massachusetts, 1640-1720
Allison M. Stagg
PhD Candidate, University College, University of London
2009-10 Last American Political Caricatures: 1787-1825
Micah-Jade Stanback
PhD Candidate in English, Texas Christian University
2020-21 Schiller Beyond Innocence: Examining Literary Representations of Black Childhood in the Nineteenth Century
Grant Stanton
PhD Candidate in History, University of Pennsylvania
2023-24 Peterson White Allies in Revolutionary Massachusetts?: The Antislavery Commitments of Isaiah Thomas and Ezekiel Russell
David Steel
PhD Candidate, University of Michigan
1979-80 Daniels Stephen Jenks, American Musician and Publisher
Bruce Steiner
Professor, Ohio State University
1982-83 Haven Lawyers, Dissenting Churches, and Connecticut's Republican Party
Heike Steinhoff
Assistant Professor of American Studies, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum
2014-15 Ebeling Sex in the City: Urban Sexuality in American Literature and Culture
Arden Stern
PhD Candidate, University of California, Irvine
2009-10 Last Slanted, Shredded, and Simulated: A Cultural History of the Unruly Typeface
Sarah Stern
Playwright, Red Hook, NY
2014 Hearst Research for play tentatively called "The Spectator," which deals with the intersection of politics and theatre in New York City during the 1730s
James Thomas Stevens
Poet, Fredonia, NY
2004 Baron Alphabets of Letters: A poem that explores propaganda found in Native American children's primers
Louise L. Stevenson
Professor, Franklin & Marshall College
2000-01 Botein Women's intellectual Life, 1750-1820
Anna Stewart
PhD Candidate, University of Texas, Austin
2011-12 Botein Slave Narratives and Freedmen's Education
David Stewart
Assistant Professor, National Central University, Taiwan
1999-00 AAS-NEMLA George Thompson and Men's Reading
J. Brenton Stewart
PhD Candidate, University of Wisconsin, Madison
2011-12 Botein Informing the City: On the Print Culture of Antebellum Augusta, Georgia
Whitney Stewart
PhD Candidate, Rice University
2015-16 Last Domestic Activism: The Politics of the Black Home in Nineteenth-Century America
Whitney Stewart
Assistant Professor of Historical Studies, University of Texas, Dallas
2019-20 AAS-NEH The Home that Slavery Made: How Plantation Slavery Racialized the American Home
Richard Stillson
PhD Candidate, Johns Hopkins University
2000-01 Botein Communication and Information Dispersal in the California Gold Rush
Kristofer Stinson
PhD Candidate in History, George Mason University
2022-23 Botein Shadows and Solid Things: Religion and Archaeology in the Atlantic World
Susan Stinson
Novelist, Northampton, MA
2016 Hearst Research for a novel about Elizabeth Tuttle Edwards
Harry S. Stout III
Associate Professor, University of Connecticut
1980-81 Daniels A Cultural History of the Sermon in Colonial New England
Eric Stoykovich
PhD Candidate, University of Virginia
2006-07 Peterson Live Stock Nation: How Farm Animals Domesticated the Northern United States during the Early Republic, 1794-1876
Ginger Strand
Non-Fiction Writer, New York, NY
2006 Baron Inventing Niagara: A non-fiction work on Niagara Falls
Robert Strong
Poet, Maine
2009 Hearst Bright Advent: A work of poetry set in the years leading to King Philip's War
Joseph Stubenrauch
PhD Candidate, Indiana University
2008-09 Last Faith in Goods: Religion and the Consumer Revolution
Amanda Stuckey
PhD Candidate, College of William and Mary
2016-17 Schiller Reading Bodies: Disability and the Book in Nineteenth-Century American Culture
Matthew Suazo
Visiting Assistant Professor of English, Kenyon College
2018-19 AAS-NEH Wetland Americas: Literature, Race, and the Mississippi River Valley in Translation, 1542-1884
Steven Subotnick
Filmmaker, Providence, RI
2017 Last (Artist) Tender Parts: A series of short animated films
Sherry Sullivan
Assistant Professor, University of Alabama, Birmingham
1987-88 Boni Noble Savage Iconography in 19th Century Giftbooks
Elaine Swift
PhD Candidate, Harvard University
1985-86 Hiatt Reconstitutive Congressional Change: The Case of the US Senate, 1789-1841
Rebecca Szantyr
PhD Candidate in History of Art & Architecture, Brown University
2019-20 Last Nicolino Calyo: A Wider View of American Art, 1833-1855
Anthony Szczesiul
Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
2005-06 Peterson Reconstructing 'Southern Hospitality': Print Culture and the Invention of a Cultural Fiction
Justin Tackett
PhD Candidate in English, Stanford University
2018-19 Peterson Investigating the Poetics of American Stethoscopy and Telegraphy
Kimberly Takahata
PhD Candidate in English and Literature, Columbia University
2019-20 Peterson Skeletal Testimony: Bony Biopolitics in the Early Atlantic
Elisa Tamarkin
Assistant Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara
2002-03 Sigety American Anglophilia: Deference, Devotion, and National Culture, 1820-1865
Rebecca Tannenbaum
PhD Candidate, Yale University
1994-95 Peterson A Woman's Calling: Women's Medical Practice in Early New England
David F. Tatham
Associate Professor, Syracuse University
1974-75 Daniels The Life and Works of David Claypool Johnston
Alan S. Taylor
Professor, University of California, Davis
2000-01 Mellon Distinguished Scholar The Divided Ground: The Northern Borderland (U.S. and Canada) in the Wake of the American Revolution
Alan S. Taylor
Assistant Professor, Boston University
1989-90 AAS-NEH William Cooper's Town
Darlene R. Taylor
Writer, Howard University
2022 Baron Research for novel that follows the lives of two people fighting for freedom and trying to restore their lives after the Civil War
Tess Taylor
Poet, El Cerrito, CA
2006 Baron Book of poems titled The Family Chest
Brian Teare
Poet, Charlottesville, VA
2011 Hearst Inter-disciplinary project including poetry and photographs, with focus on spirit photography and spiritualism
Cam Terwilliger
Fiction Writer, Somerville, MA
2011 Baron The Counterfeiter: A novel set in New York and Québec during the French and Indian War (1754–1763)
Lisa Tetrault
Assistant Professor, Carnegie Mellon University
2007-08 Peterson Memory of a Movement: Re-Imagining Woman Suffrage in Reconstruction America, 1865-1895
Fredrika J. Teute
Editor of Publications, Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture
1997-98 AAS-NEH Life on the Margins: Margaret Bayard Smith's Vision of Early Washington Society
Fredrika J. Teute
Editor of Publications, Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture
1994-95 Botein Writing a Woman's Life in the Early Republic
Adam Thomas
PhD Candidate, University of California, Irvine
2013-14 Legacy Racial Ambiguity and Citizenship in the Postemancipaton Transtlantic World
Amy Thomas
PhD Candidate, Duke University
1990-91 Botein Reading in the Antebellum South
JoAnne Thomas
PhD Candidate, Western Michigan University
2000-01 Peterson 'Good Bye, Old Arm': Songs of the Civil War
Catherine Thompson
PhD Candidate, University of Connecticut
2006-07 Peterson From Autonomy to Dependency?: Patient-Physician Relations, 1750-1850
Mark Thompson
Assistant Professor, University of Groningen
2012-13 Peterson Surveyors and the Production of Empire in British North America
Todd Thompson
Associate Professor, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
2017-18 Peterson Savage Laughter: Nineteenth-Century Humor and the South Seas
Todd Thompson
Professor of English, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
2023-24 Last Manifest Jestiny
Lynn Thomson
Dramaturg, Theater Director, New York, NY
2013 Baron The Time Traveler's Trip to Niagara Falls
Tamara Plakins Thornton
Professor of History, State University of New York, Buffalo
2020-21 AAS-NEH Globes and the Global Imagination in America
Ryan Tobler
PhD Candidate in Religion, Harvard Divinity School
2020-21 Last American Sacraments: Religion and Ritual in the Early United States
Anna Todd
PhD Candidate in History, University of Pennsylvania
2020-21 Peterson The Ties that Bind: Illegitimacy in Early America
William Todd
Professor Emeritus, University of Texas, Austin
1992-93 Peterson A Descriptive and Historical Bibliography of Sir Walter Scott, 1792-1836
T.J. Tomlin
Assistant Professor, University of Northern Colorado
2010-11 Botein A Faith for All Persuasions: Almanacs and American Religious Life, 1730-1820
Mackenzie Tor
PhD Candidate in History, University of Missouri, Columbia
2024-25 Brown Family Collection Spirited Struggles: Race and the Temperance Movement in Nineteenth-Century America
Amy Torbert
PhD Candidate in Art History, University of Delaware
2014-15 AHPCS Going Places: The Material and Imagined Geographies of Prints in the Atlantic World, 1770-1840
Melissa Trafton
Adjunct Professor of Art History, University of New Hampshire
2018-19 Last Animals in the Age of Darwin
Sean Trainor
PhD Candidate, Pennsylvania State University
2013-14 Peterson Men's Grooming Advertisements and the Making of the White Male Body
Christina Tree
Non-Fiction Writer, Cambridge, MA
1995 Wallace History of New England Tourism
Bernell Tripp
PhD Candidate, University of Alabama
1991-92 Botein The Nineteenth-Century Black Press
Colleen Tripp
PhD Candidate in Afro-American Studies, Brown University
2014-15 Last Pacific Sensations: The Beginnings of American Orientalism in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Popular Culture
Phillip Troutman
Assistant Professor, George Washington University
2010-11 Last Abolition Comix: Visual Semiotics in Antislavery Materials
Phillip Troutman
PhD Candidate, University of Virginia
1997-98 Peterson Geographies of Family and Market: Enslaved Migration in Antebellum Virginia and Washington, DC
Andrea J. Tucher
PhD Candidate, New York University
1983-84 Hiatt Froth and Scum: Murder, News, and Murder News in the New York Penny Press, 1833-1860
Eldon Turner
Assistant Professor, University of Florida
1987-88 RA Psalmody, Time and Cultural Change in Early New England
Zachary Turpin
Assistant Professor of English, University of Idaho
2020-21 Peterson A Targeted Archival Search for Walt Whitman’s Missing Novels
Brian Valencia
PhD Candidate, Yale University
2012-13 Last Performance Histories of Nineteenth-Century Extravaganza and Burlesque
Mark R. Valeri
ET Thompson Professor, Union Theological Seminary
1998-99 AAS-ASECS Religion, Moral Discipline and the Market in Early America
Mark R. Valeri
Assistant Professor, Lewis and Clark College
1989-90 AAS-NEH The Eighteenth-Century Clergy and Economics in New England
Maurizio Valsania
Associate Professor, Universita di Torino
2007-08 Last The Curse of History: Leaders' Distrust of American History, 1783-1828
William van Arragon
PhD Candidate, Indiana University
2000-01 Peterson Cotton Mather in American Cultural Memory, 1728-1892
Deborah Van Broekhoven
Associate Professor, Brown University
1986-87 AAS-NEH Rhode Island Women in the Antislavery Network
Joanne van der Woude
PhD Candidate, University of Virginia
2006-07 Reese Towards a Transatlantic Aesthetic: Immigration, Translation, and Mourning in the Seventeenth Century
Jennifer Van Horn
PhD Candidate, University of Virginia
2008-09 AHPCS The Object of Civility and the Art of Politeness in British America, 1740-1780
Cynthia Van Zandt
Assistant Professor, University of New Hampshire
2001-02 Botein Brothers among Nations: Kinship and Alliance in Early America
Anne Verplanck
Associate Professor, Pennsylvania State University
2011-12 Last The Graphic Arts in Philadelphia, 1780-1880
Perry Viles
Assistant Professor, Lyndon State College
1972-73 U.S. Steel Foundation Adolescence in America since 1790
Maris A. Vinovskis
Associate Professor, University of Michigan
1973-74 Rockefeller Changes in Family Values and Demographic Behavior and the Urban and Industrial Development of Massachusetts, 1770-1860
Kerstin Vogel
Instructor, University of Mainz
2005-06 Ebeling Looking-Glass Legacies- The Writings of William Apess
Christa Vogelius
Assistant Professor, University of Copenhagen
2015-16 Last Ekphrasis and the Transnational Imagination in Nineteenth-Century America
Kyle G. Volk
Assistant Professor, University of Montana
2010-11 AAS-NEH Tyrannies of Moral Majorities: The Minority Rights Revolution in Antebellum America
Albert J. von Frank
Professor, Washington State University, Pullman
1995-96 Peterson Anthony Burns, Fugitive Slave
Leonard von Morzé
Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Boston
2015-16 Reese Contextualizing Christian Jacob Hutter: German-American Printing and Book Distribution in the Atlantic World
Michael Vorenberg
Assistant Professor, Brown University
2002-03 Peterson Reconstructing the People: The Invention of Citizenship During the American Civil War
William Wagner
PhD Candidate, University of California, Berkeley
2006-07 Legacy Divided Landscapes: Geographic Literacy and the Mapping of Sectional Conflict in America, 1846-1865
David L. Waldstreicher
PhD Candidate, Yale University
1992-93 Peterson Nationalism and Celebration in Post-Revolutionary America, 1780-1836
Kent Walgren
Assistant Attorney General, Salt Lake City, UT
1995-96 Peterson Bibliography of American Masonic and Antimasonic Imprints, 1734-1850
Jeffrey B. Walker
Associate Professor, Oklahoma State University
1992-93 AAS-ASECS Collegiate Literary Culture in Eighteenth-Century America
Louise Walker
Associate Professor of History, Northeastern University
2019-20 Burkhardt Economic Woes: Debt and the Ethics of Capitalism in Modern Mexico
Rachel E. Walker
PhD Candidate, University of Maryland
2015-16 Last A Beautiful Mind: Reading Faces in the Ango-Atlantic World, 1760-1860
Rachel E. Walker
PhD Candidate in History, University of Maryland, College Park
2018-19 Last A Beautiful Mind: Faces, Beauty, and the Brain in the Anglo-Atlantic World, 1780-1870
Rachel E. Walker
Assistant Professor of History, University of Hartford
2020-21 AAS-NEH Beauty and the Brain: The Science of the Mind in Early America
Alice Walkiewicz
PhD Candidate in Art History, CUNY Graduate Center
2020-21 Drawn to Art Fabricating Clothing and Myth in the American Gilded Age