Michael Schoeppner Associate Professor of History, University of Maine, Farmington |
2022-23 |
Peterson |
The First Illegal Immigrants |
Leslie Schomp Visual Artist and Senior Lecturer, College of the Holy Cross |
2024 |
Baron |
Investigation into the history of American lacemaking in past centuries |
Martha Schoolman Assistant Professor, Miami University |
2006-07 |
Peterson |
American Abolitionist Geographies |
Robert Schoone-Jongen Teacher, SW Minnesota Christian High School |
1995 |
K-12 |
Survey of how Popular Hymns and Other Religious Songs Reflected Views on Political/Social Issues, 1775-1800 |
Arthur Francis Schrader Performer and Singing History Scholar, |
1979-80 |
The Isaiah Thomas Ballad Collection |
Kayla Schreiber Graduate Student of English, University of Southern Mississippi |
2023-24 |
Last |
Black Fugitivity, Disability, and Sexual Deviancy in Nineteenth Century Slave Narratives |
Jonathan Schroeder Assistant Professor of English and Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick |
2020-21 |
The United States Governed by Six Hundred Thousand Despots |
Sarah Schuetze Assistant Professor of English, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay |
2016-17 |
Last |
Calamity Howl |
Sarah Schuetze Assistant Professor of English, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay |
2017-18 |
Calamity Howl: Fear of Illness in Early American Writing |
Susan Schulten Distinguished University Professor of History, University of Denver |
2024-25 |
Mellon Distinguished Scholar |
Maps and Visual Culture in American History |
Heidi Schultz PhD Candidate, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill |
1995-96 |
Peterson |
Women Writing in the American South: Writing at Female Acadmies and Writing Without Teachers, 1800-1860 |
Jaclyn Schultz PhD Candidate, University of California, Santa Cruz |
2017-18 |
Schiller |
Learning the Value of a Dollar |
Lydia Schurman Professor, Northern Virginia Community College |
1988-89 |
Peterson |
Publishers, Publications, and Purveyors: The Dime Novel Publishing World, 1860-15 |
Richard Schwarzlose Associate Professor, Northwestern University |
1984-85 |
Peterson |
The Origins of the Newspaper Press |
Beth Barton Schweiger Associate Professor, University of Arkansas |
2008-09 |
Reading before Literacy: The Uses of English Grammar in the Early Nineteenth Century |
Beth Barton Schweiger Assistant Professor, University of Arkansas |
2003-04 |
Peterson |
Reading Slavery: Southerners and Their Books |
Donald M. Scott Associate Professor, North Carolina State University |
1979-80 |
Daniels |
The Public Lecture in Mid-19th Century America |
Donald M. Scott Associate Professor, North Carolina State University |
1981-82 |
Public Lectures and the Formation of American Culture, 1830-1870 |
James Andrew Secord Professor, Cambridge University |
2004-05 |
Botein |
"Nature as News: Reporting Science in the Antebellum American Illustrated Press" |
Augustine Sedgewick Independent Writer, |
2024-25 |
Jaffee |
Thoreau’s Pencil: A New History of Slavery, Abolition, Complicity, and Justice |
Samantha Seeley Associate Professor of History, University of Richmond |
2022-23 |
Bound by Treaty: Emancipation and Diplomacy in the Age of Revolutions |
John Seelye Professor, University of Florida |
1994-95 |
RA |
Place of Plymouth Rock |
John Seelye , |
1985-86 |
The River in the Early American Republic |
Erik R. Seeman PhD Candidate, University of Michigan |
1992-93 |
Hiatt |
Laity, Clergy, and the Shaping of Popular Religious Culture in New England, 1720-1770 |
Jonathan Senchyne PhD Candidate, Cornell University |
2009-10 |
Last |
'Bottles of Ink, and Reams of Paper': Racial Mixture and Legibility in Antebellum Illustration |
Renée Sentilles Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University |
2003-04 |
Peterson |
Tomboys and Other Nineteenth-Century Girls |
Renée Sentilles , |
1998-99 |
Hench |
Performing Menken: Adah Isaacs Menken's American Odyssey |
Renée Sentilles Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University |
2003-04 |
Peterson |
Tomboys and Other Nineteenth-Century Girls |
Renée Sentilles Visiting Assistant Professor, Franklin & Marshall College |
1998-99 |
Hench |
Performing Menken: Adah Isaacs Menken's American Odyssey |
Asiel Sepulveda PhD Candidate in Art History, Southern Methodist University |
2018-19 |
Last |
City Impressions: Lithography and Urban Modernity in Nineteenth-Century Havana |
Jason Shaffer Professor of English, United States Naval Academy |
2024-25 |
Drawn to Art |
Johnston's The Heavenly Nine and Jacksonian Performance Culture |
Robert E. Shalhope George Lynn Cross Professor, Oklahoma State University |
1995-96 |
A Yeoman's Life: Hiram Harwood, 1806-1837 |
Adam Shapiro Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Wisconsin, Madison |
2011-12 |
Reese |
William Paley and the Natural Theology Tradition in America |
Hesam Sharifian PhD Candidate, Tufts University |
2017-18 |
Last |
Americanizing Shakespeare in Print |
Kandice Sharren Instructor of English, Simon Fraser University |
2020-21 |
Botein |
Politics, Paratexts, and Transatlantic Fiction, 1790-1840 |
Tanya Sheehan Assistant Professor, Rutgers University |
2009-10 |
Blacks and Whites: Race and Early Photographic Humor |
Kevin Sheets PhD Candidate, University of Virginia |
1997-98 |
Peterson |
Latin America, the Dead Language, Schools, and the Culture of the Educated Man |
Harlow Sheidley PhD Candidate, University of Connecticut |
1983-84 |
Hiatt |
Sectional Nationalism: Massachusetts Conservatives and the Epic of New England, 1815-1836 |
Marc Shell Associate Professor, State University of New York, Buffalo |
1981-82 |
Money and Symbolism in America: Case Studies |
Blevin Shelnutt PhD Candidate, New York University |
2015-16 |
New York City's Broadway and Nineteenth-Century Literary Culture |
Carol Sheriff PhD Candidate, Yale University |
1991-92 |
Peterson |
The Social and Cultural Impact of the Erie Canal, 1790-1860 |
David S. Shields Assistant Professor, The Citadel |
1985-86 |
Haven |
Literary Neoclassicism during the 1740's and 1750's in Massachusetts |
Nancy Shoemaker Professor, University of Connecticut |
2006-07 |
The Whaling History of New England Indians |
Laurence Shore PhD Candidate, Johns Hopkins University |
1981-82 |
Daniels |
The Degradation and Dignity of Labor: Political Economy and the Southern Ruling Elite, 1850-76 |
John Shufelt Visiting Associate Professor, Brown University |
2017-18 |
Peterson |
Newspaper Accounts of the Coolie Slave Trade |
Robert Shuster Writer, Westchester County, NY |
2006 |
Baron |
The Indestructible Soldier: A non-Fiction book on America's culture of war and the military in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries |
James Sidbury Associate Professor, University of Texas, Austin |
2002-03 |
Mellon Postdoctoral |
Conceptions of Africa in Early African-American Culture, 1760-1830 |
Johanna Siebert PhD Candidate, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz |
2016-17 |
Ebeling |
Networks of Taste: The Early African Caribbean Press in the Nineteenth-Century Atlantic World |
Nancy J. Siegel Assistant Professor, Juniata College |
2008-09 |
Last |
Bodily Functions as Body Politic: Scenes of Protest in Eighteenth-Century Prints. |
Nancy J. Siegel Professor, Towson University |
2017-18 |
Peterson |
Political Appetites: Revolution, Taste, and Culinary Activism in the Early Republic |
Mary Beth Sievens Associate Professor, State University of New York, Fredonia |
2009-10 |
The Fruit of My Industry: Household Economy, the Market, and Consumer Society in New England, 1790-1865 |
Mary Beth Sievens PhD Candidate, Boston University |
1995-96 |
Peterson |
Stray Wives: Marital Expectations and Conflict in Vermont 1790-1830 |
R. Sikoryak Cartoonist, New York, NY |
2006 |
Baron |
Comic strip adaptation of Moby Dick |
Kate Silbert PhD Candidate, University of Michigan |
2015-16 |
Last |
'Committed to Memory': Gender, Literary Engagement, and Commemorative Practice, 1780-1830 |
Jean Silver-Isenstadt PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania |
1995-96 |
Peterson |
Pure Pleasure: The Shared Life and Work of Mary S. Gove Nichols and Thomas Low Nichols in American Health Reform |
David J. Silverman PhD Candidate, Princeton University |
2001-02 |
Hench |
Faith and Boundaries: Colonists, Christianity, and Community Among the Wampanoag Indians of Martha's Vineyard, 1600-1871 |
David J. Silverman Assistant Professor, George Washington University |
2005-06 |
Brothertown: American Indians and the Problem of Race |
David J. Silverman Associate Professor, George Washington University |
2010-11 |
Thundersticks: Firearms and the Transformation of Native America |
Richard Simmons Senior Lecturer, University of Birmingham |
1982-83 |
Boni |
British Imprints Relating to North America, 1621-1760 |
Janice Simon Assistant Professor, University of Georgia |
1993-94 |
Peterson |
The Forest Interior in American Painting, 1840-00 |
Janice Simon Assistant Professor, University of Georgia |
1995-96 |
RA |
The Forest Interior in American Painting, 1840-1900 |
Michael Simoncelli PhD Candidate, College of William and Mary |
1999-00 |
Morgan |
Becoming Northern: The Clash of Regional Cultures and the Creation of a Northern Identity in Ohio, 1770-1877 |
Stephen Simons Teacher, Peter Rouget, Brooklyn, NY |
1997 |
K-12 |
Middle School American History Curriculum on Cookbooks of the Early Republic |
Carol Singley Associate Professor, Rutgers University |
1997-98 |
Peterson |
Adoption in American Literature and Culture |
Manisha Sinha James L. and Shirley A. Draper Chair in American History, University of Connecticut |
2020-21 |
Mellon Distinguished Scholar |
Reconstruction of American Democracy after the Civil War |
Manisha Sinha Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
2004-05 |
Redefining Democracy: African Americans and the Movement to Abolish Slavery, 1775-1865 |
Kelly Sisson PhD Candidate, University of Michigan |
2008-09 |
Peterson |
"King Corn in American Culture, 1862-1936." |
Matthew Wynn Sivils Assistant Professor, Iowa State University |
2012-13 |
Schiller |
The Rise of American Environmental Literature, 1782-184 |
Michelle Sizemore Associate Professor of English, University of Kentucky |
2019-20 |
Legacy |
Figures: Literature and Mathematics in the Atlantic World, 1750-1860 |
Britta Sjogren Filmmaker, San Francisco, CA |
2003 |
Baron |
A Chain of Windows |
Jeffrey Sklansky Associate Professor, Oregon State University |
2006-07 |
Burkhardt |
The Rise and Fall of the 'Money Question' in the Nineteenth-Century United States |
Kathryn Kish Sklar Associate Professor, University of California, Los Angeles |
1976-77 |
Daniels |
Female Education in New England, 1780-1820 |
Cambra Sklarz PhD Candidate in Art History, University of California, Riverside |
2022-23 |
Drawn to Art |
The Artist and the Ecosystem: Strategies for the Use and Reuse of Materials in Early America |
Will T. Slauter Lecturer in English and American Studies, University of Paris 8, Saint Denis |
2014-15 |
Who Owns the News? Journalism and Intellectual Property in Historical Perspective |
Nora Slonimsky PhD Candidate, CUNY Graduate Center |
2016-17 |
Last |
'The Engine of Free Expression'[?]: The Political Development of Copyright in the Colonial British Atlantic and Early National United States |
Billy G. Smith Professor, Montana State University |
1991-92 |
Fugitives from Slavery in the Eighteenth Century Mid Atlantic Region |
Cassandra Fay Smith Historian, Miniaturist, and Writer, Detriot, MI |
1999 |
Wallace |
Slaves, free blacks, runaways: dolls of the antebellum United States |
Cynthia Smith Independent Scholar, |
2020-21 |
Legacy |
Sentimental Sailors: Rescue and Conversion in Antebellum U.S. Literature |
Dorin Smith PhD Candidate in English, Brown University |
2018-19 |
Peterson |
Brain Fever |
Dwight Smith Professor, Miami University of Ohio |
1982-83 |
Haven |
The War of 1812: A Bibliography |
Gail Smith Assistant Professor, Marquette University |
1995-96 |
RA |
Reading the Word: Harriet Beecher Stow and Nineteenth Century American Hermeneutics |
Hampton Smith PhD Candidate in History, Theory, and Criticism of Art and Architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
2023-24 |
Last |
Making under Slavery in the Black Atlantic World, 1750-1865 |
Laura Smith Lecturer, University of New Hampshire |
2008-09 |
Drawn to Art |
"Material Domesticity: Textiles in Elizabeth Stoddard's 'The Morgesons'." |
Mikki Smith PhD Candidate, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
2012-13 |
Peterson |
Even a Boy's Press Has a 'Power': Amateur Journalism and Youth Information Culture, 1867-1890 |
Robin Smith PhD Candidate, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill |
2015-16 |
Legacy |
The 'Iron Harp': Encountering the Industrial Soundscape in the 1840s and 1850s |
Sara Smith Choreographer , Greenfield, MA |
2015 |
Baron |
Florence Rice Hitchcock and the Theory of The Soft Earth: A multimedia dance project |
Steven Smith PhD Candidate, University of Missouri |
2011-12 |
Reese |
A World the Printers Made: Print Culture in New York, 1730-1830 |
Sueanna Smith PhD Candidate, University of South Carolina |
2015-16 |
Peterson |
The Cultural Work of the Early American Fraternal Sphere |
Carroll Smith-Rosenberg Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania |
1976-77 |
Prescribed and Actual Gender Roles in the American Family, 1760-1895 |
Katherine Smoak PhD Candidate in History, Johns Hopkins University |
2014-15 |
Last |
Circulating Counterfeits: Making Money and Its Meanings in the Eighteenth-Century British Atlantic |
Reiner Smolinski Associate Professor, Georgia State University |
2002-03 |
Peterson |
Authority & Interpretation: Cotton Mather's 'Biblia Americana' |
Mitchell Snay Associate Professor, Denison University |
2000-01 |
Tracy |
A Nation of Our Own: Ethnic Nationalism in the Era of Reconstruction |
James Snead Associate Professor, George Mason University |
2009-10 |
Peterson |
The 'Kentucky Mummy': Encounters with Antiquity in the Early Nineteenth-Century America |
Christina Snyder Assistant Professor, Indiana University, Bloomington |
2012-13 |
Peterson |
The Indian Gentlemen of Choctaw Academy: Status and Sovereignty in Antebellum America |
Alexandra Socarides Assistant Professor, University of Missouri |
2012-13 |
Last |
The Lyric Pose: Nineteenth-Century American Women's Poetry and the Problem of Recovery |
Alexandra Socarides PhD Candidate, Rutgers University |
2004-05 |
Botein |
Lyric Contexts: Emily Dickinson and the 19th Century Extended Poetic Project |
Stephanie Solomon Performer, Hermosa Beach, CA |
2010 |
Last (Artist) |
Research in order to collect visuals for film titled "American Voices: Spirit of Revolution" |
Samantha Sommers PhD Candidate, University of California, Los Angeles |
2017-18 |
Reese |
Reading in Books: Theories of Reading from Nineteenth-Century American Fiction |
Amy Sopcak-Joseph PhD Candidate, University of Connecticut |
2015-16 |
Last |
The Lives and Times of Godey's Lady's Book, 1830-1877 |
Melanie Sovine Clinical Anthropologist, MacNeil Hospital |
1983-84 |
The Primitive Baptists and the Anti-Mason Party |
Tina Spangler Documentary Filmmaker, Narrowsburg, NY |
2024 |
Hearst |
Research for her historical film about the life, work, and massive influence of artist Frances Flora “Fanny” Palmer (1812-1876) |
Juliet Sperling PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania |
2016-17 |
Last |
Animating Flatness: Seeing Moving Images in American Painting and Mass Visual Culture, 1800-1895 |
Derrick R. Spires PhD Candidate, Vanderbilt University |
2008-09 |
Peterson |
Reimagining a 'Beautiful but Baneful Object': Black Writers' Theories of Citizenship and Nation in the Antebellum U.S. |
Robert B. St. George PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania |
1981-82 |
Boni |
Popular Literature and Reading in Massachusetts, 1640-1720 |
Allison M. Stagg PhD Candidate, University College, University of London |
2009-10 |
Last |
American Political Caricatures: 1787-1825 |
Micah-Jade Stanback PhD Candidate in English, Texas Christian University |
2020-21 |
Schiller |
Beyond Innocence: Examining Literary Representations of Black Childhood in the Nineteenth Century |
Grant Stanton PhD Candidate in History, University of Pennsylvania |
2023-24 |
Peterson |
White Allies in Revolutionary Massachusetts?: The Antislavery Commitments of Isaiah Thomas and Ezekiel Russell |
David Steel PhD Candidate, University of Michigan |
1979-80 |
Daniels |
Stephen Jenks, American Musician and Publisher |
Bruce Steiner Professor, Ohio State University |
1982-83 |
Haven |
Lawyers, Dissenting Churches, and Connecticut's Republican Party |
Heike Steinhoff Assistant Professor of American Studies, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum |
2014-15 |
Ebeling |
Sex in the City: Urban Sexuality in American Literature and Culture |
Arden Stern PhD Candidate, University of California, Irvine |
2009-10 |
Last |
Slanted, Shredded, and Simulated: A Cultural History of the Unruly Typeface |
Sarah Stern Playwright, Red Hook, NY |
2014 |
Hearst |
Research for play tentatively called "The Spectator," which deals with the intersection of politics and theatre in New York City during the 1730s |
James Thomas Stevens Poet, Fredonia, NY |
2004 |
Baron |
Alphabets of Letters: A poem that explores propaganda found in Native American children's primers |
Louise L. Stevenson Professor, Franklin & Marshall College |
2000-01 |
Botein |
Women's intellectual Life, 1750-1820 |
Anna Stewart PhD Candidate, University of Texas, Austin |
2011-12 |
Botein |
Slave Narratives and Freedmen's Education |
David Stewart Assistant Professor, National Central University, Taiwan |
1999-00 |
George Thompson and Men's Reading |
J. Brenton Stewart PhD Candidate, University of Wisconsin, Madison |
2011-12 |
Botein |
Informing the City: On the Print Culture of Antebellum Augusta, Georgia |
Whitney Stewart PhD Candidate, Rice University |
2015-16 |
Last |
Domestic Activism: The Politics of the Black Home in Nineteenth-Century America |
Whitney Stewart Assistant Professor of Historical Studies, University of Texas, Dallas |
2019-20 |
The Home that Slavery Made: How Plantation Slavery Racialized the American Home |
Richard Stillson PhD Candidate, Johns Hopkins University |
2000-01 |
Botein |
Communication and Information Dispersal in the California Gold Rush |
Kristofer Stinson PhD Candidate in History, George Mason University |
2022-23 |
Botein |
Shadows and Solid Things: Religion and Archaeology in the Atlantic World |
Susan Stinson Novelist, Northampton, MA |
2016 |
Hearst |
Research for a novel about Elizabeth Tuttle Edwards |
Harry S. Stout III Associate Professor, University of Connecticut |
1980-81 |
Daniels |
A Cultural History of the Sermon in Colonial New England |
Eric Stoykovich PhD Candidate, University of Virginia |
2006-07 |
Peterson |
Live Stock Nation: How Farm Animals Domesticated the Northern United States during the Early Republic, 1794-1876 |
Ginger Strand Non-Fiction Writer, New York, NY |
2006 |
Baron |
Inventing Niagara: A non-fiction work on Niagara Falls |
Robert Strong Poet, Maine |
2009 |
Hearst |
Bright Advent: A work of poetry set in the years leading to King Philip's War |
Joseph Stubenrauch PhD Candidate, Indiana University |
2008-09 |
Last |
Faith in Goods: Religion and the Consumer Revolution |
Amanda Stuckey PhD Candidate, College of William and Mary |
2016-17 |
Schiller |
Reading Bodies: Disability and the Book in Nineteenth-Century American Culture |
Matthew Suazo Visiting Assistant Professor of English, Kenyon College |
2018-19 |
Wetland Americas: Literature, Race, and the Mississippi River Valley in Translation, 1542-1884 |
Steven Subotnick Filmmaker, Providence, RI |
2017 |
Last (Artist) |
Tender Parts: A series of short animated films |
Sherry Sullivan Assistant Professor, University of Alabama, Birmingham |
1987-88 |
Boni |
Noble Savage Iconography in 19th Century Giftbooks |
Elaine Swift PhD Candidate, Harvard University |
1985-86 |
Hiatt |
Reconstitutive Congressional Change: The Case of the US Senate, 1789-1841 |
Rebecca Szantyr PhD Candidate in History of Art & Architecture, Brown University |
2019-20 |
Last |
Nicolino Calyo: A Wider View of American Art, 1833-1855 |
Anthony Szczesiul Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Lowell |
2005-06 |
Peterson |
Reconstructing 'Southern Hospitality': Print Culture and the Invention of a Cultural Fiction |
Justin Tackett PhD Candidate in English, Stanford University |
2018-19 |
Peterson |
Investigating the Poetics of American Stethoscopy and Telegraphy |
Kimberly Takahata PhD Candidate in English and Literature, Columbia University |
2019-20 |
Peterson |
Skeletal Testimony: Bony Biopolitics in the Early Atlantic |
Elisa Tamarkin Assistant Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara |
2002-03 |
Sigety |
American Anglophilia: Deference, Devotion, and National Culture, 1820-1865 |
Rebecca Tannenbaum PhD Candidate, Yale University |
1994-95 |
Peterson |
A Woman's Calling: Women's Medical Practice in Early New England |
David F. Tatham Associate Professor, Syracuse University |
1974-75 |
Daniels |
The Life and Works of David Claypool Johnston |
Alan S. Taylor Professor, University of California, Davis |
2000-01 |
Mellon Distinguished Scholar |
The Divided Ground: The Northern Borderland (U.S. and Canada) in the Wake of the American Revolution |
Alan S. Taylor Assistant Professor, Boston University |
1989-90 |
William Cooper's Town |
Darlene R. Taylor Writer, Howard University |
2022 |
Baron |
Research for novel that follows the lives of two people fighting for freedom and trying to restore their lives after the Civil War |
Tess Taylor Poet, El Cerrito, CA |
2006 |
Baron |
Book of poems titled The Family Chest |
Brian Teare Poet, Charlottesville, VA |
2011 |
Hearst |
Inter-disciplinary project including poetry and photographs, with focus on spirit photography and spiritualism |
Cam Terwilliger Fiction Writer, Somerville, MA |
2011 |
Baron |
The Counterfeiter: A novel set in New York and Québec during the French and Indian War (1754–1763) |
Lisa Tetrault Assistant Professor, Carnegie Mellon University |
2007-08 |
Peterson |
Memory of a Movement: Re-Imagining Woman Suffrage in Reconstruction America, 1865-1895 |
Fredrika J. Teute Editor of Publications, Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture |
1997-98 |
Life on the Margins: Margaret Bayard Smith's Vision of Early Washington Society |
Fredrika J. Teute Editor of Publications, Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture |
1994-95 |
Botein |
Writing a Woman's Life in the Early Republic |
Adam Thomas PhD Candidate, University of California, Irvine |
2013-14 |
Legacy |
Racial Ambiguity and Citizenship in the Postemancipaton Transtlantic World |
Amy Thomas PhD Candidate, Duke University |
1990-91 |
Botein |
Reading in the Antebellum South |
JoAnne Thomas PhD Candidate, Western Michigan University |
2000-01 |
Peterson |
'Good Bye, Old Arm': Songs of the Civil War |
Catherine Thompson PhD Candidate, University of Connecticut |
2006-07 |
Peterson |
From Autonomy to Dependency?: Patient-Physician Relations, 1750-1850 |
Mark Thompson Assistant Professor, University of Groningen |
2012-13 |
Peterson |
Surveyors and the Production of Empire in British North America |
Todd Thompson Associate Professor, Indiana University of Pennsylvania |
2017-18 |
Peterson |
Savage Laughter: Nineteenth-Century Humor and the South Seas |
Todd Thompson Professor of English, Indiana University of Pennsylvania |
2023-24 |
Last |
Manifest Jestiny |
Lynn Thomson Dramaturg, Theater Director, New York, NY |
2013 |
Baron |
The Time Traveler's Trip to Niagara Falls |
Tamara Plakins Thornton Professor of History, State University of New York, Buffalo |
2020-21 |
Globes and the Global Imagination in America |
Ryan Tobler PhD Candidate in Religion, Harvard Divinity School |
2020-21 |
Last |
American Sacraments: Religion and Ritual in the Early United States |
Anna Todd PhD Candidate in History, University of Pennsylvania |
2020-21 |
Peterson |
The Ties that Bind: Illegitimacy in Early America |
William Todd Professor Emeritus, University of Texas, Austin |
1992-93 |
Peterson |
A Descriptive and Historical Bibliography of Sir Walter Scott, 1792-1836 |
T.J. Tomlin Assistant Professor, University of Northern Colorado |
2010-11 |
Botein |
A Faith for All Persuasions: Almanacs and American Religious Life, 1730-1820 |
Mackenzie Tor PhD Candidate in History, University of Missouri, Columbia |
2024-25 |
Brown Family Collection |
Spirited Struggles: Race and the Temperance Movement in Nineteenth-Century America |
Amy Torbert PhD Candidate in Art History, University of Delaware |
2014-15 |
Going Places: The Material and Imagined Geographies of Prints in the Atlantic World, 1770-1840 |
Melissa Trafton Adjunct Professor of Art History, University of New Hampshire |
2018-19 |
Last |
Animals in the Age of Darwin |
Sean Trainor PhD Candidate, Pennsylvania State University |
2013-14 |
Peterson |
Men's Grooming Advertisements and the Making of the White Male Body |
Christina Tree Non-Fiction Writer, Cambridge, MA |
1995 |
Wallace |
History of New England Tourism |
Bernell Tripp PhD Candidate, University of Alabama |
1991-92 |
Botein |
The Nineteenth-Century Black Press |
Colleen Tripp PhD Candidate in Afro-American Studies, Brown University |
2014-15 |
Last |
Pacific Sensations: The Beginnings of American Orientalism in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Popular Culture |
Phillip Troutman Assistant Professor, George Washington University |
2010-11 |
Last |
Abolition Comix: Visual Semiotics in Antislavery Materials |
Phillip Troutman PhD Candidate, University of Virginia |
1997-98 |
Peterson |
Geographies of Family and Market: Enslaved Migration in Antebellum Virginia and Washington, DC |
Andrea J. Tucher PhD Candidate, New York University |
1983-84 |
Hiatt |
Froth and Scum: Murder, News, and Murder News in the New York Penny Press, 1833-1860 |
Eldon Turner Assistant Professor, University of Florida |
1987-88 |
RA |
Psalmody, Time and Cultural Change in Early New England |
Zachary Turpin Assistant Professor of English, University of Idaho |
2020-21 |
Peterson |
A Targeted Archival Search for Walt Whitman’s Missing Novels |
Brian Valencia PhD Candidate, Yale University |
2012-13 |
Last |
Performance Histories of Nineteenth-Century Extravaganza and Burlesque |
Mark R. Valeri ET Thompson Professor, Union Theological Seminary |
1998-99 |
Religion, Moral Discipline and the Market in Early America |
Mark R. Valeri Assistant Professor, Lewis and Clark College |
1989-90 |
The Eighteenth-Century Clergy and Economics in New England |
Maurizio Valsania Associate Professor, Universita di Torino |
2007-08 |
Last |
The Curse of History: Leaders' Distrust of American History, 1783-1828 |
William van Arragon PhD Candidate, Indiana University |
2000-01 |
Peterson |
Cotton Mather in American Cultural Memory, 1728-1892 |
Deborah Van Broekhoven Associate Professor, Brown University |
1986-87 |
Rhode Island Women in the Antislavery Network |
Joanne van der Woude PhD Candidate, University of Virginia |
2006-07 |
Reese |
Towards a Transatlantic Aesthetic: Immigration, Translation, and Mourning in the Seventeenth Century |
Jennifer Van Horn PhD Candidate, University of Virginia |
2008-09 |
The Object of Civility and the Art of Politeness in British America, 1740-1780 |
Cynthia Van Zandt Assistant Professor, University of New Hampshire |
2001-02 |
Botein |
Brothers among Nations: Kinship and Alliance in Early America |
Anne Verplanck Associate Professor, Pennsylvania State University |
2011-12 |
Last |
The Graphic Arts in Philadelphia, 1780-1880 |
Perry Viles Assistant Professor, Lyndon State College |
1972-73 |
U.S. Steel Foundation |
Adolescence in America since 1790 |
Maris A. Vinovskis Associate Professor, University of Michigan |
1973-74 |
Rockefeller |
Changes in Family Values and Demographic Behavior and the Urban and Industrial Development of Massachusetts, 1770-1860 |
Kerstin Vogel Instructor, University of Mainz |
2005-06 |
Ebeling |
Looking-Glass Legacies- The Writings of William Apess |
Christa Vogelius Assistant Professor, University of Copenhagen |
2015-16 |
Last |
Ekphrasis and the Transnational Imagination in Nineteenth-Century America |
Kyle G. Volk Assistant Professor, University of Montana |
2010-11 |
Tyrannies of Moral Majorities: The Minority Rights Revolution in Antebellum America |
Albert J. von Frank Professor, Washington State University, Pullman |
1995-96 |
Peterson |
Anthony Burns, Fugitive Slave |
Leonard von Morzé Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Boston |
2015-16 |
Reese |
Contextualizing Christian Jacob Hutter: German-American Printing and Book Distribution in the Atlantic World |
Michael Vorenberg Assistant Professor, Brown University |
2002-03 |
Peterson |
Reconstructing the People: The Invention of Citizenship During the American Civil War |
William Wagner PhD Candidate, University of California, Berkeley |
2006-07 |
Legacy |
Divided Landscapes: Geographic Literacy and the Mapping of Sectional Conflict in America, 1846-1865 |
David L. Waldstreicher PhD Candidate, Yale University |
1992-93 |
Peterson |
Nationalism and Celebration in Post-Revolutionary America, 1780-1836 |
Kent Walgren Assistant Attorney General, Salt Lake City, UT |
1995-96 |
Peterson |
Bibliography of American Masonic and Antimasonic Imprints, 1734-1850 |
Jeffrey B. Walker Associate Professor, Oklahoma State University |
1992-93 |
Collegiate Literary Culture in Eighteenth-Century America |
Louise Walker Associate Professor of History, Northeastern University |
2019-20 |
Burkhardt |
Economic Woes: Debt and the Ethics of Capitalism in Modern Mexico |
Rachel E. Walker PhD Candidate, University of Maryland |
2015-16 |
Last |
A Beautiful Mind: Reading Faces in the Ango-Atlantic World, 1760-1860 |
Rachel E. Walker PhD Candidate in History, University of Maryland, College Park |
2018-19 |
Last |
A Beautiful Mind: Faces, Beauty, and the Brain in the Anglo-Atlantic World, 1780-1870 |
Rachel E. Walker Assistant Professor of History, University of Hartford |
2020-21 |
Beauty and the Brain: The Science of the Mind in Early America |
Alice Walkiewicz PhD Candidate in Art History, CUNY Graduate Center |
2020-21 |
Drawn to Art |
Fabricating Clothing and Myth in the American Gilded Age |