Robert Caldwell Assistant Professor of History and Geography, Southwest Louisiana Technical Community College |
2020-21 |
Last |
Indians in their Proper Place: Social Sciences and the Mapping of Native America |
Wendy Call Non-Fiction Writer, Seattle, WA |
2010 |
Baron |
Series of literary essays about the grieving process |
Emahunn Campbell PhD Candidate, University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
2013-14 |
Peterson |
The Construction of the Black Criminal |
John Canup Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University |
1990-91 |
Boni |
New England Culture and the Pacific |
Caylin Carbonell PhD Candidate in History, College of William and Mary |
2020-21 |
Hench |
’At Home in My Master’s House’: Household, Labor, and Authority in Early New England |
Caylin Carbonell PhD Candidate in History, College of William and Mary |
2019-20 |
Peterson |
At Home in My Master’s House: Household, Labor, and Authority in Early New England |
Michael Carlebach Assistant Professor, University of Miami |
1986-87 |
Peterson |
The Origins of Photojournalism in America, 1839-80 |
Hannah Carlson PhD Candidate, Boston University |
2006-07 |
Botein |
In the Company of Books: Reading the Pocket Companion |
Martha Carlson-Bradley Poet, Hillsborough, NH |
2008 |
Baron |
Research for a collection of poems inspired by the 1727 New England Primer titled, Begin with Trouble |
Todd Carmody Lecturer, Harvard University |
2016-17 |
Peterson |
Racial Handicap: Uplift and Rehabilitation in Postbellum America |
Benjamin L. Carp PhD Candidate, University of Virginia |
2001-02 |
Peterson |
Cityscapes and Revolution: Urban Spaces and Revolutionary Mobilization in North America, 1740-1790 |
Stephanie Carpenter Fiction Writer, Hancock, MI |
2015 |
Hearst |
Many and Wide Separations: Two novellas that focus on fictional female artists in mid-nineteenth-century New England |
Ryan Carr PhD Candidate, Yale University |
2013-14 |
Peterson |
Arts and Sciences of American Expression: 1820-1890 |
Bret Carroll Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Texas, Arlington |
1997-98 |
Peterson |
Religion and Masculinity in Antebellum America |
Brian Carroll PhD Candidate, University of Connecticut |
2008-09 |
Peterson |
"Military Masculinities in New England: Anglo-American and Native-American Soldiers, 1689-1763." |
Julia Carroll PhD Candidate in American & New England Studies, Boston University |
2022-23 |
Last |
The Protestant Sanctioning of Race-Based Slavery in Language & Landscape in the Anglo-American South, 1739-1791 |
Michael Carter PhD Candidate, University of Southern California |
2005-06 |
Botein |
Mathew Carey and the Public Emergence of Roman Catholicism in the United States, 1789-1839 |
Sarah Anne Carter PhD Candidate, Harvard University |
2007-08 |
Last |
Object Lessons in Nineteenth-Century America |
Jim Casey PhD Candidate, University of Delaware |
2015-16 |
Botein |
Editing a Revolution in Newspaper Printing, 1847-1849 |
Lynn Casmier-Paz Associate Professor, University of Central Florida |
2009-10 |
Botein |
Slave Literacy, Children's Textbooks, and Antebellum Education |
Scott E. Casper Associate Professor, University of Nevada, Reno |
1998-99 |
Peterson |
First Families: Presidents at Home in the American Imagination, 1789-20 |
Scott E. Casper PhD Candidate, Yale University |
1990-91 |
Peterson |
The Cultural and Literary Contexts of Antebellum Campaign Biography and Children's Biography |
Tim Cassedy PhD Candidate, New York University |
2010-11 |
Peterson |
The Character of Communication, 1790-1810 |
JoAnn Castagna Academic Advisor, University of Iowa |
1990-91 |
Women, Sexuality, and Popular Culture: Sensation Novels and Gender Ideology in Nineteenth-Century Newspapers |
Christopher D. Castiglia Liberal Arts Research Professor of English, Pennsylvania State University |
2012-13 |
Mellon Distinguished Scholar |
The Practices of Hope and other Romantic Dispositions |
Melanie Cataldo Illustrator, Worcester, MA |
2020 |
Hearst |
The Making: An illustrated novel that focuses on the struggle of two young girls living by 19th century standards in mid 20th century New England |
Roderick Cave Professor, University of the West Indies |
1976-77 |
Daniels |
A History of Printing in the West Indies |
Urvashi Chakravarty Assistant Professor of English, University of Hawai'I, Manoa |
2014-15 |
Lapides |
Serving Like a Free Man: Labor, Liberty, and Consent in Early Modern England |
Alexander Chaparro-Silva PhD Candidate in History, University of Texas, Austin |
2023-24 |
Peterson |
Writing the Other America: Democracy, Race, and Print Culture in the Americas, 1830-1898 |
Chloe Chapin PhD Candidate in American Studies, Harvard University |
2019-20 |
Jaffee |
The False Universal of Nineteenth-Century Formal Attire: Uniformity, Masculinity, and Power |
Max Chapnick Postdoctoral Teaching Associate, Northeastern University |
2024-25 |
Botein |
Wild Science: Radical Politics and Rejected Knowledge in Nineteenth-Century Fiction |
Brett Charbeneau Journeyman Printer, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation |
1995-96 |
Williamsburg Imprints Program |
Katherine Chavigny PhD Candidate, University of Chicago |
1993-94 |
Peterson |
American Confessions: The Formation of Antebellum Addiction Narratives |
Xi Chen PhD Candidate, University of Washington, Seattle |
2010-11 |
Peterson |
The Life and Times of John B. Gough |
Irene Cheng Assistant Professor, California College of Arts |
2017-18 |
Last |
The Shape of Utopia |
Rachel Chernos Lin PhD Candidate, Brown University |
2002-03 |
Peterson |
The Rhode Island Slave Traders and their Communities, 1750-1807 |
Greg Childs Assistant Professor of History, Brandeis University |
2018-19 |
Scenes of Sedition: Racial Politics in Bahia during the Age of Revolution |
Katy Chiles Assistant Professor of English, University of Tennessee |
2014-15 |
Botein |
Raced Collaboration: The Idea of Authorship and Early African American and Native American Literature |
Ruma Chopra PhD Candidate, University of California, Davis |
2006-07 |
Peterson |
Loyalist Persuasions: New York City, 1776-1783 |
Juliana Chow Associate Professor of English, Saint Louis University |
2017-18 |
Lacunae: Vital Language and the Casualties of Natural History |
Birte Christ Assistant Professor, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen |
2012-13 |
Ebeling |
A Systematic Survey of Anti-Gallows Poetry in the Democratic Review, The Hangman/The Prisoners' Friend, and Selected Periodicals from 1842-1849 |
Jonathan M. Chu Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Boston |
1987-88 |
Where's Mine?: Debt in Post-Revolutionary Massachusetts |
Howard P. Chudacoff Professor, Brown University |
2000-01 |
Peterson |
Children and Their Styles of Play, 1750-1880 |
Howard P. Chudacoff Assistant Professor, Brown University |
1974-75 |
Rockefeller |
The Effect of Industrialization and Urbanization upon Family Structure in Nineteenth-Century Worcester |
Andrew Jay Chung Assistant Professor, University of North Texas |
2024-25 |
Music’s Long Anthropocene: The Climate of Empire and the Sound of Ecological Disaster |
Jennifer Chuong PhD Candidate, Harvard University |
2016-17 |
Drawn to Art |
Marbling and Projection in Early American Bindings |
Michael Clapper PhD Candidate, Northwestern University |
1992-93 |
Peterson |
The 'Popular' and 'Elite' Disjunction in Art in the United States after the Civil War |
Charles E. Clark Professor of History, University of New Hampshire |
1980-81 |
Daniels |
A Comparative Study of English and American Journalism,1665-1765 |
Christopher F. Clark Lecturer, York College |
1982-83 |
Haven |
Economy and Culture in Rural Massachusetts, 1790-1860 |
Justin Clark PhD Candidate, University of Southern California |
2012-13 |
Last |
Training the Eyes: Romantic Vision and Class Formation in Boston, 1830-1870 |
Thomas Clark Assistant Professor, University of Kassel |
2005-06 |
Ebeling |
Toquevillian Moments: Transatlantic Visions of an American Republican Culture |
Alison Clarke Poet, Edmonton, AB |
2024 |
Hearst |
Research on Harriet E. Wilson for a historical fiction trilogy |
Frances Clarke Lecturer, University of Sydney |
2012-13 |
Last |
Minors in the Military: A History of Child Soldiers from the Revolution to the Civil War |
Matthew Clavin PhD Candidate, American University |
2003-04 |
Peterson |
Men of Color, to Arms! |
Abby Clayton PhD Candidate in English, Indiana University, Bloomington |
2024-25 |
Peterson |
Narrating Abolition: Scissors-and-Paste Reform in the Emerging Anglosphere |
Alexander David Clayton PhD Candidate in History, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
2022-23 |
Last |
The Living Animal: Biopower and Empire in the Atlantic Menagerie, 1760-1890 |
Radiclani Clytus Assistant Professor, Tufts University |
2009-10 |
Last |
Envision Slavery: American Abolitionism and the Primacy of the Visual |
David Cobb Librarian, Indiana University |
1973-74 |
Mellon Short-Term |
Bibliography of maps for the New England states |
Dale Cockrell Assistant Professor, Middlebury College |
1983-84 |
The Journals of the Hutchinson Family |
Peter Coclanis PhD Candidate, Columbia University |
1977-78 |
Daniels |
Economy and Society in Colonial Charleston |
Thomas Coens PhD Candidate, Harvard University |
2002-03 |
Peterson |
The Formation of the Jackson Party, 1822 - 1829 |
Daniel A. Cohen Assistant Professor, Florida International University |
1992-93 |
Botein |
Beyond Domesticity: Literary Images of Working-Class Women, 1790-1860 |
Daniel A. Cohen Associate Professor, Case Western Reserve University |
2007-08 |
Burning the Charlestown Convent: Private Lives, Public Outrage, and Contested Memory in Nineteenth-Century America |
Joanna Cohen PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania |
2007-08 |
Last (Artist) |
"Millions of Luxurious Citizens": Consumption and citizenship in New York and Philadelphia, 1815-1876 |
Kenneth Cohen PhD Candidate, University of Delaware |
2006-07 |
'To Give Good Sport': The Making and Meaning of Sporting Leisure in Early America, 1750-1840 |
Lara Langer Cohen Assistant Professor, Wayne State University |
2008-09 |
Botein |
Notes from Underground: Nineteenth-Century American Print Subcultures |
Lara Langer Cohen Assistant Professor, Wayne State University |
2011-12 |
Botein |
Counterfeit Presentments: Fraud and the Production of Nineteenth-Century American Literature |
Lester Cohen Associate Professor, Purdue University |
1981-82 |
Daniels |
The Origins of American Liberalism, 1780-1820 |
Michael Cohen PhD Candidate, New York University |
2005-06 |
Tracy |
Poetic Discourses in America, 1870-1915 |
Patricia C. Cohen Associate Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara |
1987-88 |
Safety and Danger: Women in Public |
Christopher Cokinos Creative Writer, Manhattan, KS |
1998 |
Wallace |
Hope is the Thing With Feathers |
Phyllis Cole Professor, Pennsylvania State University, Delaware County |
2004-05 |
Peterson |
Feminist Writers and the Periodical Press in Antebellum America |
Dawn Coleman Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee |
2006-07 |
Preaching and the Rise of the American Novel |
William Coleman Postdoctoral Fellow, Washington University in St. Louis |
2015-16 |
Last |
Domestic Bliss: The Artist and the Country House in Nineteenth-Century America |
Jessica Collier PhD Candidate, University of California, Irvine |
2010-11 |
Last |
The Transcendental Classroom: Childhood Education and Literary Culture in Antebellum America |
Vivian Conger PhD Candidate, Cornell University |
1989-90 |
Hiatt |
Being Weak of Body but Firm of Mind and Memory: Widowhood in Colonial America, 1630-1750 |
Barbara Conrad Teacher, California High School, San Ramon, California, CA |
1994 |
K-12 |
American Music |
JoAnn Conrad Adjunct Professor, California State University, East Bay |
2017-18 |
Lapides |
Women's Work: Women Illustrators in Commercial Media during the Golden Age of Illustration |
James W. Cook Assistant Professor of History and American Studies, Butler University |
2001-02 |
Tracy |
Cracks in tbe White Republic |
Jonathan Cook Independent Scholar, Portland, OR |
1998-99 |
Peterson |
The Apocalyptic Imagination in the American Renaissance |
Nym Cooke , Eagle Hill School |
1982-83 |
Hiatt |
Lives of the Psalmodists |
Nym Cooke Independent Scholar, |
2020-21 |
Keller |
Inventory of American Sacred Music Imprints and Manuscripts through 1820 |
Nicole Cooley Poet, New York, NY |
1999 |
Wallace |
The Afflicted Girls: A book of poetry about the Salem witch trials |
Abigail Cooper Assistant Professor of History, Brandeis University |
2016-17 |
‘Lord, Until I Reach My Home’: Inside the Refugee Camps of the American Civil War |
Benjamin Cooper Lecturer, |
2011-12 |
Peterson |
Writing American Soldiers: Nineteenth-Century Varieties of Military Experience |
Cecilio Cooper Visiting Assistant Professor of English, Tulane University |
2021-22 |
South of Heaven: Surface, Territory, and the Black Chthonic |
Abigail Corcoran PhD Candidate in History, University of Wisconsin, Madison |
2022-23 |
Schiller |
Juvenile Reform Societies in the Antebellum United States |
Catherine A. Corman Assistant Professor, Harvard University |
2000-01 |
Reading, Writing, and Removal: Native American Literacies, 1820-1851 |
Saul Cornell Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, University of Pennsylvania |
1987-88 |
Hiatt |
The Political Thought and Culture of the Antifederalists |
John Corrigan Assistant Professor, University of Virginia |
1990-91 |
RA |
Reason, Passion, and Religion in the Eighteenth Century |
Seth Cotlar PhD Candidate, Northwestern University |
1997-98 |
Peterson |
In Paine's Absence: The Europeanization of American Political Thought, 1787-1803 |
Seth Cotlar Professor, Willamette University |
2015-16 |
Last |
When the Olden Days Were New: A Cultural History of Nostalgia in Modernizing America, 1776-1860 |
Daniel Diez Couch Assistant Professor of English, United States Air Force Academy |
2020-21 |
Reese |
American Fragments: The Political Aesthetic of Literary Ruins in the Early Republic |
Edward Countryman Senior Lecturer, Warwick University |
1983-84 |
Haven |
Liberty, Liberalism, and the Making of Republican America |
Nancy Vieira Couto Poet, New York, NY |
1995 |
Wallace |
Book of poems and prose pieces on America Vesspucci |
John Coward Associate Professor, University of Tulsa |
2010-11 |
Cartooning with Savages: A Cultural History of Native American Images in the Popular Press |
Sarah Crabtree Assistant Professor of History, San Francisco State University |
2013-14 |
Walled Gardens: The Society of Friends, Nationalism, and the Common School, 1770-1840 |
Patricia A. Crain PhD Candidate, Columbia University |
1992-93 |
Hiatt |
Cultures of Reading in the American Renaissance |
Jacob Crane PhD Candidate, Tufts University |
2013-14 |
Schiller |
Barbary Captivity, Africa, and American Children’s Literature |
Nicholas Crawford Postdoctoral Fellow, Washington University in St. Louis |
2021-22 |
Sustaining Slavery |
Richard A. Crawford Assistant Professor, University of Michigan |
1972-73 |
U.S. Steel Foundation |
A Bibliography of American Sacred Music Imprints Through 1810 |
David Cressy Visiting Associate Professor, Claremont Graduate School |
1980-81 |
Daniels |
Literacy and Its Uses in Early America |
Sara Crosby PhD Candidate, University of Notre Dame |
2005-06 |
The Female Poisoner and Popular Print Media in New England, 1840-1860 |
Anne Cross PhD Candidate in Art History, University of Delaware |
2020-21 |
Last |
'Features of Cruelty Which Could Not Well Be Described by the Pen': The Media of Atrocity in Harper’s Weekly, 1862-1866 |
Alice Crossley Assistant Professor of English and Journalism, University of Lincoln |
2020-21 |
Last |
Affect and Identity in Nineteenth-Century Valentines |
Ursula Crosslin PhD Candidate, Ohio State University |
2009-10 |
Reese |
The Institution of the American Church Choir in Philadelphia, 1760-1860 |
Christine Croxall PhD Candidate, University of Delaware |
2012-13 |
Peterson |
Holy Waters: Lived Religion, Identity, and Loyalty along the Mississippi River, 1780-1830 |
Joseph Cullon Assistant Professor, Dartmouth College |
2005-06 |
Hench |
Colonial Shipwrights and their World: Men, Women, and Markets in Early New England |
Joseph Cullon PhD Candidate, University of Wisconsin, Madison |
2000-01 |
Peterson |
The Work of Many Hands: Ships and the Economic Culture of Early New England |
Maureen Cummins Book Artist, Bearsville, NY |
2000 |
Hearst |
Anthro(A)pology |
Mary Bryan Curd Tutor, Harrison Middleton University |
2010-11 |
Drawn to Art |
Facing Death: Portraiture and Mourning Ritual in America, 1775-1850 |
Michael D'Alessandro PhD Candidate, Boston University |
2012-13 |
Last |
Staged Readings: Sensationalism and Audience in Popular American Literature and Theater, 18230-1870 |
Maura D'Amore PhD Candidate, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill |
2007-08 |
Drawn to Art |
"Suburban Men: Masculine Domesticity in Nineteenth-Century America" |
Ann Daly Assistant Professor of History, Mississippi State University |
2021-22 |
Hench |
Minting America: The Politics, Technology and Culture of Money in the Early United States |
Ann Daly PhD Candidate in History, Brown University |
2018-19 |
Lapides |
Hard Money: The Making of a Specie Currency, 1828-1846 |
Deborah Dancy Painter, Storrs, CT |
2002 |
Hearst |
The Conjurer's Apprentice or The Legend of Yellow Mary: A Slave Girl's Tale of Survival by her Wit and Extraordinary Powers, as written by herself |
Sara Danger Associate Professor of English, Valparaiso University |
2022-23 |
In Their Own Words: Child Writers and the Nineteenth-Century Press |
Marcus Daniel PhD Candidate, Princeton University |
1992-93 |
Peterson |
Ribaldry and Billingsgate: Popular Journalism and Political Culture in the Early Republic |
Ben Davidson PhD Candidate, New York University |
2015-16 |
Schiller |
Freedom's Generation: Coming of Age in the Era of Emancipation |
Ben Davidson Visiting Scholar in History, Saint Michael's College |
2023-24 |
Freedom's Generation: Coming of Age in the Era of Emancipation |
Cathy N. Davidson Associate Professor, Michigan State University |
1984-85 |
Peterson |
The Origins of American Fiction |
Elliot B. Davis Teaching Assistant, Harvard University |
1990-91 |
Hiatt |
American Drawing Books, 1820-80: Practical Guides for Artist and Artisan |
Thomas Davis Professor, Kent State University |
1980-81 |
Daniels |
An Edition of Edward Taylor's Harmony of the Gospels |
Hunter Davis Moskowitz PhD Candidate in World History, Northeastern University |
2024-25 |
Peterson |
Labor and Race in the Global Textile Industry: Lowell, Concord and Monterrey in the Early 19th Century |
Nancy R. Davison PhD Candidate, University of Michigan |
1977-78 |
Daniels |
EW Clay, American Political Caricaturist of the Jacksonian Era |
Cornelia H. Dayton Associate Professor, University of Connecticut |
2004-05 |
Self and Sanity in Early New England |
Alice de Galzain PhD Candidate in English Literature, University of Edinburgh |
2023-24 |
Packer |
Recounting the Lives of Women Writers: Emerson on Fuller, Godwin on Wollstonecraft, and Sand on Sand |
John Deaderick Teacher, Pliocene Ridge High School, North San Juan, California, CA |
1996 |
K-12 |
Images and Ideas of the American Frontier as Expressed on the Professional Stage, 1825-1875 |
Bradley Dean PhD Candidate, University of Connecticut |
1987-88 |
Peterson |
Thoreau as Lecturer |
Helen R. Deese Professor Emerita, Tennessee Technological University |
1998-99 |
Mellon Postdoctoral |
The Journals of Caroline Healey Dall |
Deborah DeFord Writer, Branford, CT |
1996 |
Wallace |
Young adult novel about the female American Revolutionary soldier Deborah Sampson Gannett |
Natalie Deibel PhD Candidate, George Washington University |
2011-12 |
Last |
'For Profit, Pleasure, and Sport': Recreation, Culture, and Society in the Atlantic World, 1600-1800 |
Agnès Delahaye Lecturer in Anglophone Studies, University of Lyon II—Lumiere |
2015-16 |
d'Héricourt |
John Winthrop’s Legacy in the Historiography of Massachusetts |
Marie-Stéphanie Delamaire PhD Candidate, Columbia University |
2009-10 |
Transatlantic Encounters: Franco-American Artistic Exchanges, 1848-1867 |
Matt Dellinger Non-fiction Writer and Digital Artist , Brooklyn, NY |
2016 |
Baron |
The Brooklyn 14th Regiment |
Jeannine M. DeLombard Associate Professor, University of Toronto |
2007-08 |
Ebony Idols: Famous Fugitive Slaves in Britain before the Civil War |
Christine M. DeLucia PhD Candidate, Yale University |
2011-12 |
Peterson |
Making Past and Place in the Northeast after King Philip's War (1675-78) |
Theodore Delwiche PhD Candidate in History, Yale University |
2022-23 |
Reese |
The Contested Classics |
John P. Demos Samuel Knight Professor of History Emeritus, Yale University |
2011-12 |
Mellon Distinguished Scholar |
The Heathen School: A Story of Hope and Betrayal in the Age of the Early Republic |
Jonathan Den Hartog , |
2012-13 |
Transatlantic Antijacobinism |
Volker Depkat Professor, |
2010-11 |
Last |
The Visualization of Legitimacy |
Shaibal Dev Roy PhD Candidate in English, University of Southern California |
2023-24 |
Reese |
Publishing Americans in Nineteenth-Century India |
Steven Deyle Associate Professor, University of Houston |
2009-10 |
Tracy |
Honorable Men: Isaac Bolton, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and the Murder of James McMillan |
Sonia Di Loreto Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Literature, Universita di Torino |
2022-23 |
Reese |
Cristina di Belgiojoso and the New York Daily Tribune: Asia Minor and Cosmopolitan Utopianism in American Periodical Publications, 1840-1860 |
Sonia Di Loreto Associate Professor, University of Torino |
2016-17 |
Peterson |
Margaret Fuller’s Transnational Archive |
Lindsay DiCuirci Assistant Professor, University of Maryland |
2013-14 |
Botein |
History's Imprint: The Colonial Book and the Writing of American History, 1790-1855 |
Konstantin Dierks PhD Candidate, Brown University |
1998-99 |
Peterson |
Letter Writing, Gender, and the Middling Sort in America, 1750-1800 |
Vincent DiGirolamo Assistant Professor, Colgate University |
2000-01 |
Crying the News: A History of America's Newsboys |
Gino DiIorio Playwright, New York, NY |
2007 |
Baron |
Research into life of Edmund Ross, southern politician who cast the deciding vote, insuring that President Andrew Johnson would be spared impeachment |
Elizabeth Maddock Dillon Associate Professor, Northeastern University |
2010-11 |
Gender, Sex, and Modernity: Geographies of Reproduction in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World |
Steffi Dippold Lecturer, Stanford University |
2013-14 |
Reese |
Plain as in Primitive |
Steffi Dippold Associate Professor of English, Kansas State University |
2020-21 |
Plain as in Primitive: The Figure of the Native in Early America, 1640-1700 |
Joanne Dobson Writer, |
2004 |
Baron |
The Kashmiri Shawl: A historical novel set in New York City, 1860 |
Mary Draper PhD Candidate, University of Virginia |
2016-17 |
Peterson |
The Urban World of the Early Modern British Caribbean |
Faye Dudden Assistant Professor, Union College |
1988-89 |
Peterson |
Gender in Performance: Women in the American Theater, 1790-1870 |
Faye Dudden , |
2003-04 |
Tracy |
The Favored Hour: Politics, Culture, and the New York Women's Movement, 1860-1870 |
Barbara Duffy Teacher, School of the Osage R-11 |
1995 |
K-12 |
Teaching History and Methods of Research through the Broadside Ballad |
Kathrinne Duffy PhD Candidate, Brown University |
2017-18 |
Last (Artist) |
Doctrine of the Skull: Phrenology and Public Culture in Nineteenth-Century America |
Kathrinne Duffy PhD Candidate, Brown University |
2017-18 |
Last |
Doctrine of the Skull: Phrenology and Public Culture in Nineteenth-Century America |
James Dun Assistant Professor of History, Princeton University |
2014-15 |
Tracy |
Dangerous Neighbors |
Russell Duncan Assistant Professor, John Carroll University |
1993-94 |
Peterson |
Joshua Fights the Civil War: James Montgomery, 'Bleeding Kansas,' and Black Equality |
Camille T. Dungy Poet, Colorado State University |
2005 |
Hearst |
Suck on the Marrow |
Thomas Dunn Playwright, Henniker, NH |
1998 |
Wallace |
Research for a play about Winslow Homer and his early career,1856-1875 |
James Dupey PhD Candidate, Arizona State University |
2016-17 |
Peterson |
Editor as Clergy: The Power of Print in the Stone-Campbell Movement |
Heidi Durrow Fiction Writer, Los Angeles, CA |
2007 |
Baron |
Research for novel about Miss Lala, famous strongwoman, circus aerialist and acrobat of the Victorian era |
Annie Dwyer Part-Time Lecturer, University of Washington |
2015-16 |
Lapides |
Pets and Punishment in American Children's Literature |
Elizabeth Eager PhD Candidate, Harvard University |
2015-16 |
Drawn to Art |
Drawing Machines: The Mechanics of Art in the Early Republic |
Amy Earhart Associate Professor of English, Texas A&M University |
2024-25 |
Peterson |
The Millican Massacre: Newspaper Transmission and Extension of Reconstruction Racial Violence |
Carolyn Eastman Assistant Professor, University of Texas |
2008-09 |
Last |
"Learning to See: Gender in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World." |
Carolyn Eastman Assistant Professor, University of Texas |
2011-12 |
Gender in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World of Print |
Carolyn Eastman PhD Candidate, Johns Hopkins University |
1997-98 |
Peterson |
A Nation of Speechiers: Oratory, Print, and the Making of Gendered American Public, 1780-1850 |
Paul Echols PhD Candidate, New York University |
1978-79 |
Daniels |
The Development of Revival Music in the US: 1820-1860 |
Sari Edelstein PhD Candidate, Brandeis University |
2008-09 |
Peterson |
The Novel & the News: Women and the Politics of U.S. Print Culture before 1900. |
Maureen Egan Creative Writer, Richmond, VA |
2022 |
Baron |
Research for Non-Fiction picture book for school-aged children about the life and work of Ruth Henshaw Bascom, 19th-century folk artist |
Jennifer Egloff PhD Candidate, New York University |
2009-10 |
Peterson |
Popular Numeracy in Early Modern England and British North America |
Peter Eisenstadt PhD Candidate, New York University |
1984-85 |
Haven |
Weather and Weather Prediction in Colonial America |
Ansel Elkins Poet, Greensboro, NC |
2012 |
Hearst |
A collection of poems about the lives of 19th-century conjoined twins Chang and Eng Bunker and Millie-Christine McKoy |
Kimberly Elkins Fiction Writer, New York, NY |
2007 |
Hearst |
What is Visible: A novel about the lives of Laura Bridgman and Julia Ward Howe |
Mary Beth Ellis Non-Fiction Writer, Cincinnati, OH |
2011 |
Last (Artist) |
PBS documentary under development by historian and author Richard Brookhiser about theory that Hamilton and other Founding Fathers were "proto-bloggers" |
Krista Elrick Photographer, Santa Fe, NM |
2016 |
Last (Artist) |
A Country No More: Rediscovering the Landscapes of John James Audubon |
D. Berton Emerson Visiting Assistant Professor of English, Pomona College |
2016-17 |
Botein |
Local Rules: Vernacular Aesthetics and Alternative Democracies in Antebellum Print Culture |
Patrick Erben Professor of English, University of West Georgia |
2019-20 |
Reese |
The German Pietist Origins of the American Self |
Wyatt Erchak PhD Candidate in History, Carnegie Mellon University |
2024-25 |
Peterson |
Private Wrongs: A Hidden History of the American Civil War’s First Black Union Regiment |
Katharina Erhard PhD Candidate, |
2004-05 |
Ebeling |
'An Empire in Many Respects the Most Interesting in the World': Choreographies of Empire in Early American Plays |
Paul J. Erickson PhD Candidate, University of Texas, Austin |
1998-99 |
Peterson |
Welcome to Sodom: The Cultural Work of the American City-Mysteries Novel, 1840-1860 |
Betsy Erkkilä Professor of English, Northwestern University |
2014-15 |
Imagining the Revolution: Literature and Politics in Insurrectionary America |
Lukas Etter Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Siegen |
2016-17 |
Ebeling |
'Word Problems': Popular and Educational Discourses on Mathematics in the Pre-Civil War United States |
Lukas Etter Assistant Professor of English, University of Siegen |
2019-20 |
Peterson |
'Word Problems’: Popular, Literary, and Educational Discourses on Mathematics in the Pre-Civil War United States |
Nicole Eustace Assistant Professor, New York University |
2008-09 |
Peterson |
War Ardor: Sex and Sentiment in the War of 1812 |
John Evelev PhD, Duke University |
1996-97 |
Botein |
Tolerable Entertainment: Herman Melville, the Literary Profession, and the Cultural Life of Antebellum New York |
Michael Everton PhD Candidate, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill |
2003-04 |
Reese |
Moral Vampires and the Blood of Genius: Vocational Ethics in Early American Literary Culture |
Ann V. Fabian Associate Professor, Yale University |
1994-95 |
Botein |
Selling Experience: Amateur Authors and Pamphlet Publication in the Nineteenth-Century US |
Michel Fabre Professor, Universite de Paris III |
1991-92 |
Peterson |
The Creoles of Color: Cultural Production as a Basis of Group Identity |
Geneviève Fabre-Moreau Professor, Universite de Paris VII |
1991-92 |
Peterson |
Afro-American Feasts and Celebrations in the United States |
Meganne Fabrega Writer, Portsmouth, NH |
2014 |
Last (Artist) |
Tell Me a Story: Amy Ella Blanchard and Ida Waugh's World of Girls |
Andrew Fagal PhD Candidate, Binghamton University |
2013-14 |
Peterson |
The Political Economy of War in the Early American Republic |
Alice E. Fahs Assistant Professor, University of California, Irvine |
1995-96 |
Botein |
Publishing the Civil War: Northern Publishers and the Literary Marketplace of War |
Charles Fanning Associate Professor, Bridgewater State University |
1981-82 |
Daniels |
The Irish Voice in America: Nineteenth-Century Fiction |
Sara Fanning PhD Candidate, University of Texas, Austin |
2004-05 |
Tracy |
The Promised Land: African Americans and Haiti from the Haitian Revolution to 1830 |
Sara Fanning PhD Candidate, University of Texas, Austin |
2004-05 |
Tracy |
The Promised Land: African Americans and Haiti from the Haitian Revolution to 1830"" |