Fellows Directory

Over 1,400 AAS fellowships have been awarded since the program's inception in 1972. Each fellow's institutional affiliation and position at the time of the fellowship is listed.

Displaying 201 - 400 of 1507

Name Date Fellowship Project
Robert Caldwell
Assistant Professor of History and Geography, Southwest Louisiana Technical Community College
2020-21 Last Indians in their Proper Place: Social Sciences and the Mapping of Native America
Wendy Call
Non-Fiction Writer, Seattle, WA
2010 Baron Series of literary essays about the grieving process
Emahunn Campbell
PhD Candidate, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
2013-14 Peterson The Construction of the Black Criminal
John Canup
Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University
1990-91 Boni New England Culture and the Pacific
Caylin Carbonell
PhD Candidate in History, College of William and Mary
2020-21 Hench ’At Home in My Master’s House’: Household, Labor, and Authority in Early New England
Caylin Carbonell
PhD Candidate in History, College of William and Mary
2019-20 Peterson At Home in My Master’s House: Household, Labor, and Authority in Early New England
Michael Carlebach
Assistant Professor, University of Miami
1986-87 Peterson The Origins of Photojournalism in America, 1839-80
Hannah Carlson
PhD Candidate, Boston University
2006-07 Botein In the Company of Books: Reading the Pocket Companion
Martha Carlson-Bradley
Poet, Hillsborough, NH
2008 Baron Research for a collection of poems inspired by the 1727 New England Primer titled, Begin with Trouble
Todd Carmody
Lecturer, Harvard University
2016-17 Peterson Racial Handicap: Uplift and Rehabilitation in Postbellum America
Benjamin L. Carp
PhD Candidate, University of Virginia
2001-02 Peterson Cityscapes and Revolution: Urban Spaces and Revolutionary Mobilization in North America, 1740-1790
Stephanie Carpenter
Fiction Writer, Hancock, MI
2015 Hearst Many and Wide Separations: Two novellas that focus on fictional female artists in mid-nineteenth-century New England
Ryan Carr
PhD Candidate, Yale University
2013-14 Peterson Arts and Sciences of American Expression: 1820-1890
Bret Carroll
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Texas, Arlington
1997-98 Peterson Religion and Masculinity in Antebellum America
Brian Carroll
PhD Candidate, University of Connecticut
2008-09 Peterson Military Masculinities in New England: Anglo-American and Native-American Soldiers, 1689-1763
Brian Carroll
Assistant Professor of History, Central Washington University
2015-16 AAS-ASECS Burning the Hearts of the Dead: Medicine, Migration, and New England Vampire Belief, 1782-1819
Julia Carroll
PhD Candidate in American & New England Studies, Boston University
2022-23 Last The Protestant Sanctioning of Race-Based Slavery in Language & Landscape in the Anglo-American South, 1739-1791
Michael Carter
PhD Candidate, University of Southern California
2005-06 Botein Mathew Carey and the Public Emergence of Roman Catholicism in the United States, 1789-1839
Sarah Anne Carter
PhD Candidate, Harvard University
2007-08 Last Object Lessons in Nineteenth-Century America
Jim Casey
PhD Candidate, University of Delaware
2015-16 Botein Editing a Revolution in Newspaper Printing, 1847-1849
Lynn Casmier-Paz
Associate Professor, University of Central Florida
2009-10 Botein Slave Literacy, Children's Textbooks, and Antebellum Education
Scott E. Casper
Associate Professor, University of Nevada, Reno
1998-99 Peterson First Families: Presidents at Home in the American Imagination, 1789-20
Scott E. Casper
PhD Candidate, Yale University
1990-91 Peterson The Cultural and Literary Contexts of Antebellum Campaign Biography and Children's Biography
Tim Cassedy
PhD Candidate, New York University
2010-11 Peterson The Character of Communication, 1790-1810
JoAnn Castagna
Academic Advisor, University of Iowa
1990-91 AAS-NEMLA Women, Sexuality, and Popular Culture: Sensation Novels and Gender Ideology in Nineteenth-Century Newspapers
Christopher D. Castiglia
Liberal Arts Research Professor of English, Pennsylvania State University
2012-13 Mellon Distinguished Scholar The Practices of Hope and other Romantic Dispositions
Melanie Cataldo
Illustrator, Worcester, MA
2020 Hearst The Making: An illustrated novel that focuses on the struggle of two young girls living by 19th century standards in mid 20th century New England
Roderick Cave
Professor, University of the West Indies
1976-77 Daniels A History of Printing in the West Indies
Urvashi Chakravarty
Assistant Professor of English, University of Hawai'I, Manoa
2014-15 Lapides Serving Like a Free Man: Labor, Liberty, and Consent in Early Modern England
Alexander Chaparro-Silva
PhD Candidate in History, University of Texas, Austin
2023-24 Peterson Writing the Other America: Democracy, Race, and Print Culture in the Americas, 1830-1898
Chloe Chapin
PhD Candidate in American Studies, Harvard University
2019-20 Jaffee The False Universal of Nineteenth-Century Formal Attire: Uniformity, Masculinity, and Power
Max Chapnick
Postdoctoral Teaching Associate, Northeastern University
2024-25 Botein Wild Science: Radical Politics and Rejected Knowledge in Nineteenth-Century Fiction
Brett Charbeneau
Journeyman Printer, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
1995-96 AAS-ASECS Williamsburg Imprints Program
Katherine Chavigny
PhD Candidate, University of Chicago
1993-94 Peterson American Confessions: The Formation of Antebellum Addiction Narratives
Xi Chen
PhD Candidate, University of Washington, Seattle
2010-11 Peterson The Life and Times of John B. Gough
Irene Cheng
Assistant Professor, California College of Arts
2017-18 Last The Shape of Utopia
Rachel Chernos Lin
PhD Candidate, Brown University
2002-03 Peterson The Rhode Island Slave Traders and their Communities, 1750-1807
Greg Childs
Assistant Professor of History, Brandeis University
2018-19 AAS-NEH Scenes of Sedition: Racial Politics in Bahia during the Age of Revolution
Katy Chiles
Assistant Professor of English, University of Tennessee
2014-15 Botein Raced Collaboration: The Idea of Authorship and Early African American and Native American Literature
Ruma Chopra
PhD Candidate, University of California, Davis
2006-07 Peterson Loyalist Persuasions: New York City, 1776-1783
Juliana Chow
Associate Professor of English, Saint Louis University
2017-18 AAS-NEH Lacunae: Vital Language and the Casualties of Natural History
Birte Christ
Assistant Professor, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
2012-13 Ebeling A Systematic Survey of Anti-Gallows Poetry in the Democratic Review, The Hangman/The Prisoners' Friend, and Selected Periodicals from 1842-1849
Jonathan M. Chu
Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Boston
1987-88 AAS-NEH Where's Mine?: Debt in Post-Revolutionary Massachusetts
Howard P. Chudacoff
Assistant Professor, Brown University
1974-75 Rockefeller The Effect of Industrialization and Urbanization upon Family Structure in Nineteenth-Century Worcester
Howard P. Chudacoff
Professor, Brown University
2000-01 Peterson Children and Their Styles of Play, 1750-1880
Andrew Jay Chung
Assistant Professor, University of North Texas
2024-25 AAS-NEH Music’s Long Anthropocene: The Climate of Empire and the Sound of Ecological Disaster
Jennifer Chuong
PhD Candidate, Harvard University
2016-17 Drawn to Art Marbling and Projection in Early American Bindings
Michael Clapper
PhD Candidate, Northwestern University
1992-93 Peterson The 'Popular' and 'Elite' Disjunction in Art in the United States after the Civil War
Charles E. Clark
Professor of History, University of New Hampshire
1980-81 Daniels A Comparative Study of English and American Journalism,1665-1765
Christopher F. Clark
Lecturer in History, University of York
1990-91 Peterson To Live in the Common Cause: Communal and Cooperative Groups in Nineteenth-Century America
Christopher F. Clark
Lecturer, York College
1982-83 Haven Economy and Culture in Rural Massachusetts, 1790-1860
Justin Clark
PhD Candidate, University of Southern California
2012-13 Last Training the Eyes: Romantic Vision and Class Formation in Boston, 1830-1870
Thomas Clark
Assistant Professor, University of Kassel
2005-06 Ebeling Toquevillian Moments: Transatlantic Visions of an American Republican Culture
Alison Clarke
Poet, Edmonton, AB
2024 Hearst Research on Harriet E. Wilson for a historical fiction trilogy
Frances Clarke
Lecturer, University of Sydney
2012-13 Last Minors in the Military: A History of Child Soldiers from the Revolution to the Civil War
Matthew Clavin
PhD Candidate, American University
2003-04 Peterson Men of Color, to Arms!
Abby Clayton
PhD Candidate in English, Indiana University, Bloomington
2024-25 Peterson Narrating Abolition: Scissors-and-Paste Reform in the Emerging Anglosphere
Alexander David Clayton
PhD Candidate in History, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
2022-23 Last The Living Animal: Biopower and Empire in the Atlantic Menagerie, 1760-1890
Radiclani Clytus
Assistant Professor, Tufts University
2009-10 Last Envision Slavery: American Abolitionism and the Primacy of the Visual
David Cobb
Librarian, Indiana University
1973-74 Mellon Short-Term Bibliography of maps for the New England states
Dale Cockrell
Assistant Professor, Middlebury College
1983-84 AAS-NEH The Journals of the Hutchinson Family
Peter Coclanis
PhD Candidate, Columbia University
1977-78 Daniels Economy and Society in Colonial Charleston
Thomas Coens
PhD Candidate, Harvard University
2002-03 Peterson The Formation of the Jackson Party, 1822 - 1829
Daniel A. Cohen
Associate Professor, Case Western Reserve University
2007-08 AAS-NEH Burning the Charlestown Convent: Private Lives, Public Outrage, and Contested Memory in Nineteenth-Century America
Daniel A. Cohen
Assistant Professor, Florida International University
1992-93 Botein Beyond Domesticity: Literary Images of Working-Class Women, 1790-1860
Joanna Cohen
PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania
2007-08 Last "Millions of Luxurious Citizens": Consumption and citizenship in New York and Philadelphia, 1815-1876
Kenneth Cohen
PhD Candidate, University of Delaware
2006-07 AHPCS 'To Give Good Sport': The Making and Meaning of Sporting Leisure in Early America, 1750-1840
Lara Langer Cohen
Assistant Professor, Wayne State University
2008-09 Botein Notes from Underground: Nineteenth-Century American Print Subcultures
Lara Langer Cohen
Assistant Professor, Wayne State University
2011-12 Botein Counterfeit Presentments: Fraud and the Production of Nineteenth-Century American Literature
Lester Cohen
Associate Professor, Purdue University
1981-82 Daniels The Origins of American Liberalism, 1780-1820
Michael Cohen
PhD Candidate, New York University
2005-06 Tracy Poetic Discourses in America, 1870-1915
Patricia C. Cohen
Associate Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara
1987-88 AAS-NEH Safety and Danger: Women in Public
Patricia C. Cohen
Assistant Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara
1977-78 Daniels Americans and Numbers
Christopher Cokinos
Creative Writer, Manhattan, KS
1998 Wallace Hope is the Thing With Feathers
Phyllis Cole
Professor, Pennsylvania State University, Delaware County
2004-05 Peterson Feminist Writers and the Periodical Press in Antebellum America
Dawn Coleman
Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee
2006-07 AAS-NEMLA Preaching and the Rise of the American Novel
William Coleman
Postdoctoral Fellow, Washington University in St. Louis
2015-16 Last Domestic Bliss: The Artist and the Country House in Nineteenth-Century America
Jessica Collier
PhD Candidate, University of California, Irvine
2010-11 Last The Transcendental Classroom: Childhood Education and Literary Culture in Antebellum America
Vivian Conger
PhD Candidate, Cornell University
1989-90 Hiatt Being Weak of Body but Firm of Mind and Memory: Widowhood in Colonial America, 1630-1750
Barbara Conrad
Teacher, California High School, San Ramon, California, CA
1994 K-12 American Music
JoAnn Conrad
Adjunct Professor, California State University, East Bay
2017-18 Lapides Women's Work: Women Illustrators in Commercial Media during the Golden Age of Illustration
James W. Cook
Assistant Professor of History and American Studies, Butler University
2001-02 Tracy Cracks in tbe White Republic
Jonathan Cook
Independent Scholar, Portland, OR
1998-99 Peterson The Apocalyptic Imagination in the American Renaissance
Nym Cooke
Independent Scholar,
2020-21 Keller Inventory of American Sacred Music Imprints and Manuscripts through 1820
Nym Cooke
, Eagle Hill School
1982-83 Hiatt Lives of the Psalmodists
Nicole Cooley
Poet, New York, NY
1999 Wallace The Afflicted Girls: A book of poetry about the Salem witch trials
Abigail Cooper
Assistant Professor of History, Brandeis University
2016-17 AAS-NEH ‘Lord, Until I Reach My Home’: Inside the Refugee Camps of the American Civil War
Benjamin Cooper
2011-12 Peterson Writing American Soldiers: Nineteenth-Century Varieties of Military Experience
Cecilio Cooper
Visiting Assistant Professor of English, Tulane University
2021-22 AAS-NEH South of Heaven: Surface, Territory, and the Black Chthonic
Abigail Corcoran
PhD Candidate in History, University of Wisconsin, Madison
2022-23 Schiller Juvenile Reform Societies in the Antebellum United States
Catherine A. Corman
Assistant Professor, Harvard University
2000-01 AAS-NEH Reading, Writing, and Removal: Native American Literacies, 1820-1851
Saul Cornell
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, University of Pennsylvania
1987-88 Hiatt The Political Thought and Culture of the Antifederalists
John Corrigan
Assistant Professor, University of Virginia
1990-91 RA Reason, Passion, and Religion in the Eighteenth Century
Seth Cotlar
Professor, Willamette University
2015-16 Last When the Olden Days Were New: A Cultural History of Nostalgia in Modernizing America, 1776-1860
Seth Cotlar
PhD Candidate, Northwestern University
1997-98 Peterson In Paine's Absence: The Europeanization of American Political Thought, 1787-1803
Daniel Diez Couch
Assistant Professor of English, United States Air Force Academy
2020-21 Reese American Fragments: The Political Aesthetic of Literary Ruins in the Early Republic
Edward Countryman
Senior Lecturer, Warwick University
1983-84 Haven Liberty, Liberalism, and the Making of Republican America
Nancy Vieira Couto
Poet, New York, NY
1995 Wallace Book of poems and prose pieces on America Vesspucci
John Coward
Associate Professor, University of Tulsa
2010-11 AHPCS Cartooning with Savages: A Cultural History of Native American Images in the Popular Press
Sarah Crabtree
Assistant Professor of History, San Francisco State University
2013-14 AAS-ASECS Walled Gardens: The Society of Friends, Nationalism, and the Common School, 1770-1840
Patricia A. Crain
PhD Candidate, Columbia University
1992-93 Hiatt Cultures of Reading in the American Renaissance
Jacob Crane
PhD Candidate, Tufts University
2013-14 Schiller Barbary Captivity, Africa, and American Children’s Literature
Nicholas Crawford
Postdoctoral Fellow, Washington University in St. Louis
2021-22 AAS-NEH Sustaining Slavery
Richard A. Crawford
Assistant Professor, University of Michigan
1972-73 U.S. Steel Foundation A Bibliography of American Sacred Music Imprints Through 1810
David Cressy
Visiting Associate Professor, Claremont Graduate School
1980-81 Daniels Literacy and Its Uses in Early America
Sara Crosby
PhD Candidate, University of Notre Dame
2005-06 AAS-NEH The Female Poisoner and Popular Print Media in New England, 1840-1860
Anne Cross
PhD Candidate in Art History, University of Delaware
2020-21 Last 'Features of Cruelty Which Could Not Well Be Described by the Pen': The Media of Atrocity in Harper’s Weekly, 1862-1866
Alice Crossley
Assistant Professor of English and Journalism, University of Lincoln
2020-21 Last Affect and Identity in Nineteenth-Century Valentines
Ursula Crosslin
PhD Candidate, Ohio State University
2009-10 Reese The Institution of the American Church Choir in Philadelphia, 1760-1860
Christine Croxall
PhD Candidate, University of Delaware
2012-13 Peterson Holy Waters: Lived Religion, Identity, and Loyalty along the Mississippi River, 1780-1830
Joseph Cullon
Assistant Professor, Dartmouth College
2005-06 Hench Colonial Shipwrights and their World: Men, Women, and Markets in Early New England
Joseph Cullon
PhD Candidate, University of Wisconsin, Madison
2000-01 Peterson The Work of Many Hands: Ships and the Economic Culture of Early New England
Maureen Cummins
Book Artist, Bearsville, NY
2000 Hearst Anthro(A)pology
Mary Bryan Curd
Tutor, Harrison Middleton University
2010-11 Drawn to Art Facing Death: Portraiture and Mourning Ritual in America, 1775-1850
Michael D'Alessandro
PhD Candidate, Boston University
2012-13 Last Staged Readings: Sensationalism and Audience in Popular American Literature and Theater, 18230-1870
Maura D'Amore
PhD Candidate, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
2007-08 Drawn to Art "Suburban Men: Masculine Domesticity in Nineteenth-Century America"
Ann Daly
Assistant Professor of History, Mississippi State University
2021-22 Hench Minting America: The Politics, Technology and Culture of Money in the Early United States
Ann Daly
PhD Candidate in History, Brown University
2018-19 Lapides Hard Money: The Making of a Specie Currency, 1828-1846
Deborah Dancy
Painter, Storrs, CT
2002 Hearst The Conjurer's Apprentice or The Legend of Yellow Mary: A Slave Girl's Tale of Survival by her Wit and Extraordinary Powers, as written by herself
Sara R. Danger
Associate Professor of English, Valparaiso University
2022-23 AAS-NEH In Their Own Words: Child Writers and the Nineteenth-Century Press
Marcus Daniel
PhD Candidate, Princeton University
1992-93 Peterson Ribaldry and Billingsgate: Popular Journalism and Political Culture in the Early Republic
Ben Davidson
Visiting Scholar in History, Saint Michael's College
2023-24 AAS-NEH Freedom's Generation: Coming of Age in the Era of Emancipation
Ben Davidson
PhD Candidate, New York University
2015-16 Schiller Freedom's Generation: Coming of Age in the Era of Emancipation
Cathy N. Davidson
Associate Professor, Michigan State University
1984-85 Peterson The Origins of American Fiction
Elliot B. Davis
Teaching Assistant, Harvard University
1990-91 Hiatt American Drawing Books, 1820-80: Practical Guides for Artist and Artisan
Thomas Davis
Professor, Kent State University
1980-81 Daniels An Edition of Edward Taylor's Harmony of the Gospels
Hunter Davis Moskowitz
PhD Candidate in World History, Northeastern University
2024-25 Peterson Labor and Race in the Global Textile Industry: Lowell, Concord and Monterrey in the Early 19th Century
Nancy R. Davison
PhD Candidate, University of Michigan
1977-78 Daniels EW Clay, American Political Caricaturist of the Jacksonian Era
Cornelia H. Dayton
Associate Professor, University of Connecticut
2004-05 AAS-NEH Self and Sanity in Early New England
Alice de Galzain
PhD Candidate in English Literature, University of Edinburgh
2023-24 Packer Recounting the Lives of Women Writers: Emerson on Fuller, Godwin on Wollstonecraft, and Sand on Sand
John Deaderick
Teacher, Pliocene Ridge High School, North San Juan, California, CA
1996 K-12 Images and Ideas of the American Frontier as Expressed on the Professional Stage, 1825-1875
Bradley Dean
PhD Candidate, University of Connecticut
1987-88 Peterson Thoreau as Lecturer
Helen R. Deese
Professor Emerita, Tennessee Technological University
1998-99 Mellon Postdoctoral The Journals of Caroline Healey Dall
Deborah DeFord
Writer, Branford, CT
1996 Wallace Young adult novel about the female American Revolutionary soldier Deborah Sampson Gannett
Natalie Deibel
PhD Candidate, George Washington University
2011-12 Last 'For Profit, Pleasure, and Sport': Recreation, Culture, and Society in the Atlantic World, 1600-1800
Agnès Delahaye
Lecturer in Anglophone Studies, University of Lyon II—Lumiere
2015-16 d'Héricourt John Winthrop’s Legacy in the Historiography of Massachusetts
Marie-Stéphanie Delamaire
PhD Candidate, Columbia University
2009-10 AHPCS Transatlantic Encounters: Franco-American Artistic Exchanges, 1848-1867
Matt Dellinger
Non-fiction Writer and Digital Artist , Brooklyn, NY
2016 Baron The Brooklyn 14th Regiment
Jeannine M. DeLombard
Associate Professor, University of Toronto
2007-08 AAS-NEH Ebony Idols: Famous Fugitive Slaves in Britain before the Civil War
Christine M. DeLucia
PhD Candidate, Yale University
2011-12 Peterson Making Past and Place in the Northeast after King Philip's War (1675-78)
Theodore Delwiche
PhD Candidate in History, Yale University
2022-23 Reese The Contested Classics
John P. Demos
Samuel Knight Professor of History Emeritus, Yale University
2011-12 Mellon Distinguished Scholar The Heathen School: A Story of Hope and Betrayal in the Age of the Early Republic
Jonathan Den Hartog
2012-13 AHPCS Transatlantic Antijacobinism
Volker Depkat
2010-11 Last The Visualization of Legitimacy
Shaibal Dev Roy
PhD Candidate in English, University of Southern California
2023-24 Reese Publishing Americans in Nineteenth-Century India
Steven Deyle
Associate Professor, University of Houston
2009-10 Tracy Honorable Men: Isaac Bolton, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and the Murder of James McMillan
Sonia Di Loreto
Associate Professor, University of Torino
2016-17 Peterson Margaret Fuller’s Transnational Archive
Sonia Di Loreto
Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Literature, Universita di Torino
2022-23 Reese Cristina di Belgiojoso and the New York Daily Tribune: Asia Minor and Cosmopolitan Utopianism in American Periodical Publications, 1840-1860
Lindsay DiCuirci
Assistant Professor, University of Maryland
2013-14 Botein History's Imprint: The Colonial Book and the Writing of American History, 1790-1855
Konstantin Dierks
PhD Candidate, Brown University
1998-99 Peterson Letter Writing, Gender, and the Middling Sort in America, 1750-1800
Vincent DiGirolamo
Assistant Professor, Colgate University
2000-01 AAS-NEH Crying the News: A History of America's Newsboys
Gino DiIorio
Playwright, New York, NY
2007 Baron Research into life of Edmund Ross, southern politician who cast the deciding vote, insuring that President Andrew Johnson would be spared impeachment
Elizabeth Maddock Dillon
Associate Professor, Northeastern University
2010-11 AAS-NEH Gender, Sex, and Modernity: Geographies of Reproduction in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World
Steffi Dippold
Associate Professor of English, Kansas State University
2020-21 AAS-NEH Plain as in Primitive: The Figure of the Native in Early America, 1640-1700
Steffi Dippold
Lecturer, Stanford University
2013-14 Reese Plain as in Primitive
Joanne Dobson
2004 Baron The Kashmiri Shawl: A historical novel set in New York City, 1860
Mary Draper
PhD Candidate, University of Virginia
2016-17 Peterson The Urban World of the Early Modern British Caribbean
Faye Dudden
2003-04 Tracy The Favored Hour: Politics, Culture, and the New York Women's Movement, 1860-1870
Faye Dudden
Assistant Professor, Union College
1988-89 Peterson Gender in Performance: Women in the American Theater, 1790-1870
Barbara Duffy
Teacher, School of the Osage R-11
1995 K-12 Teaching History and Methods of Research through the Broadside Ballad
Kathrinne Duffy
PhD Candidate, Brown University
2017-18 Last Doctrine of the Skull: Phrenology and Public Culture in Nineteenth-Century America
Kathrinne Duffy
PhD Candidate, Brown University
2017-18 Last Doctrine of the Skull: Phrenology and Public Culture in Nineteenth-Century America
James Dun
Assistant Professor of History, Princeton University
2014-15 Tracy Dangerous Neighbors
Russell Duncan
Assistant Professor, John Carroll University
1993-94 Peterson Joshua Fights the Civil War: James Montgomery, 'Bleeding Kansas,' and Black Equality
Camille T. Dungy
Poet, Colorado State University
2005 Hearst Suck on the Marrow
Thomas Dunn
Playwright, Henniker, NH
1998 Wallace Research for a play about Winslow Homer and his early career,1856-1875
James Dupey
PhD Candidate, Arizona State University
2016-17 Peterson Editor as Clergy: The Power of Print in the Stone-Campbell Movement
Heidi Durrow
Fiction Writer, Los Angeles, CA
2007 Baron Research for novel about Miss Lala, famous strongwoman, circus aerialist and acrobat of the Victorian era
Annie Dwyer
Part-Time Lecturer, University of Washington
2015-16 Lapides Pets and Punishment in American Children's Literature
Elizabeth Eager
PhD Candidate, Harvard University
2015-16 Drawn to Art Drawing Machines: The Mechanics of Art in the Early Republic
Amy Earhart
Associate Professor of English, Texas A&M University
2024-25 Peterson The Millican Massacre: Newspaper Transmission and Extension of Reconstruction Racial Violence
Carolyn Eastman
PhD Candidate, Johns Hopkins University
1997-98 Peterson A Nation of Speechiers: Oratory, Print, and the Making of Gendered American Public, 1780-1850
Carolyn Eastman
Assistant Professor, University of Texas
2011-12 AAS-NEH Gender in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World of Print
Carolyn Eastman
Assistant Professor, University of Texas
2008-09 Last "Learning to See: Gender in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World."
Paul Echols
PhD Candidate, New York University
1978-79 Daniels The Development of Revival Music in the US: 1820-1860
Sari Edelstein
PhD Candidate, Brandeis University
2008-09 Peterson The Novel & the News: Women and the Politics of U.S. Print Culture before 1900.
Maureen Egan
Creative Writer, Richmond, VA
2022 Baron Research for Non-Fiction picture book for school-aged children about the life and work of Ruth Henshaw Bascom, 19th-century folk artist
Jennifer Egloff
PhD Candidate, New York University
2009-10 Peterson Popular Numeracy in Early Modern England and British North America
Peter Eisenstadt
PhD Candidate, New York University
1984-85 Haven Weather and Weather Prediction in Colonial America
Ansel Elkins
Poet, Greensboro, NC
2012 Hearst A collection of poems about the lives of 19th-century conjoined twins Chang and Eng Bunker and Millie-Christine McKoy
Kimberly Elkins
Fiction Writer, New York, NY
2007 Hearst What is Visible: A novel about the lives of Laura Bridgman and Julia Ward Howe
Mary Beth Ellis
Non-Fiction Writer, Cincinnati, OH
2011 Last (Artist) PBS documentary under development by historian and author Richard Brookhiser about theory that Hamilton and other Founding Fathers were "proto-bloggers"
Krista Elrick
Photographer, Santa Fe, NM
2016 Last (Artist) A Country No More: Rediscovering the Landscapes of John James Audubon
D. Berton Emerson
Visiting Assistant Professor of English, Pomona College
2016-17 Botein Local Rules: Vernacular Aesthetics and Alternative Democracies in Antebellum Print Culture
Patrick Erben
Professor of English, University of West Georgia
2019-20 Reese The German Pietist Origins of the American Self
Wyatt Erchak
PhD Candidate in History, Carnegie Mellon University
2024-25 Peterson Private Wrongs: A Hidden History of the American Civil War’s First Black Union Regiment
Katharina Erhard
PhD Candidate,
2004-05 Ebeling 'An Empire in Many Respects the Most Interesting in the World': Choreographies of Empire in Early American Plays
Paul J. Erickson
PhD Candidate, University of Texas, Austin
1998-99 Peterson Welcome to Sodom: The Cultural Work of the American City-Mysteries Novel, 1840-1860
Betsy Erkkilä
Professor of English, Northwestern University
2014-15 AAS-NEH Imagining the Revolution: Literature and Politics in Insurrectionary America
Lukas Etter
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Siegen
2016-17 Ebeling 'Word Problems': Popular and Educational Discourses on Mathematics in the Pre-Civil War United States
Lukas Etter
Assistant Professor of English, University of Siegen
2019-20 Peterson 'Word Problems’: Popular, Literary, and Educational Discourses on Mathematics in the Pre-Civil War United States
Nicole Eustace
Assistant Professor, New York University
2008-09 Peterson War Ardor: Sex and Sentiment in the War of 1812
John Evelev
PhD, Duke University
1996-97 Botein Tolerable Entertainment: Herman Melville, the Literary Profession, and the Cultural Life of Antebellum New York
Michael Everton
PhD Candidate, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
2003-04 Reese Moral Vampires and the Blood of Genius: Vocational Ethics in Early American Literary Culture
Ann V. Fabian
Associate Professor, Yale University
1994-95 Botein Selling Experience: Amateur Authors and Pamphlet Publication in the Nineteenth-Century US
Michel Fabre
Professor, Universite de Paris III
1991-92 Peterson The Creoles of Color: Cultural Production as a Basis of Group Identity
Geneviève Fabre-Moreau
Professor, Universite de Paris VII
1991-92 Peterson Afro-American Feasts and Celebrations in the United States
Meganne Fabrega
Writer, Portsmouth, NH
2014 Last (Artist) Tell Me a Story: Amy Ella Blanchard and Ida Waugh's World of Girls
Andrew Fagal
PhD Candidate, Binghamton University
2013-14 Peterson The Political Economy of War in the Early American Republic
Alice E. Fahs
Assistant Professor, University of California, Irvine
1995-96 Botein Publishing the Civil War: Northern Publishers and the Literary Marketplace of War