Kathryn Walkiewicz Assistant Professor of Literature, University of California, San Diego |
2021-22 |
Un-Tied States: Nineteenth-Century Narratives of Indigeneity and Territory |
Kathleen Walkup Professor of Book Arts, Mills College |
2014-15 |
Botein |
Printing at the Margins |
Altina L. Waller Professor, University of Connecticut |
2001-02 |
Margaret Eaton, Sexuality and Empowerment in Jacksonian America |
Altina L. Waller Professor, University of Connecticut |
2001-02 |
Margaret Eaton, Sexuality and Empowerment in Jacksonian America |
Nicole Waller Junior Professor, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz |
2007-08 |
Ebeling |
American Encounters with Islam in the Atlantic World |
Catherine H. Walsh PhD Candidate in Art History, University of Delaware |
2011-12 |
Last |
Narrative and Orality in Nineteenth-Century American Visual Culture |
Megan Walsh Professor of English, St. Bonaventure University |
2019-20 |
Bad Archives: Extra-Illustration and the History of Information Management in the U.S. |
Megan Walsh Assistant Professor of English, St. Bonaventure University |
2013-14 |
Broadview Edition of Frank J. Webb’s The Garies and Their Friends |
William Ward Professor Emeritus, |
1987-88 |
Peterson |
An International History of the Great Awakening |
Michael D. Warner Assistant Professor, Northwestern University |
1986-87 |
The Letters of the Republic |
Wendy A. Warren PhD Candidate, Yale University |
Peterson |
African Slavery in New England, 1638-1700 |
Wendy A. Warren PhD Candidate, Yale University |
2005-06 |
Peterson |
African Slavery in New England, 1638-1700 |
Jordan Watkins Adjunct Professor, Utah Valley University |
2015-16 |
Peterson |
'Another Attucks': The African-American Response to Dred Scott |
Patricia Watson PhD Candidate, Johns Hopkins University |
1984-85 |
Hiatt |
Preacher-Physicians of Colonial New England |
Peter Way PhD Candidate, University of Maryland |
1988-89 |
Hiatt |
Rough Labor: The Digging of North America's Canals, 1780-1860 |
Joanne Wegner PhD Candidate in History, University of Minnesota |
2014-15 |
Peterson |
Captive Economies: Commodified Bodies in Colonial New England, 1630-1763 |
Sarah Weicksel PhD Candidate, University of Chicago |
2013-14 |
Last |
The Fabric of War: Clothing, Culture, and Violence in the American Civil War Era |
Karen Woods Weierman Assistant Professor, Worcester State University |
2000-01 |
One Nation, One Blood: Interracial Marriage in American Fiction, Scandal, and Law, 1820-1870 |
Karen Woods Weierman Professor of English, Worcester State University |
2024-25 |
Legacy |
Forty Acres and a Mule: A Legal and Literary History |
Courtney Weikle-Mills Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh |
2008-09 |
Reese |
Imaginary Citizens: Child Readers and the Making of a U.S. Literary Public, 1700-1852 |
Adrian Chastain Weimer Associate Professor of History, Providence College |
2017-18 |
Godly Petitions: Puritanism and the Crisis of the Restoration in America |
Adrian Chastain Weimer Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi |
2010-11 |
Peterson |
A Cultural History of Affliction and Consolation in Early New England |
David Weir PhD Candidate, Princeton University |
1984-85 |
Hiatt |
The Covenant in New England, 1620-80 |
Barbara M. Weisberg Writer and Producer, New York, NY |
1998 |
Wallace |
Talking to the Dead: A non-fiction children's book about Kate and Maggie Fox |
Andrew Wells Alfried Krupp Junior Fellow, Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg, University of Greifswald |
2019-20 |
Ebeling |
Localising Liberty: Freedom in the Urban British Atlantic, 1660-1760 |
Holly Wendt Novelist, Annville, PA |
2014 |
Baron |
Holystone: A novel based on the early eighteenth century pirate Captain Samuel “Black Sam” Bellamy |
Aubrey Wertheim Playwright, Oberlin, OH |
1996 |
Wallace |
A full length one woman show about Fanny Fern, the first female American columnist |
Carola Wessel Research Librarian, Georg August University of Göttingen |
2002-03 |
Peterson |
Bibliography and Editions of German Language Broadsides Printed in North America, 1700-1830 |
Michael D. West Professor, University of Pittsburgh |
1985-86 |
Peterson |
Thoreau and the Search for the Language of Nature, 1690-1865 |
Michael D. West Professor, University of Pittsburgh |
1985-86 |
Peterson |
Thoreau and the Search for the Language of Nature, 1690-1865 |
Ellen Westbrook Assistant Professor, Southern Mississippi University |
1992-93 |
Peterson |
Cultural Captives: Euro Amer Indian Literary Landscapes |
Charles Wetherell PhD Candidate, University of New Hampshire |
1978-79 |
Daniels |
A Social History of the Early American Press |
Daniel Wewers PhD Candidate, Harvard University |
2005-06 |
Peterson |
Divisible Under God: American Religion, Politics, and the Idea of Secession, 1783-1833 |
Karen Weyler PhD Candidate, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill |
1995-96 |
Botein |
Issues of Privacy and Publicity in the Early American Novel |
Rachel Wheeler PhD Candidate, Yale University |
1996-97 |
Peterson |
Forgotten Conversation: The Indian European Negotiation of Religion in the Eighteenth Century Northeast |
Shane White Lecturer, University of Sydney |
1990-91 |
Peterson |
Black Festivals in the United States, 1750-1860 |
Gloria Whiting PhD Candidate, Harvard University |
2012-13 |
Peterson |
'Endearing Ties': Black Family Life in Early New England |
Ellen Wiener Painter, Printmaker, Book Artist, Princeton, NJ |
2002 |
Hearst |
A new 'Book of Hours' using imagery from nineteenth century sources |
Andrew Wildermuth Doctoral Researcher, Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nuremberg |
2024-25 |
Packer |
Malleability in Antebellum Periodical Cultures |
Steven Wilf PhD Candidate, Yale University |
1988-89 |
Hiatt |
Public Executions and the Rituals of Order in the Late 18th Century |
Kriota Willberg Choreographer and Cartoonist, New York, NY |
2006 |
Hearst |
Updated version for a performance of the 1866 Broadway production of 'The Black Crook' |
Daniel Williams Associate Professor, University of Mississippi |
1993-94 |
The Theft of Authorship |
Harry Williams PhD Candidate, Brown University |
1985-86 |
Haven |
Charles Lenox Remond and the Community of Female Abolitionists |
J. Gary Williams Associate Professor, University of Idaho |
1983-84 |
Haven |
James Fenimore Cooper's Notions of the Americans |
Susan S. Williams Associate Professor, Ohio State University |
1997-98 |
Botein |
Writing Home: Female Authorship and Print Culture in America, 1820-00 |
Trudy Williams Playwright, Leeds, MA |
2019 |
Baron |
Complex Harmony: Music, Walt Whitman, and the Railroads |
Kimmika Williams-Witherspoon Performance Poet, Philadelphia, PA |
1996 |
Wallace |
Life and Times of Lucy Terry |
Jennifer Wilson PhD Candidate, CUNY Graduate Center |
2009-10 |
Peterson |
Performing Frenchness in Nineteenth-Century New York and New Orleans: Francois Boieldieu's 'La Dame Blanche'; Daniel Auber's 'La Muette de Portici'; and Giacomo Meyerbeer's 'Robert le Diable' and 'Les Huguenots' |
Lisa H. Wilson Professor, Connecticut College |
2010-11 |
Cinderella's Family |
Robbie Wilson Composer, Sturbridge, MA |
2025 |
Hearst |
Research for a narrative song cycle or chamber opera using the letters of black and white Civil War soldiers |
Monique Wimby Mellon Data Fellow, Cornell University |
2024-25 |
Korzenik |
"Git in the Woods”: Enslaved Women’s Epistemologies of Self, Community and World |
Robert Winans Assistant Professor, Wayne State University |
1984-85 |
Boni |
Checklist of Catalogues of Books printed in 18th-century American Newspapers |
Robert Winans Assistant Professor, Wayne State University |
1979-80 |
Daniels |
A Descriptive Checklist of Book Catalouges Separately Printed in American, 1639-1800, Part 2 |
Julie Winch Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts, Boston |
1987-88 |
Peterson |
American Free Black and Emigration to Haiti in the 1820's |
Jordan Wingate PhD Candidate in English, University of California, Los Angeles |
2018-19 |
Tracy |
The Periodical Origins of the American Self |
Louis Winkler Astronomer, Pennsylvania State University |
1978-79 |
Daniels |
Popular Astronomical and Astrological Thought in New England before 1800 |
Michael B. Winship Associate Professor, University of Texas, Austin |
1993-94 |
The American Book in the Industrial Era |
Michael B. Winship Professor, University of Texas |
2009-10 |
Reaching the Market: Book Distribution in the United States, 1825-1950 |
Michael B. Winship Editor, University of Texas, Austin |
1989-90 |
Peterson |
Publishers Trade Sales in the Nineteeth Century United States |
Peter Wirzbicki Collegiate Assistant Professor, Harper/Schmidt Society of Fellows, University of Chicago |
2014-15 |
Packer |
Black Intellectuals, White Abolitionists, and Revolutionary Transcendentalists |
Kelly Wisecup Assistant Professor of English, University of North Texas |
2014-15 |
Peterson |
Objects of Encounter |
Darbyshire Witek PhD Candidate in English, University of Delaware |
2024-25 |
Botein |
Reading American Racial Thought in the Memory and Myth of the Underground Railroad |
Ann Withington Assistant Professor, Michigan State University |
1991-92 |
Elite and Popular Culture in the Confederation and Early National Period |
Matthew Wittmann PhD Candidate, University of Michigan |
2005-06 |
Peterson |
American Popular Culture and the Pacific World in the Nineteenth-Century |
Barbara Wojtusik Teacher, Eastern High School, Bristol, CT |
1993-94 |
Peterson |
The Somers Mutiny |
Stephanie Wolff Visual Artist, Norwich, VT |
2013 |
Last (Artist) |
Artist books and prints focusing thematically on weather and its intersection with human experience, with specific focus on the diaries of Anna Blackwood Howell |
John Wolffe Lecturer, York College |
1988-89 |
Peterson |
Aspects of Anti Catholicism in the United States, 1830-60 |
Wendy A. Woloson Curator, Library Company of Philadelphia |
2005-06 |
Peterson |
Underground Economies: People, Markets, and Used Goods in 18th- and 19th-Century America |
Ilyon Woo PhD Candidate, Columbia University |
2004-05 |
Peterson |
"Mother against Mother" |
Jewon Woo Professor of English, Lorian County Community College |
2024-25 |
Korzenik |
(Re)Constructing Black Childhood: Young Readers and Contributors of Black Newspapers |
Joseph S. Wood Associate Professor, George Mason University |
1988-89 |
Peterson |
The Literary Origins of New England Village Symobolism |
Marcus Wood , Worcester College, Oxford University |
1992-93 |
Peterson |
Aboliton Propaganda in Britiain and the United States, 1780-1860 |
Andrea Woods Choreographer , Brooklyn, NY |
1996 |
Wallace |
Ballad of the Black Cowboy |
Walter W. Woodward PhD Candidate, University of Connecticut |
1997-98 |
Peterson |
The Magic in Colonization: Religion, Science and the Occult in the Creation of New England Culture |
Ben Wright Associate Professor of Historical Studies, University of Texas, Dallas |
2022-23 |
Last |
Empires of Souls: The United States, Britain, and West African Colonization |
Ben Wright Assistant Professor, Abraham Baldwin Agriculture College |
2015-16 |
Peterson |
Antislavery and American Salvation |
Nazera Sadiq Wright Associate Professor of English, University of Kentucky |
2020-21 |
Early African American Women Writers and their Libraries |
Nazera Sadiq Wright Assistant Professor of English, University of Kentucky |
2013-14 |
Ford |
Girlhood in African American Literature, 1827-1949 |
Robert Wright Professor, Michigan State University |
1974-75 |
Daniels |
Music and Broadside Ballad Collections for Ballads and Songs of the Western Migration, vol 3 |
Robert E. Wright Visiting Assistant Professor, Temple University |
1999-00 |
Peterson |
Early American Finance: Revolution, Integration, Expansion |
Nicholas Wrightson PhD Candidate, Jesus College, Oxford University |
2006-07 |
Peterson |
Locating Philadelphia in the Print Culture of the British Atlantic World, c. 1730-65 |
Karin A. Wulf Assistant Professor, American University |
2000-01 |
In the Shade of the Family Tree: Genealogy and Representation of Family Identity in Early America |
Hilary E. Wyss Associate Professor, Auburn University |
2006-07 |
Native Literacy and Education in Early America |
Nick Yablon PhD Candidate, University of Chicago |
2002-03 |
American Antiquities: The Aesthetics and Politics of the Ruin in Nineteenth-Century America |
Elisabeth Yang Recent PhD, Childhood Studies, Rutgers University |
2022-23 |
Alstott Morgan |
Constructing Moral Babies: Medical and Pedagogical Discourses on Infancy in America, 1810s-1920s |
Zongsui Yang Visiting Professor of History, Harvard University |
1982-83 |
Haven |
History and Source Book on the American Revolution in Chinese |
Lynda Yankaskas PhD Candidate, Brandeis University |
2007-08 |
Botein |
Borrowing Culture: Social Libraries and the Shaping of American Civic Life, 1731-1851 |
Jonathan Yeager Assistant Professor of History, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga |
2014-15 |
Reese |
Jonathan Edwards and Transatlantic Print Culture |
Lauren Yee Playwright, San Francisco, CA |
2009 |
Baron |
interdisciplinary play exploring the concept of "performing racial identity in America" |
Kariann Akemi Yokota PhD Candidate, University of California, Los Angeles |
1999-00 |
Peterson |
A Culture of Insecurity: The Early Republic as a Post-Colonial Nation, 1789-1830 |
Rosetta Young Visiting Assistant Professor in the Writing Program, Haverford College |
2020-21 |
Last |
The Game of Human Life: Modern cultures of Childhood and Professional Society |
Shana Youngdahl Poet and Author, Farmington, ME |
2017 |
Hearst |
Research for poems about women in the early New England tin ware industry |
Rafia M. Zafar Associate Professor, |
1999-00 |
Peterson |
'And Called it Macaroni': Eating, Writing, Becoming American |
Rosemarie Zagarri Associate Professor of History, George Mason University |
1996-97 |
Gender and the First Party System |
Jeremy Zallen Associate Professor of History, Lafayette College |
2022-23 |
Peterson |
Saltwater Marronage: Making the Pacific into a Fugitive Geography |
Magdalena Zapedowska PhD Candidate in English, University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
2018-19 |
Botein |
Black Dissent and Black Freedom: Revolution, Emigration, Reform, 1850-1870 |
Jeanette Zaragoza Associate Professor, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras |
2024-25 |
Alstott Morgan |
8000 |
Ronald J. Zboray Adjunct Professor in Social Science, Pace University |
1983-84 |
Boni |
A Fictive People: Antebellum Economic Development and the Reading Public for American Novels, 1837-57 |
Ronald J. Zboray Associate Professor of History, University of Texas, Arlington |
1992-93 |
Literary Enterprise in Antebellum America: Publishers, Novelists, and the Reading Public |
Madeline Zehnder PhD Candidate in English, University of Virginia |
2019-20 |
Botein |
Pocket-Sized Nation: Cultures of Portability in America, 1790-1840 |
Eran Zelnik Lecturer in History, California State University, Chico |
2019-20 |
Last |
Republic of Mirth: Humor, Settler Colonialism, and the Making of a White Man’s Democracy, 1750-1850 |
Sergei Zhuk Associate Professor of History, Dniepropetrovsk, Ukraine |
1996-97 |
Peterson |
'Brothers in Divorce': Quakers' Attitudes toward Sectarian Religious Groups of Early America in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries |
Dominique Zino PhD Candidate, CUNY Graduate Center |
2011-12 |
Last |
'On a Certain Blindness': The Visionary Aesthetics of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Emily Dickinson, William James, and Henry James |
Andrea Zittlau Research Assistant, University of Rostock |
2012-13 |
Ebeling |
Disfigurement and the Medical Gaze in Nineteenth-Century American Literature |
David Zonderman Assistant Professor of History, |
1989-90 |
Peterson |
Uneasy Allies: Working Class Activists and Middle Class Reformersin Nineteenth-Century Boston and New York |
Clay Zuba PhD Candidate, University of Delaware |
2015-16 |
Last |
Apess' Eulogy, Narrative Visualcy, and the Shpaes of Sovereignty |
Mary Zundo PhD Candidate, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
2007-08 |
Last |
Mapping Destiny: Cartography and Nineteenth-Century American Art of the Frontier |