Persistent Providence: Religion and Epidemics in Eighteenth-Century America
The Scale of Beings and the Prehistory of 'separate but equal'
'My Narrative Is Just Published': The Production, Dissemination, and Reception of Antebellum Slave Narratives
Tuberculosis and Popular Culture in New England: 1800-1840
History's Imprint: The Colonial Book and the Writing of American History, 1790-1855
Poems and Parodies: Voice-Effects and the Profession of Poetry in Nineteenth-Century America
Racial Ambiguity and Citizenship in the Postemancipaton Transtlantic World
The Political Catechisms for Schools and Children in the United State, 1790-1850
The Construction of the Black Criminal
'What Are You Reading, What Are You Saying?' American Reading and Writing Practices, 1760-1860