Kate B. and Hall J. Peterson Fellowship

Kate B. and Hall J. Peterson Fellowships are for research on any topic supported by the collections. Stipends derive from the income on an endowment provided by the late Hall J. Peterson and his wife, Kate B. Peterson. This fellowship is awarded to individuals engaged in scholarly research and writing - - including doctoral dissertations - - in any field of American history and culture through 1876.

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Date Name Affiliation Position
2024-25 Mindy L. Buchanan-King University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill PhD Candidate in English and Comparative Literature (Un)Veiling Disease: Women’s Breast Cancer and Concealed Diagnoses
2024-25 Abby Clayton Indiana University, Bloomington PhD Candidate in English Narrating Abolition: Scissors-and-Paste Reform in the Emerging Anglosphere
2024-25 Hunter Davis Moskowitz Northeastern University PhD Candidate in World History Labor and Race in the Global Textile Industry: Lowell, Concord and Monterrey in the Early 19th Century
2024-25 Amy Earhart Texas A&M University Associate Professor of English The Millican Massacre: Newspaper Transmission and Extension of Reconstruction Racial Violence
2024-25 Wyatt Erchak Carnegie Mellon University PhD Candidate in History Private Wrongs: A Hidden History of the American Civil War’s First Black Union Regiment
2024-25 Li-hsin Hsu National Chengchi University Professor Racial and Ecological Intimacies in the Mid-nineteenth-century Atlantic Silk Imagination
2024-25 Jennifer W. Reiss University of Pennsylvania PhD Candidate in History Undone Bodies: Women and Disability in Early America
2024-25 Damien Rousseliere Institut Agro Professor Accounting, Remuneration and Labor Conflicts in 19th American Utopian Communities: A comparison between Northampton Association of Education and Industry and other Communes
2023-24 Ronald Angelo Johnson Baylor University Associate Professor of History Mutual Entanglements: Transracial Ties between Haitians and Revolutionary Americans
2023-24 Samantha Plasencia Colby College Assistant Professor of English Signifying Against Anti-Blackness: Black Rhetorical Communities in Early America 1760-1830
2023-24 Daniel J. Burge Kentucky Historical Society Associate Editor in Research and Collections The Washington Doctrine, A Continental History, 1800-1920
2023-24 Taneil Ruffin Princeton University PhD Candidate in History Haitian Revolution Refugees and Legal Cultures of Slavery and Freedom in the Atlantic World, 1791-1860
2023-24 Grant Stanton University of Pennsylvania PhD Candidate in History White Allies in Revolutionary Massachusetts?: The Antislavery Commitments of Isaiah Thomas and Ezekiel Russell
2023-24 CUNY Graduate Center PhD Candidate in History American Timelines: Imperial Communications, Colonial Time-Consciousness, and the Coming of the American Revolution
2023-24 Alexander Chaparro-Silva University of Texas, Austin PhD Candidate in History Writing the Other America: Democracy, Race, and Print Culture in the Americas, 1830-1898
2023-24 Kathryn Angelica University of Connecticut PhD Candidate in History An Uneasy Alliance: Cooperation and Conflict in Nineteenth-Century Black and White Women's Activism
2022-23 Jean Franzino Boston College Visiting Assistant Professor of English Dis-Union: Disability, Narrative, and the American Civil War
2022-23 Sopanit Angsusingha Georgetown University PhD Candidate in History The Gospel of Civility: Missionary Encounters, Education, and Gender in Iraq
2022-23 Eva Landsberg Yale University PhD Candidate The Politics of Sugar in the 18th-Century British Atlantic
2022-23 Jeremy Zallen Lafayette College Associate Professor of History Saltwater Marronage: Making the Pacific into a Fugitive Geography
2022-23 Molly Farrell Ohio State University Associate Professor of English New World Calculation: The Making of Numbers in Colonial America
2022-23 Alexandra Finley University of Pittsburgh Assistant Professor of History Forced to Work for Her Own Support: Financial Panic in the Household Economy
2022-23 Travis Foster` Villanova University Associate Professor of English & Gender and Women's Studies Womanish: Variant Femininities Before Gay and Trans
2022-23 Paul Polgar University of Mississippi Associate Professor of History An Abolition Peace: Black Rights, the Union Cause, and the Rise of Radical Reconstruction
2022-23 Michael Schoeppner University of Maine, Farmington Associate Professor of History The First Illegal Immigrants
2022-23 Edu Levati The American School of São Paulo High School Teacher of Historia Social Hemispheric Negotiations: The United States Recognition of Brazilian Independence
2020-21 Holly Gruntner College of William and Mary PhD Candidate in History 'some people of skil and curiosity': Knowledge and Labor in Early American Gardens, 1650-1820
2020-21 Lindsay Keiter Pennsylvania State University, Altoona Assistant Professor of History Uniting Interests: Love, Money, and the Law in American Marriage, 1750-1860
2020-21 Jerrad Pacatte Rutgers University PhD Candidate in History Fit for Town and Country: African American Women, Labor, and the Pursuit of Freedom in New England, 1740-1850
2020-21 Anna Todd University of Pennsylvania PhD Candidate in History The Ties that Bind: Illegitimacy in Early America
2020-21 Zachary Turpin University of Idaho Assistant Professor of English A Targeted Archival Search for Walt Whitman’s Missing Novels
2020-21 Timothy Fosbury University of California, Los Angeles PhD Candidate in English Persistent Futures of Bermudas Past
2020-21 Yiyun Huang University of Tennessee, Knoxville PhD Candidate in History The Chinese Origins of Medicinal Tea: Global Cultural Transfer and a Vast Early America
2019-20 Lukas Etter University of Siegen Assistant Professor of English 'Word Problems’: Popular, Literary, and Educational Discourses on Mathematics in the Pre-Civil War United States
2019-20 Caylin Carbonell College of William and Mary PhD Candidate in History At Home in My Master’s House: Household, Labor, and Authority in Early New England
2019-20 Kimberly Takahata Columbia University PhD Candidate in English and Literature Skeletal Testimony: Bony Biopolitics in the Early Atlantic
2019-20 Lindsey Grubbs Emory University PhD Candidate in English Moral Disorders: The Diagnostic Logic of Nineteenth-Century Literature and Medicine
2019-20 Sean Griffin Lehman College PhD Candidate in History Labor, Land, and Freedom: Antebellum Labor Reform and the Rise of Antislavery Politics
2019-20 Alex Leslie Rutgers University PhD Candidate in Literature Reading Regions: American Literature and Cultural Geography, 1865-1915
2019-20 Gerard Holmes University of Maryland PhD Candidate in English 'Discretion in the Interval': Emily Dickinson’s Musical Performances
2019-20 Katherine Bergren Trinity College Professor of English Ordinary Transatlanticism: Anonymous Parodies of Romantic Poetry from the Caribbean and U.S.
2018-19 Dorin Smith Brown University PhD Candidate in English Brain Fever
2018-19 Kate McIntyre Columbia University PhD Candidate in English Fugitive Circulations: The Political Ecology of Poetry in Early African-American Newspapers
2018-19 Jamie Bolker Fordham University PhD Candidate in English Lost and Found: Wayfinding in Early American Literature and Culture
2018-19 Peter Jaros Franklin & Marshall College Associate Professor of English Incorporate Things: A Literary Genealogy of Corporate Personhood in Antebellum America
2018-19 Rachael Pasierowska Rice University PhD Candidate in History Beasts, Birds, and Bondsmen: Animal and Slave Interactions in Atlantic World Slavery
2018-19 Justin Tackett Stanford University PhD Candidate in English Investigating the Poetics of American Stethoscopy and Telegraphy
2018-19 Trent MacNamara Texas A&M University Assistant Professor of History Big Sky: Popular Ideas about the Heavens in America
2018-19 Camden Burd University of Rochester PhD Candidate in History The Ornament of Empire: Nurserymen and the Making of the American Landscape
2018-19 Nikki Hessell Victoria University of Wellington Associate Professor of English Sensitive Negotiations: Romantic Literature and Indigenous Diplomacy, 1820-1950
2018-19 Madeline Kearin Ryan Brown University PhD Candidate in Anthropology The Sensory Ecology of the Worcester State Hospital for the Insane
2017-18 Dexter Gabriel University of Connecticut Assistant Professor Performing Freedom in the Mighty Experiment
2017-18 John Shufelt Brown University Visiting Associate Professor Newspaper Accounts of the Coolie Slave Trade
2017-18 Todd Thompson Indiana University of Pennsylvania Associate Professor Savage Laughter: Nineteenth-Century Humor and the South Seas
2017-18 Kathleen Hilliard Iowa State University Associate Professor Bonds Burst Asunder: The Revolutionary Politics of Getting By in Civil War and Emancipation, 1860-1867
2017-18 Hannah Anderson University of Pennsylvania PhD Candidate Lived Botany: Domesticity, Settler Colonialism, and Ecological Adaption in Early British North America
2017-18 Kevin Butterfield University of Oklahoma Associate Professor The Great Excitement
2017-18 Kristen Beales College of William and Mary PhD Candidate Religion and Commerce in Eighteenth-Century America
2017-18 Patrick O'Connor University of Montana PhD Candidate The Health of the State: Tobacco and the Paradox of Public Power, 1862-1933
2017-18 Nancy J. Siegel Towson University Professor Political Appetites: Revolution, Taste, and Culinary Activism in the Early Republic
2017-18 Abby Goode Plymouth State University Assistant Professor Democratic Demographics: a Literary Genealogy of American Sustainability
2016-17 Todd Carmody Harvard University Lecturer Racial Handicap: Uplift and Rehabilitation in Postbellum America
2016-17 Jonathon Booth Harvard University PhD Candidate Criminal Law and Post-Emancipation Society in the Atlantic World
2016-17 Natalie Joy Northern Illinois University Assistant Professor of History Abolitionists and Indians in the Antebellum Era
2016-17 Sonia Di Loreto University of Torino Associate Professor Margaret Fuller’s Transnational Archive
2016-17 Angela Pulley Hudson Texas A&M University Associate Professor of History Indian Doctresses in the Nineteenth-Century United States
2016-17 Sophie Heather Jones University of Liverpool PhD Candidate From Anglicization to Loyalism: New York, 1691-1783
2016-17 Jessica Farrell University of Minnesota PhD Candidate (Re)Capturing Empire: A Reconsideration of Liberia’s Precarious Sovereignty and American Empire as Exception in the Nineteenth Century
2016-17 Mary Draper University of Virginia PhD Candidate The Urban World of the Early Modern British Caribbean
2016-17 James Dupey Arizona State University PhD Candidate Editor as Clergy: The Power of Print in the Stone-Campbell Movement
2016-17 Kirsten Fischer University of Minnesota Associate Professor of History Vitalism in America: Elihu Palmer’s Radical Religion in the Early Republic
2015-16 Cassandra Berman Brandeis University PhD Candidate Motherhood, the Law, and the Court of Public Opinion: Contesting Maternity in Nineteenth-Century America
2015-16 Tyesha Maddox New York University PhD Candidate From Invisible to Immigrants: Political Activism and the Construction of Caribbean American Identity, 1890-1940
2015-16 Robert Mills Northwestern University PhD Candidate The Pirate and the Sovereign
2015-16 Stephen Berry Simmons College Associate Professor Importing the Exotic: Early American Maritime Encounters with World Religions
2015-16 Don James McLaughlin University of Pennsylvania PhD Candidate Touching Phobia: Viral Affect and the Madicalization of Fear in Nineteenth-Century Anglo-American Literature
2015-16 Nicholas Bonneau University of Notre Dame PhD Candidate Unspeakable Loss: North America's Invisible Throat Distemper Epidemic of 1735-1765
2015-16 Sueanna Smith University of South Carolina PhD Candidate The Cultural Work of the Early American Fraternal Sphere
2015-16 Kabria Baumgartner College of Wooster Assistant Professor The Work of Time and Love: African American Women and Educational Activism in Early America
2015-16 Jordan Watkins Utah Valley University Adjunct Professor 'Another Attucks': The African-American Response to Dred Scott
2015-16 Ben Wright Abraham Baldwin Agriculture College Assistant Professor Antislavery and American Salvation
2014-15 Daniel Radus Cornell University PhD Candidate in English The Eulogy on Tour: Kinship and the Transnational History of Native New England
2014-15 Max Mishler New York University PhD Candidate in History Boundaries of Freedom: Abolition, Punishment, and the Atlantic Origins of Mass Incarceration
2014-15 Christopher Florio Princeton University PhD Candidate in History The Poor Always with You: Poverty in an Age of Emancipation, 1833-1877
2014-15 Ben Bascom University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign PhD Candidate in English State Affects and Republican Properties: Feeling Wrongly in the Early United States
2014-15 RJ Boutelle Vanderbilt University PhD Candidate in English Transamerican Visions of Freedom and the Circuits of U.S. Abolitionism
2014-15 Joanne Wegner University of Minnesota PhD Candidate in History Captive Economies: Commodified Bodies in Colonial New England, 1630-1763
2014-15 Carol Faulkner Syracuse University Associate Professor of History The End of Marriage: Adultery in Nineteenth-Century America
2014-15 Linford Fisher Harvard University PhD Candidate "The Politics of Conversion: Indian Agency, Religious Change, and Race in Southern New England, 1736-1775"
2014-15 Drew Lopenzina Old Dominion University Assistant Professor of English Cultural Biography of William Apess
2014-15 Kelly Wisecup University of North Texas Assistant Professor of English Objects of Encounter
2014-15 Lindsay Regele Brown University PhD Candidate in History Manufacturing Advantage: The Federal Government, Diplomacy, and the Origins of American Industrialization, 1790-1840
2013-14 Andrew Fagal Binghamton University PhD Candidate The Political Economy of War in the Early American Republic
2013-14 Brenton Grom Case Western Reserve University PhD Candidate The Death and Transfiguration of American Psalmody ca. 1805-1840
2013-14 Ryan Carr Yale University PhD Candidate Arts and Sciences of American Expression: 1820-1890
2013-14 Sean Trainor Pennsylvania State University PhD Candidate Men's Grooming Advertisements and the Making of the White Male Body
2013-14 Emahunn Campbell University of Massachusetts, Amherst PhD Candidate The Construction of the Black Criminal
2013-14 Marco Marin University of Trieste Postdoctoral Fellow The Political Catechisms for Schools and Children in the United State, 1790-1850
2013-14 Nicholas Guyatt Assistant Professor The Scale of Beings and the Prehistory of 'separate but equal'
2013-14 Philippa Koch University of Chicago Divinity School PhD Candidate Persistent Providence: Religion and Epidemics in Eighteenth-Century America
2013-14 Greta LaFleur University of Hawai'I, Manoa Assistant Professor American Insides: Popular Narrative and the Historiography of Sexuality, 1674-1815
2013-14 Lincoln Mullen Brandeis University PhD Candidate Varieties of Religious Conversion
2012-13 Gloria Whiting Harvard University PhD Candidate 'Endearing Ties': Black Family Life in Early New England
2012-13 Patrick Luck Johns Hopkins University PhD Candidate The Creation of a Deep South: Making the Sugar and Cotton Revolutions in the Lower Mississippi Valley, 1790-1825
2012-13 Myron Gray University of Pennsylvania PhD Candidate French Music in Federal Philadelphia
2012-13 Christine Croxall University of Delaware PhD Candidate Holy Waters: Lived Religion, Identity, and Loyalty along the Mississippi River, 1780-1830
2012-13 Mikki Smith University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign PhD Candidate Even a Boy's Press Has a 'Power': Amateur Journalism and Youth Information Culture, 1867-1890
2012-13 Randi Lewis University of Virginia PhD Candidate To 'the most distant parts of the Globe': Trade, Politics, and the Maritime Frontier in the Early Republic, 1763-1819
2012-13 Christopher Apap Oakland University Special Lecturer The Genius of the Place
2012-13 Christina Snyder Indiana University, Bloomington Assistant Professor The Indian Gentlemen of Choctaw Academy: Status and Sovereignty in Antebellum America
2012-13 Mark Thompson University of Groningen Assistant Professor Surveyors and the Production of Empire in British North America
2012-13 Richard Bell University of Maryland Assistant Professor The Blackest Market: Patty Cannon, Kidnapping, and the Domestic Slave Trade
2011-12 Christine M. DeLucia Yale University PhD Candidate Making Past and Place in the Northeast after King Philip's War (1675-78)
2011-12 Claire Gherini Johns Hopkins University PhD Candidate 'That Great Experiment': Plantation America and the Remaking of Medicine in the Anglophone Atlantic, 1730-1800
2011-12 Jonathan Nash State University of New York, Albany PhD Candidate 'Not the best company': Children and Incarceration in the Early United States, 1787-1850
2011-12 Susan Branson Syracuse University Associate Professor Animal Magnetism: Science and Pseudo-science in American Society, 1800-1860
2011-12 Benjamin Cooper Lecturer Writing American Soldiers: Nineteenth-Century Varieties of Military Experience
2011-12 Hannah Farber University of California, Berkeley PhD Candidate The Insurance Industry in the Early Republic
2011-12 Kara French University of Michigan, Ann Arbor PhD Candidate The Politics of Sexual Restraint: Debates over Chastity in America, 1780-1850
2011-12 Julien Mauduit Université du Québec à Montréal PhD Candidate 'Locofocoism' and the Canadian Revolution (1837-1842): from a selection of pamphlets, newspapers, and other printed materials
2011-12 John Leary Wayne State University Assistant Professor A Cultural History of Underdevelopment: Latin America in the U.S. Imagination
2011-12 Britt M. Rusert Temple University Postdoctoral Fellow Experiments in Freedom: Black Popular Science and the Struggle against Slavery
2010-11 Aaron Marrs U.S. Department of State Historian Moving Forward: A Social History of the Transportation Revolution
2010-11 Sarah Keyes University of Southern California PhD Candidate Circling Back: Migration to the Pacific and the Reconfiguration of America, 1820-1900
2010-11 Philip Herrington University of Virginia PhD Candidate The Plantation as Imagined in Antislavery Discourse, 1830-1860
2010-11 Xi Chen University of Washington, Seattle PhD Candidate The Life and Times of John B. Gough
2010-11 Tim Cassedy New York University PhD Candidate The Character of Communication, 1790-1810
2010-11 Glenda Goodman Harvard University PhD Candidate Songs Crossing the Atlantic: The Making of Musical Hybrids
2010-11 Christopher Pastore University of New Hampshire PhD Candidate From Sweetwater to Seawater; An Environmental and Atlantic History of Narragansett Bay, 1636-1836
2010-11 Elizabeth Pryor Smith College Assistant Professor The United States Itinerancy of Mrs. Zilpha Elaw, 1812-1840
2010-11 Sara E. Lampert University of Michigan PhD Candidate Women and the Making of the Nineteenth-Century Culture Industry
2010-11 Adrian Chastain Weimer University of Mississippi Assistant Professor A Cultural History of Affliction and Consolation in Early New England
2009-10 Yvette Piggush Florida International University Assistant Professor We Have No Ruins: Antiquarianism, Archives, and National Identity in the United States, 1790-1840
2009-10 John Huffman Harvard University PhD Candidate Documents of Identity in the Early Republic
2009-10 Joseph Bonica Middle Tennessee State University Visiting Assistant Professor Open Secrets: The Cultural Politics of Secrecy and the Formation of the Early American Republic
2009-10 Jennifer Egloff New York University PhD Candidate Popular Numeracy in Early Modern England and British North America
2009-10 Wendy Roberts Northwestern University PhD Candidate Revival Poetry and the Formation of the Evangelical Ear in Eighteenth-Century America
2009-10 Jennifer Wilson CUNY Graduate Center PhD Candidate Performing Frenchness in Nineteenth-Century New York and New Orleans: Francois Boieldieu's 'La Dame Blanche'; Daniel Auber's 'La Muette de Portici'; and Giacomo Meyerbeer's 'Robert le Diable' and 'Les Huguenots'
2009-10 Carrie Hyde Rutgers University PhD Candidate Alienable Rights: Negative Styles of U.S. Citizenship, 1798-1868
2009-10 Jeffrey Malanson Boston College PhD Candidate Addressing America: Washington's Farewell and the Making of National Culture, Politics, and Diplomacy, 1796-1852
2009-10 Hélène Quanquin Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris Associate Professor 'With feebler voices?' Men and the American Women's Rights Movement, 1830-1890
2009-10 James Snead George Mason University Associate Professor The 'Kentucky Mummy': Encounters with Antiquity in the Early Nineteenth-Century America
2008-09 Tanya Mears Norfolk State University Assistant Professor 'To Lawless Rapine Bred': Early New England Execution Literature Featuring People of African Descent.
2008-09 Erin Forbes Princeton University PhD Candidate "Popular Crime Writing and the Publications of David Walker and Edgar Allan Poe."
2008-09 April Masten State University of New York, Stony Brook Associate Professor The Challenge Dance: Transatlantic Exchange in Early American Popular Culture
2008-09 Brian Carroll University of Connecticut PhD Candidate Military Masculinities in New England: Anglo-American and Native-American Soldiers, 1689-1763
2008-09 Jeffrey Kaja University of Michigan PhD Candidate "From Rivers to Roads: Economic Development and the Evolution of Transportation Systems in Early Pennsylvania, 1675-1800."
2008-09 Kelly Sisson University of Michigan PhD Candidate "King Corn in American Culture, 1862-1936."
2008-09 Monique Patenaude University of Rochester PhD Candidate Comparative History of Black Communities in Buffalo, Rochester, and Syracuse, NY, 1840-1870
2008-09 Sari Edelstein Brandeis University PhD Candidate The Novel & the News: Women and the Politics of U.S. Print Culture before 1900.
2008-09 Nicole Eustace New York University Assistant Professor War Ardor: Sex and Sentiment in the War of 1812
2008-09 Ellen Gruber Garvey New Jersey City University Associate Professor Book, Paper, Scissors: Scrapbooks Remake American Print Culture.
2008-09 Jane Merritt Old Dominion University Associate Professor The Trouble with Tea: Consumption, Politics, and the Making of a Global Colonial Economy
2008-09 Robert Gunn University of Texas, El Paso Assistant Professor Ethnology and Empire: John Russell Bartlett and the U.S./Mexico Borderlands
2008-09 Derrick R. Spires Vanderbilt University PhD Candidate Reimagining a 'Beautiful but Baneful Object': Black Writers' Theories of Citizenship and Nation in the Antebellum U.S.
2007-08 Jonathan Gross DePaul University Professor Thomas Jefferson's Scrapbooks: Prose Clippings
2007-08 Amanda Bilby Johns Hopkins University PhD Candidate Letters, Recipes, and Gifts: Exploring Transatlantic Female Alliances within the Pollard and Salisbury Families
2007-08 Nancy G. Isenberg University of Tulsa Associate Professor Dirty Politics in Early America
2007-08 Valerie McKito Texas Tech University PhD Candidate In the Shadow of Victory: Loyalists in the Aftermath of the Revolution
2007-08 Lily Santoro University of Delaware PhD Candidate The Science of God's Creation: Popular Science and Christianity in the Early Republic
2007-08 Edward Andrews University of New Hampshire PhD Candidate Saints our of Savages: Native American and African Missionaries, 1750-1775
2007-08 Amanda Herbert Johns Hopkins University PhD Candidate Transatlantic female alliances, 1640-1714
2007-08 Daniel Kilbride John Carroll University Associate Professor The Grand Tour: European Travelers and American National Identities, 1750-1870
2007-08 Aaron Sachs Cornell University Assistant Professor Death and Life in the American Environment: Radical Arcadias of the Nineteenth Century
2007-08 Lisa Tetrault Carnegie Mellon University Assistant Professor Memory of a Movement: Re-Imagining Woman Suffrage in Reconstruction America, 1865-1895
2007-08 Paul Jones Ohio University Assistant Professor The Newgate Novel Comes to America: Antebellum Crime Fiction and the Anti-Gallows Movement
2007-08 Sarah Purcell Grinnell College Associate Professor The Politics of Mourning and the U.S. Civil War
2006-07 Margaret Nash University of California, Riverside Assistant Professor Higher Education for Women and the Formation of Gender, Class, and Race Identity in the United States, 1840-1875
2006-07 Eleanor McConnell Brandeis University PhD Candidate A Scarce Plenty: Economics, Citizenship, and Opportunity in Revolutionary New Jersey, 1760-1820
2006-07 Robert Naeher Emma Willard School Chair Puritan Prayer, Expressive Voice, and the Shaping of Identity
2006-07 Candice Harrison Emory University PhD Candidate The Politics of Exchange in Philadelphia's Public Markets, 1770-1859
2006-07 James Lundberg Yale University PhD Candidate Reading Horace Greeley's America, 1834-1872
2006-07 Nicholas Wrightson Jesus College, Oxford University PhD Candidate Locating Philadelphia in the Print Culture of the British Atlantic World, c. 1730-65
2006-07 Natasha Lightfoot New York University PhD Candidate Race, Class, and Resistance: The Aftermath of Emancipation in Antigua, 1831-1858
2006-07 Polly Ha Cambridge University PhD Candidate The Decalogue and Formation of Denomination
2006-07 Catherine Thompson University of Connecticut PhD Candidate From Autonomy to Dependency?: Patient-Physician Relations, 1750-1850
2006-07 Eric Stoykovich University of Virginia PhD Candidate Live Stock Nation: How Farm Animals Domesticated the Northern United States during the Early Republic, 1794-1876
2006-07 Gesa Mackenthun University of Rostock Professor The Conquest of Antiquity: Geographical Discovery and Romantic Scholarship in the USA
2006-07 Ruma Chopra University of California, Davis PhD Candidate Loyalist Persuasions: New York City, 1776-1783
2006-07 Gabriel Loiacono Brandeis University PhD Candidate The People and the Poor: Experiences and Ideas of Poverty in Rhode Island, 1780-1888
2006-07 Martha Schoolman Miami University Assistant Professor American Abolitionist Geographies
2005-06 Kathryn S. Koo Saint Mary's College of California Assistant Professor In the House of God: Cotton Mather and the Making of Puritan Slavery
2005-06 Marina Moskowitz University of Glasgow Assistant Professor Seed Money: The Economies of Horticulture in 19th-Century America
2005-06 Elizabeth Johnston Harvard College Teaching Assistant Choosing Freedom, Risking Slavery: African Americans, Antislavery Advocates, and the Courts in Massachusetts, 1830-1860
2005-06 Daniel Wewers Harvard University PhD Candidate Divisible Under God: American Religion, Politics, and the Idea of Secession, 1783-1833
2005-06 Jen Manion Rutgers University PhD Candidate Women's Crime and Penal Reform in Early Pennsylvania, 1776-1835
2005-06 Susan Graham University of Minnesota PhD Candidate Female Dorrites and Antebellum Partisanship
2005-06 Maria Bollettino University of Texas, Austin PhD Candidate Slaves and Slavery in the Seven Years' War
2005-06 Timothy Helwig University of Maryland PhD Candidate Race, Nativism, and the Making of Class in Antebellum City-Mysteries
2005-06 Nian-Sheng Huang California State University, Channel Islands Associate Professor The Poor in Early Massachusetts, 1630-1830
2005-06 Anthony Szczesiul University of Massachusetts, Lowell Associate Professor Reconstructing 'Southern Hospitality': Print Culture and the Invention of a Cultural Fiction
2005-06 Matthew Wittmann University of Michigan PhD Candidate American Popular Culture and the Pacific World in the Nineteenth-Century
2005-06 Wendy A. Woloson Library Company of Philadelphia Curator Underground Economies: People, Markets, and Used Goods in 18th- and 19th-Century America
2005-06 Wendy A. Warren Yale University PhD Candidate African Slavery in New England, 1638-1700
2004-05 Thomas Augst University of Minnesota Assistant Professor The Sobriety Test: Temperance and the Melodramas of Modern Citizenship
2004-05 Katherine McCaffrey Boston University PhD Candidate "Reading Glasses: American Spectacles from Benjamin Franklin's Bifocals to Mithril"
2004-05 Jennifer L. Anderson New York University PhD Candidate Nature's Currency: The Atlantic Mahogany Trade in the 18th Century
2004-05 Phyllis Cole Pennsylvania State University, Delaware County Professor Feminist Writers and the Periodical Press in Antebellum America
2004-05 Lynne Z. Bassett Independent Scholar "American Whole-Cloth Quilts: A Study of Regional Innovation, Refinement, and Domestic Production"
2004-05 Christopher W. Phillips University of Cincinnati Associate Professor South of North: The Civil War on the Middle Border
2004-05 Peter Leavenworth University of New Hampshire PhD Candidate "Confrontations of Taste: American vs. European Standards of Music Aesthetics in the Early Republic"
2004-05 David Gellman DePauw University Assistant Professor Liberty's Legacy: The Jay Family and the Problems of American Freedom
2004-05 Vicki Hsueh Western Washington University Assistant Professor Hybrid Constitutionalism: Negotiating Constitutions and Cultures in the Proprietary Colonies, 1625-1690
2004-05 Angela Pulley Hudson Yale University PhD Candidate Indians, Slaves, and Surveyors on the Federal Road, 1790s-1840s
2004-05 Ilyon Woo Columbia University PhD Candidate "Mother against Mother"
2003-04 Jill Anderson Thomas Jefferson Foundation Assistant Editor "Nothing Done!": The Poet in Early Nineteenth-Century American Culture
2003-04 Matthew Pursell Brown University PhD Candidate English Liberty, American Bondage: Servitude in the British Atlantic, 1630-1780
2003-04 Ellen Gilbert Rutgers University Independent Scholar St. Wulstan Society Papers
2003-04 Scott Miltenberger University of California, Davis PhD Candidate All Gotham's Creatures: Animals and the Middle Class in New York City, 1783-1898
2003-04 Rebecca McNulty University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign PhD Candidate Education for Empire: Manual Labor, Civilization, and the Family in Nineteenth-Century American Missionary Education
2003-04 Shelby Balik University of Wisconsin, Madison PhD Candidate The Religious Frontier
2003-04 Thomas Brown University of South Carolina Associate Professor The Reconstruction of American Memory: Civic Monuments of the Civil War
2003-04 Matthew Clavin American University PhD Candidate Men of Color, to Arms!
2003-04 Erika Gasser University of Michigan PhD Candidate The Afflicted Grew Presently Well: Witchcraft and Possession in Old and New England, 1600-1700
2003-04 Nancy G. Isenberg University of Tulsa Associate Professor The Sexual Politics of Aaron Burr
2003-04 Leon Jackson University of South Carolina Assistant Professor The Business of Letters: Authorial Economies in America, 1780s-1840s
2003-04 Brian P. Luskey Emory University PhD Candidate The Marginal Men: Clerks and the Meanings of Class in Nineteenth-Century America
2003-04 Katherine Preston Associate Professor Against the Grain: English-Language Opera Companies in Late Nineteenth-Century America
2003-04 Beth Barton Schweiger University of Arkansas Assistant Professor Reading Slavery: Southerners and Their Books
2003-04 Renée Sentilles Case Western Reserve University Assistant Professor Tomboys and Other Nineteenth-Century Girls
2002-03 Michael Vorenberg Brown University Assistant Professor Reconstructing the People: The Invention of Citizenship During the American Civil War
2002-03 Thomas Coens Harvard University PhD Candidate The Formation of the Jackson Party, 1822 - 1829
2002-03 Rachel Chernos Lin Brown University PhD Candidate The Rhode Island Slave Traders and their Communities, 1750-1807
2002-03 Joycelyn K. Moody Hamilton College Chair, Women's Studies Silent Language: Enslaved Women and the Production of Literature without Literacy
2002-03 Brandon Johnson University of Chicago PhD Candidate Spirits on the Stage: Public Mediums, Spiritualist Theater, and American Culture, 1848-1893
2002-03 Sargent Bush Jr. University of Wisconsin, Madison Professor The Type of the Good Hearer in Puritan Theory and Practice
2002-03 Carola Wessel Georg August University of Göttingen Research Librarian Bibliography and Editions of German Language Broadsides Printed in North America, 1700-1830
2002-03 Philip F. Gura University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill William S. Newman Distinguished Professor Guitars for all America: C.F. Martin (1796-1873) and the 19th Century Music Trade
2002-03 Honor Sachs University of Wisconsin, Madison PhD Candidate The Best Poor Woman's Country: Women, Gender, and Politics in the Eighteenth-century Kentucky Backcountry
2002-03 Reiner Smolinski Georgia State University Associate Professor Authority & Interpretation: Cotton Mather's 'Biblia Americana'
2001-02 Karen O'Brien Northwestern University PhD Candidate Making the Personal Political: Religion, Obligation and Identity in the American Revolution
2001-02 Anne Baker Reed College Visiting Assistant Professor of English Geography, National Form, and the American Renniassance
2001-02 Robert F. Forrant University of Massachusetts, Lowell Associate Professor Manufacturer to Industrial America: Worcester-area Machine Tool Firms and Skill, 1830-1875
2001-02 Lisa Brooks Cornell University PhD Candidate Recovering the Voices of Our Ancestors
2001-02 Benjamin L. Carp University of Virginia PhD Candidate Cityscapes and Revolution: Urban Spaces and Revolutionary Mobilization in North America, 1740-1790
2001-02 Scott E. Gac New York University PhD Candidate The Hutchinson Family Singers and the Culture of Antebellum Reform
2001-02 Granville Ganter Assistant Professor Pregnant Words: The Matrix of Public Speech in the Northeast, 1840-1860
2001-02 Stephen A. Mihm New York University PhD Candidate The Alchemists: Counterfeiters and Counterfeiting in Antebellum America
2000-01 Gretchen Adams University of New Hampshire PhD Candidate The Specter of Salem in American Culture
2000-01 Holly Heinzer Yale University PhD Candidate On the Move: The Means and Meanings of Travel in Northeastern America, 1750-1850
2000-01 William van Arragon Indiana University PhD Candidate Cotton Mather in American Cultural Memory, 1728-1892
2000-01 Udo J. Hebel University of Regensburg Chair Forefathers' Day Orations and Celebrations between the American Revolution and the Civil War
2000-01 Joseph Cullon University of Wisconsin, Madison PhD Candidate The Work of Many Hands: Ships and the Economic Culture of Early New England
2000-01 JoAnne Thomas Western Michigan University PhD Candidate 'Good Bye, Old Arm': Songs of the Civil War
2000-01 Kimberly Gladman Jackson New York University PhD Candidate Mysteries and Miseries: City Mysteries Novels and Class in Antebellum America
2000-01 Howard P. Chudacoff Brown University Professor Children and Their Styles of Play, 1750-1880
2000-01 Jacqueline Goldsby Cornell University Assistant Professor A Spectacular Secret: The cultural Logic of Lynching in American Literature and Life
2000-01 Benjamin Irvin Brandeis University PhD Candidate Representative Men: A Cultural History of the Continental Congress
2000-01 Andrew Lewis Yale University PhD Candidate Antiques of State: Archaeology in Early Republican America
2000-01 Krystyn Moon Johns Hopkins University PhD Candidate From 'John Chinaman' to 'Japanese Sandman': China and Japan in American Music, 1850-1920
1999-00 Catherine E. Kelly University of Oklahoma Assistant Professor Things Useful and Ornamental: Gender, Culture, and Gentility in the Bourgeois Republic
1999-00 Helena Ifeka Columbia University PhD Candidate The Parkman Relations
1999-00 Cindy R. Lobel CUNY Graduate Center PhD Candidate Consuming Classes: Food, Eating, and Images of Consumption in the United States, 1790-1860
1999-00 Laura Schiavo George Washington University PhD Candidate A Collection of Endless Extent and Beauty: Stereographs, Perception, Taste, and the American Middle Class
1999-00 Christopher Grasso College of William and Mary Associate Professor Skepticism and American Faith: The Early Nineteenth Century
1999-00 Kate Haulman Cornell University PhD Candidate The Empire's New Clothes: The Politics of Dress in America, 1765-1820
1999-00 Kathryn Mudgett Northeastern University PhD Candidate Dana, Melville, Justice Story, and the Law and Literature of the Sea
1999-00 Robert E. Wright Temple University Visiting Assistant Professor Early American Finance: Revolution, Integration, Expansion
1999-00 Kariann Akemi Yokota University of California, Los Angeles PhD Candidate A Culture of Insecurity: The Early Republic as a Post-Colonial Nation, 1789-1830
1999-00 Rafia M. Zafar Associate Professor 'And Called it Macaroni': Eating, Writing, Becoming American
1999-00 Graham Hodges Colgate University Professor David Ruggles: Black Apostle of Freedom
1998-99 Nancy Hagedorn St John's University Assistant Professor Interpreters Among the Iroquois, 1664-1775
1998-99 Jonathan Cook Portland, OR Independent Scholar The Apocalyptic Imagination in the American Renaissance
1998-99 Heather S. Nathans Tufts University PhD Candidate Avoiding Party Matters: The Boston Theatre Rivalries of the 1790's
1998-99 Betsy Homsher University of California, Santa Barbara PhD Candidate The Diaries of Sally Ripley Stearns
1998-99 Colin McCoy University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign PhD Candidate Partisans and Pamphleteers: The Literature of Persuasion in Jacksonian America, 1820-1845
1998-99 Paul J. Erickson University of Texas, Austin PhD Candidate Welcome to Sodom: The Cultural Work of the American City-Mysteries Novel, 1840-1860
1998-99 Philip F. Gura University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill William S. Newman Distinguished Professor America's Instrument: The 19th Century Banjo
1998-99 Candy Brown Harvard University PhD Candidate Salt to the World: A Cultural History of Evangelical Reading, Writing, and Publishing Practices in Mid-Nineteenth-Century America
1998-99 Leslie Butler Reed College Visiting Assistant Professor James Russell Lowell and the Cultural Politics of Antebellum American Nationalism
1998-99 Scott E. Casper University of Nevada, Reno Associate Professor First Families: Presidents at Home in the American Imagination, 1789-20
1998-99 Konstantin Dierks Brown University PhD Candidate Letter Writing, Gender, and the Middling Sort in America, 1750-1800
1998-99 Louis P. Masur City College of New York Professor The American Republic in 1831
1998-99 James Rixey Ruffin University of Delaware PhD Candidate William Bentley and the Politics of Rational Religion, 1783-1800
1998-99 Steven B. Stoll Yale University Assistant Professor Larding the Lean Earth: Agriculture and the Environment in America, 1800-1850
1998-99 W Lhamon Florida State University George M. Harper Professor Jump Jim Crow: Plays, Lyrics, and Street Prose of the First Atlantic Popular Culture
1997-98 Alan Ruffman Geomarine Associates Ltd. President Historic Meterology and the 1775 Hurricane
1997-98 Harvey Green Northeastern University Professor Myth and History in American Literary and Material Culture, 1850-10
1997-98 Michael Joseph Rutgers University Librarian McLoughlin Bros, 1858-1878
1997-98 Elaine Jackson-Retondo University of California, Berkeley PhD Candidate The Penitentiary as an Artifact of the Cultural Landscape: A Comparative Analysis, 1780-1860
1997-98 Elisabeth Nichols University of New Hampshire PhD Candidate 'Pray Don't Tell Anybody That I Write Politics': Private Reflections and Public Admonitions in the Early Republic
1997-98 Kevin Sheets University of Virginia PhD Candidate Latin America, the Dead Language, Schools, and the Culture of the Educated Man
1997-98 Phillip Troutman University of Virginia PhD Candidate Geographies of Family and Market: Enslaved Migration in Antebellum Virginia and Washington, DC
1997-98 Bret Carroll University of Texas, Arlington Visiting Assistant Professor Religion and Masculinity in Antebellum America
1997-98 Andrew Burstein University of Northern Iowa Assistant Professor Sentimental Democracy: The Evolution of America’s Romantic Self-Image
1997-98 Seth Cotlar Northwestern University PhD Candidate In Paine's Absence: The Europeanization of American Political Thought, 1787-1803
1997-98 Carolyn Eastman Johns Hopkins University PhD Candidate A Nation of Speechiers: Oratory, Print, and the Making of Gendered American Public, 1780-1850
1997-98 Nancy Newman Brown University PhD Candidate Good Music for a Free People: The Germania Musical Society in the United States, 1848-1854
1997-98 Joanne Passet University of Wisconsin, Madison PhD Candidate The American Debate on Marriage: Religion, Gender, and Social Radicalism, 1850-1900
1997-98 Susan Ryan University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill PhD Candidate Race and the Language Benevolence in Antebellum America
1997-98 Carol Singley Rutgers University Associate Professor Adoption in American Literature and Culture
1997-98 Walter W. Woodward University of Connecticut PhD Candidate The Magic in Colonization: Religion, Science and the Occult in the Creation of New England Culture
1997-98 Richard Rath Brandeis University PhD Candidate North American Soundways, 1600-1800
1996-97 Megan Haley-Newman College of William and Mary PhD Candidate Pest Control Strategies and Their Social Implications in the Chesapeake Area, 1600-1800
1996-97 Sergei Zhuk Dniepropetrovsk, Ukraine Associate Professor of History 'Brothers in Divorce': Quakers' Attitudes toward Sectarian Religious Groups of Early America in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
1996-97 Timothy Marr Yale University PhD Candidate Islamic Orientalism in Nineteenth-Century America
1996-97 Gregory Maertz St John's University Associate Professor Goethe's Translators, Critics, and Readers in Nineteenth-Century New England
1996-97 Melissa J. Homestead University of Pennsylvania PhD Candidate Imperfect Title: Nineteenth-Century American Women Authors and Literary Property
1996-97 David Anthony University of Michigan, Ann Arbor PhD Candidate Scandalous Aesthetics: Masculine Emotion and the Birth of the Public Sphere in Antebellum America
1996-97 Jennifer Baker University of Pennsylvania PhD Candidate Currency of Words: Finance and Literary Imagination in Early America
1996-97 David W. Blight Amherst College Associate Professor Reunion and Race: The Civil War in American Memory, 1870-1915
1996-97 Paul Foos Yale University PhD Candidate Mexican Wars, 1835-1853: Manifest Destiny and American Society
1996-97 Ben Mutschler Columbia University PhD Candidate Cultures of Sickness, Cultures of Health: Illness in New England, 1690-1820
1996-97 Michael Sappol Columbia University PhD Candidate Singing the Body Electric
1996-97 Rachel Wheeler Yale University PhD Candidate Forgotten Conversation: The Indian European Negotiation of Religion in the Eighteenth Century Northeast
1995-96 Peter Martin Emory College PhD Candidate Forgotten Immigrant Church: The French-Canadian Religious Identity in New England
1995-96 Jeffrey D. Groves Harvey Mudd College Associate Professor Ticknor and Fields: Literary Promotion and American Canon Formation, 1840-1865
1995-96 Heidi Schultz University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill PhD Candidate Women Writing in the American South: Writing at Female Acadmies and Writing Without Teachers, 1800-1860
1995-96 Karen Halttunen University of California, Davis Professor Jacob's Pillows: Natural History and Memory in the Making of New England
1995-96 Joseph Rainer University of Mississippi Visiting Instructor Peddler Folklore in Southern Almanacs
1995-96 Catherine A. Allgor Yale University PhD Candidate Political Parties: Society and Politics in Washington City, 1800-1832
1995-96 Meredith L. McGill Harvard University Assistant Professor American Literature and the Culture of Reprinting Rewriting Romanticism Fashioning the Marketplace
1995-96 Stephen Rice Yale University PhD Candidate Incorporating the Machine: Labor, Fatigue, and the Problem of Self-Regulation in Nineteenth-Century Industrial America
1995-96 Mary Beth Sievens Boston University PhD Candidate Stray Wives: Marital Expectations and Conflict in Vermont 1790-1830
1995-96 Jean Silver-Isenstadt University of Pennsylvania PhD Candidate Pure Pleasure: The Shared Life and Work of Mary S. Gove Nichols and Thomas Low Nichols in American Health Reform
1995-96 Albert J. von Frank Washington State University, Pullman Professor Anthony Burns, Fugitive Slave
1995-96 Kent Walgren Salt Lake City, UT Assistant Attorney General Bibliography of American Masonic and Antimasonic Imprints, 1734-1850
1994-95 April Alliston Princeton University Assistant Professor A Cultural Biography of James Fenimore Cooper
1994-95 Laura Kennelly Baldwin-Wallace College Assistant Editor Samuel West: Private Life in Revolutionary Times, 1739-1808
1994-95 Katherine Grant Yale University PhD Candidate The Lyceum Movement in America, 1826-1890
1994-95 Martin Burke University College, Galway Lecturer Signs of the Cross: Protestants, Catholics, and the Construction of Religious Identities in America, 1700-1800
1994-95 Pamela Schirmeister New York University Assistant Professor A Cultural Biography of James Fenimore Cooper
1994-95 Sally Hadden University of Toledo Associate Professor Slave Patrols of the Old South and Newspapers as Disseminators of Legal Information
1994-95 Elise Lemire Rutgers University PhD Candidate Discourses of Miscegenation in United States, 1800-1865
1994-95 Stephen Middleton North Carolina State University Associate Professor The Black Laws of Ohio
1994-95 James R. Raven Magdalene College, Cambridge University Director The Importation of Books to North America in the Eighteenth Century
1994-95 Rebecca Tannenbaum Yale University PhD Candidate A Woman's Calling: Women's Medical Practice in Early New England
1994-95 Marla R. Miller University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill PhD Candidate `My Daily Bread Depends Upon My Labor': Gender and Artisanry in Early America
1993-94 Russell Duncan John Carroll University Assistant Professor Joshua Fights the Civil War: James Montgomery, 'Bleeding Kansas,' and Black Equality
1993-94 Janice Simon University of Georgia Assistant Professor The Forest Interior in American Painting, 1840-00
1993-94 Barbara Wojtusik Eastern High School, Bristol, CT Teacher The Somers Mutiny
1993-94 Russell Handsman Litchfield, CT Independent Scholar Challenging the Silences in New England History: John Milton Earle and the Indian People of Massachusetts
1993-94 Katherine Chavigny University of Chicago PhD Candidate American Confessions: The Formation of Antebellum Addiction Narratives
1993-94 Molly Berger Case Western Reserve University PhD Candidate Hotel Dreams: Luxury, Technology, and Urban Ambition in America, 1829–1929
1993-94 Martha Burns Brown University PhD Candidate A Piano in the Parlor: Music and Gentility in America 1790-1860
1993-94 Kenneth Haltman Bryn Mawr College Postdoctoral Fellow The Invention of Ethnographic Portraiture
1993-94 Jill M. Lepore Yale University PhD Candidate Commemorating Cruelty: Writing and Remembering King Philip's War, 1675-76
1993-94 Scott A. Sandage Rutgers University PhD Candidate Deadbeats, Drunkards, and Dreamers: The Problem of Failure in Nineteenth Century America
1992-93 Michael Bellesiles Emory University Assistant Professor The Origins of American Gun Culture, 1760-1840
1992-93 Ellen Westbrook Southern Mississippi University Assistant Professor Cultural Captives: Euro Amer Indian Literary Landscapes
1992-93 Michael Clapper Northwestern University PhD Candidate The 'Popular' and 'Elite' Disjunction in Art in the United States after the Civil War
1992-93 Sally Griffith Villanova University Associate Professor Boosterism in Nineteenth-Century American Newspapers
1992-93 Russell L. Martin III University of Virginia PhD Candidate Almanacs of the Southern States, 1732-1860
1992-93 Ann Bowden University of Texas, Austin Ransom Scholar A Descriptive and Historical Bibliography of Sir Walter Scott, 1792-1836
1992-93 Marcus Daniel Princeton University PhD Candidate Ribaldry and Billingsgate: Popular Journalism and Political Culture in the Early Republic
1992-93 David L. Waldstreicher Yale University PhD Candidate Nationalism and Celebration in Post-Revolutionary America, 1780-1836
1992-93 Marcus Wood Worcester College, Oxford University Aboliton Propaganda in Britiain and the United States, 1780-1860
1992-93 Phyllis Hunter College of William and Mary PhD Candidate Ship of Wealth: New England Merchants, Colonial Capitalism, and the Rhetoric of Money
1992-93 Clare A. Lyons Drake University Associate Professor of History Sex Among the 'Rabble': Gender Transitions in the Age of the Revolution, Philadelphia 1750-1830
1992-93 William Todd University of Texas, Austin Professor Emeritus A Descriptive and Historical Bibliography of Sir Walter Scott, 1792-1836
1991-92 Charles Hanson University of California, Berkeley PhD Candidate From the Quebec Act to the French Alliance: Anti-Catholicism in Revolutionary New England
1991-92 Michel Fabre Universite de Paris III Professor The Creoles of Color: Cultural Production as a Basis of Group Identity
1991-92 Geneviève Fabre-Moreau Universite de Paris VII Professor Afro-American Feasts and Celebrations in the United States
1991-92 Claudia L. Bushman Independent Scholar America Discovers Columbus
1991-92 Nell Irvin Painter Princeton University Professor A Critical Biography of Sojourner Truth
1991-92 Carol Sheriff Yale University PhD Candidate The Social and Cultural Impact of the Erie Canal, 1790-1860
1990-91 Scott E. Casper Yale University PhD Candidate The Cultural and Literary Contexts of Antebellum Campaign Biography and Children's Biography
1990-91 Thomas Brown University of Detroit Mercy Assistant Professor The Routinization of Charisma in the Early Democratic Part
1990-91 Christopher F. Clark University of York Lecturer in History To Live in the Common Cause: Communal and Cooperative Groups in Nineteenth-Century America
1990-91 Shane White University of Sydney Lecturer Black Festivals in the United States, 1750-1860
1990-91 Mary C. Kelley Dartmouth College Professor Achieving Authority: Women in Public in Early America
1990-91 Carolyn J. Lawes University of California, Davis Associate Instructor The Second Great Awakening and the Development of Commercial Capitalism in Worcester, Massachusetts, 1820-48
1989-90 Franciszek Lyra Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Senior Lecturer Revising the Canon of the First Two Centuries of American Literature
1989-90 Robert Friedel University of Maryland Associate Professor Documenting Changes in Household Materials, 1800-87
1989-90 Mason I. Lowance Jr. University of Massachusetts, Amherst Professor Uncle Tom's Cabin and the New England Sermon Tradition
1989-90 Philip F. Gura University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill William S. Newman Distinguished Professor The Reverend Nathan Fiske and the Cultural Transformation of Central Massachusetts
1989-90 Michael B. Winship University of Texas, Austin Editor Publishers Trade Sales in the Nineteeth Century United States
1989-90 David Zonderman Assistant Professor of History Uneasy Allies: Working Class Activists and Middle Class Reformersin Nineteenth-Century Boston and New York
1988-89 Janet Brodie California State Polytechnic University Lecturer Women and Freethought in the US, 1820-60
1988-89 Lydia Schurman Northern Virginia Community College Professor Publishers, Publications, and Purveyors: The Dime Novel Publishing World, 1860-15
1988-89 John Wolffe York College Lecturer Aspects of Anti Catholicism in the United States, 1830-60
1988-89 Karen Hansen University of California, Berkeley PhD Candidate The Social Dimension of Laborers' Lives, 1810-60
1988-89 Burton Bledstein University of Illinois, Chicago Associate Professor A Language Event: The Middle Classes in American History, 1828-19
1988-89 Faye Dudden Union College Assistant Professor Gender in Performance: Women in the American Theater, 1790-1870
1988-89 David Philip Jaffee CUNY Assistant Professor People of the Wachusett: Town Founders and Village Historians of New England, 1630-1860
1988-89 Rosalind Remer University of California, Los Angeles PhD Candidate Philadelphia Publishers in the New Republic
1988-89 Joseph S. Wood George Mason University Associate Professor The Literary Origins of New England Village Symobolism
1988-89 Carla G. Pestana Ohio State University Assistant Professor Sectarianism in Colonial Massachusetts
1987-88 Mary Rhinelander McCarl Boston University PhD Candidate More Confessions of Thomas Shepard's Cambridge Parishioners, 1648-49
1987-88 Nancy Hagedorn College of William and Mary PhD Candidate Mediating the Exchange of Cultures: Interpreters among the Iroquois, 1664-1775
1987-88 Wendy Greenhouse Yale University PhD Candidate Tudors and Stuarts in Antebellum America
1987-88 Karl Kroeger University of Colorado, Boulder Music Librarian The Complete Works of William Billings
1987-88 Jean M. O'Brien University of Chicago PhD Candidate Community Dynamics in the Indian-English Town of Natick, Massachusetts, 1650-1790
1987-88 Bradley Dean University of Connecticut PhD Candidate Thoreau as Lecturer
1987-88 Catherine E. Kelly University of Rochester PhD Candidate Mothers and Daughters: Intergenerational Conflict and Continuity, 1820-39
1987-88 Paula Backscheider University of Rochester Associate Professor A Biography of Daniel Defoe
1987-88 Karen Halttunen Northwestern University Associate Professor Murder and the Gothic Imagination in American Culture
1987-88 William Ward Professor Emeritus An International History of the Great Awakening
1987-88 Julie Winch University of Massachusetts, Boston Assistant Professor American Free Black and Emigration to Haiti in the 1820's
1986-87 Curtis Hinsley Colgate University Associate Professor Anthropology in Boston, 1860-20
1986-87 Katherine Preston CUNY PhD Candidate Traveling Opera Troupes in the United States, 1830-65.
1986-87 James R. Raven Pembroke College, Cambridge University Fellow The Economics of Bookselling in Britian 1700-1800; Print and Trade in Eighteenth-Century Britiain
1986-87 Yan Li University of Connecticut PhD Candidate The Transformation of the Massachusetts Constitution, 1780-1860
1986-87 Michael Carlebach University of Miami Assistant Professor The Origins of Photojournalism in America, 1839-80
1986-87 David Paul Nord Associate Professor Journalism and Cities in American History
1986-87 Andrew J. O'Shaughnessy Lincoln College, Oxford University Lecturer The Politics of the Leeward Islands
1985-86 Gillian Elise Avery Author The American Pattern of Childhood
1985-86 Elizabeth Bethel Lander University Associate Professor Afro-American Responses to the First Emancipation
1985-86 Jean Friedman University of Georgia Associate Professor Families at War: Northern and Southern Communities in the Civil War
1985-86 Anne McLucas Harvard University Associate Professor The Connection Between American Folk Song and Theatre
1985-86 Katherine Preston CUNY PhD Candidate Traveling Opera Troupes in the United States, 1830-65
1985-86 Michael D. West University of Pittsburgh Professor Thoreau and the Search for the Language of Nature, 1690-1865
1985-86 Michael D. West University of Pittsburgh Professor Thoreau and the Search for the Language of Nature, 1690-1865
1984-85 Robert A. Gross Amherst College Associate Professor The Ideology of Print: The Book and Social Change in America
1984-85 Mary Beth Norton Cornell University Professor Gender in Seventeenth-Century America
1984-85 Richard Schwarzlose Northwestern University Associate Professor The Origins of the Newspaper Press
1984-85 Cathy N. Davidson Michigan State University Associate Professor The Origins of American Fiction
1983-84 Richard Gildrie Austin Peay State Professor New England Clerics and Popular Civility, 1679-1740
1979-80 Cynthia Hamilton Manchester Metropolitan University Senior Lecturer Representations of the Freedmen 1861-76
Wendy A. Warren Yale University PhD Candidate African Slavery in New England, 1638-1700